Real-life ricochet - Printable Version

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Real-life ricochet - Squish - 05-24-2004

I saw these flying in a park near my house.... I found a picture of them online.... *gulp*

sorry i cant get my http or image posters working lately.... please excuse me.

BUT.... whats next.... jump arrows????

Real-life ricochet - fritoman - 05-24-2004

I have seen them before, they look cool. would like to try them out sometime. :P

Real-life ricochet - Scrye - 05-24-2004

yeah.... try them out of someones neck!!!!

if you hit a certain part of the neck.... you can make someone collapse...
its pretty funny.... lol

but i`m not all that sure about cutting off someones head with a hunk of plastic though.... lol

Real-life ricochet - Squish - 05-25-2004

attach a battery powerd buzzsaw DUH!

Real-life ricochet - Scrye - 05-25-2004

what? way attach it?
just throw the buzzsaw!!!
it`ll add a little challange to it too!!!
what? why not just throw circular saw blades?
you know... just put some flashy lights on them and make them make some cool sounds when you throw then....
like..... MMUUUAAAOOOOWWWWW!!!! and SSSIIIIPPPPP..... when it returns..... RETURNS??? AAAHHH CRAP!!!

Real-life ricochet - Squish - 05-26-2004

well... the frisbee is why this is cool...... you could cut part of the frisbee off insert the blade and then put it back together.. then it would rock.... hmmm maybe a chain saw on the edge of it.... and like a rocket on the push disc.

Real-life ricochet - FreeFall - 05-26-2004

if you cut open the frisbee put the saw blade in and put the frisbee together again. The sawblade would do no more than weigh the thing down, you'd have to cut the frisbee in half and glue one half to one sid eof the blad eand one to the toehr side. of course, it would still be too heavy to fly with a sawblade in it at all.

Real-life ricochet - Scrye - 05-26-2004

uummm..... what?
ok ok ok..... if you put the sawblade on the "inside" then wouldn`t it be on the INSIDE!?!?!!
it would do nothing..... the blade has to be on the outside!!! lol

Real-life ricochet - Squish - 05-28-2004

balde is usually bigger than a frisbee... and thats what i was saying.