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Steam - Quickening - 11-09-2003

Well since recieving admin over at the steam server, I've been playin well a ton. And the server is always empty and no one from here:(I'm all alone over there besides joe(quickenings friend) So you think yall could start dropping by there more often:D Also is there anyway we could load up crossfire on to the steam server, that map is a blast:DIt doesn't have to be in rotation, but at least so admin could switch to it. Overall I've only had to warn some guyz bout spawn camping on dm and get some people to chenge their names, one guy got the kick for changing his name to even for things..;)

Steam - Power and Glory - 11-09-2003

I myself was there a bunch. I stopped going there alot since either the server was empty or it was filled with people I didn't know. When I do go there I am usually bombarded with hacking comments or other crude things.

As of now you will rarely see me go in there with my normal name. I have been playing as Player unless I see someone I know.

You might see a couple regs from the one servers drop by. The only ones I've seen are some of the senior admins and PIX.

Until Steam fully takes over people are going to go where the crowd is and that is the WON servers. So Quick it will be you and I for the most part playing on the Steam side of things.

Steam - GRITS - 11-09-2003

yeah I still can't seem to get use to that delay lag, gives me a headache especially on DM2, but I am trying to show up more often...if only to play King of the Pads with P&G :wub:

Steam - Gwarsbane - 11-09-2003

I don't notice any delay lag, then again I have played so many laggy games, including the king of lag Mech Warrior 3 that I can get used to most lag quickly :)

I stop in there now and then, I don't usually hit the dm maps because I prefer arena, but if i'm not busy i'll drop in.

Steam - GRITS - 11-09-2003

Hey quick.....can we move this out of the admin forum I think everyone needs to have access to this thread

Steam - Quickening - 11-09-2003

Well lately I will move it to the dm maps, cause they atract better than arena and I've grown to really like them. Yeh Power I get the whole thing of your hacking, crying..stuff like that...I just ignore and continue owning lol. Could we load up crossfire? I know for sure Joe and I would have a blast and other people will d/l it.

Yeh you can move it.

Steam - [CAKE]anonymity - 11-09-2003

I dont get the hacker comments from nubs on won anymore, maybe they know if your wearing a cake tag, your gonna be super human, so they expect it, or we're famous for hacking, and no one needs to point it out anymore.