Steam\errorlogs - Printable Version

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Steam\errorlogs - Guest - 09-12-2003

Ok, I noticed that there was an errorlogs directory... and I am presuming that when there's an error it writes a file in here... I have errorlog00001.txt errorlog00002.txt errorlog00003.txt and errorlog00004.txt already... judging by the numbers... they are expecting a lot of errors...

Error:Steam error:  SteamProcessCall(Login,0xab0002,0x149fc04,0x149fd0c) failed with error 200: Connection Reset, WinSock Error 10054 "Connection reset by peer"

Function trace:

Error:Steam error:  SteamIsCacheLoadingEnabled(60,*0x1dcfd08=false,0x1dcfd0c) failed with error 1: Steam is busy, please try again later

Function trace:

Error:Steam error:  SteamProcessCall(StartLoading,0xab000d,0x1dcfc04,0x1dcfd0c) failed with error 1: Steam is busy, please try again later

Function trace:

Error:Steam error:  SteamProcessCall(WaitForAppReadyToLaunch,0xab000c,0x149fc04,0x149fd0c) failed with error 41: User's ticket has expired

Function trace:

All the above happened whilst in STEAM and it generated these errors despite me being in there without a problem uptil that point.... The first I believe is related to maybe a network problem... so that can be pretty much ignored, but is included so that you'll know.

Steam\errorlogs - kermit - 09-14-2003

i keep getting this when i try to play ricochet on steam. i get the rico start-up screen, then it crashes. i can't find this "errorlogs" directory you speak of, otherwise i'd post the logs. it has probably not been created on my system since i never got to play a game w/ it yet. ricochet still works fine on the WON servers for me though (i chose to keep my old files and such). can anyone help?

HL caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 015f:bff7e777.
EAX=004c4c44 CS=015f EIP=bff7e777 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=00000000 SS=0167 ESP=0062ec9c EBP=0062eec0
ECX=0062eca8 DS=0167 ESI=00000000 FS=451f
EDX=00000000 ES=0167 EDI=8186ffff GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
c6 40 ff 00 ff 75 fc 8d 8d f0 fe ff ff 51 e8 3b
Stack dump:
8186c6e0 00000000 00000000 5b5a5958 5f5e5d5c 43424160 47464544 4b4a4948 4f4e4d4c 53525150 57565554 7b5a5958 7f7e7d7c 83828180 87868584 8b8a8988

Steam\errorlogs - _Acid_Head_ - 09-14-2003

I don't get any errors, but I freeze up sometimes when trying to load a game, no error or anything, just complete freezeness.

Steam\errorlogs - enzymo - 09-14-2003

I have errorlog00001.txt to errorlog00020.txt..
lot of "failed with error 1: Steam is busy, please try again later" ,
some "failed with error 41: User's ticket has expired"
and "failed with error 1: Failed to get valid content ticket"
failed with error 105: Access denied, errno 13 "Permission denied"

Steam\errorlogs - kermit - 09-14-2003

hl always crashes just when i try to play ricochet. it seems that hldm and op4 are fine. i didn't bother installing the other mods. anyone else having the same problem?

Steam\errorlogs - jabbahunt - 09-14-2003

Its really won that came out with this, just so's we will appreciate them more.

Steam\errorlogs - Guest - 09-14-2003

Sounds like your install hasn't successfully completed, or it's got a config problem with your graphics card...

Steam\errorlogs - evil_admin - 09-14-2003

I have been having the same problems...could only connect to ricochet and not HLDM...however I tried some different HLDM servers and some work fine while others just cause my computer to lock up.

Steam\errorlogs - Guest - 09-14-2003

I have only played Ricochet via STEAM none of the other games wanna work yet...

Steam\errorlogs - kermit - 09-14-2003

Quote:or it's got a config problem with your graphics card...

this is a possibility since i just put in a new card 2 weeks ago. can i work it out somehow? my new card is geforce2 64mb. should i just reinstall my drivers or what?

Steam\errorlogs - Guest - 09-15-2003

That's probably the case... but to make sure, do the unspeakable, and switch to Software mode on your video options in Steam/Half-Life... then try OpenGL/DirectX...

Steam\errorlogs - kermit - 09-19-2003

ah hah..i finally played my first ricochet game on steam today (at ohio's #1). yeah, it was a graphics card issue (thanks net ^_^)...when i ran in software mode. i then updated my drivers and then i could play w/ openGL mode like i usually do. i don't know why it wouldn't run ricochet but would run everything's curious but...whatever.

i'm having graphics card problems in general. for example, sometimes windows will freeze on startup...i then have to start through safe mode and then restart from there. also, when i go to "get my screen back", it takes over 30 seconds for the image to pop on...until then, there is just a solitary blinking cursor in the upper left corner. and now that i've updated my drivers (yet again)...when i go into certain applications, my computer gets stuck for a hard-drive thrashing or's quiet for about 2 minutes, then it goes back to normal.

i just added an auxilary fan (right above the AGP slot) and it's pushing a lot of air out (which is good), but my 200W ps fan hardly moves any air (i never noticed how much air it was moving before). i was wondering if my computer is overheating or not. should i get, say a 300W ps (kind of pricy) or is there possibly another issue causing my problems?

Steam\errorlogs - Guest - 09-22-2003

Your welcome.:)