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P90 RULES!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Man for 2 rounds I rocked tonight. I took out nearly the whole Terrorist side myself 2 times.

One of them I had my trustly P90 but was low on ammo after I killed GRITS, then I grabbed her auto shotgun and went on a rampage, I was firing off shots left and right raloading as much as I could and just after Jabba fell to my great aim (closed eyes, pulled trigger and prayed) I hid behind a box and reloaded. I stayed there and watched as someone walked past me and I kept saying please don't turn around, please don't turn around and they nevered!! And down goes another one. No idea how many HP I had but they wre really low hehe.

Then a few rounds later, I got on a killing spree with my P90. I have full 150 rounds (not sure if I had armor or not, don't think I did) anyway. One by one the Terrorists started falling at my hands. It was great, I was laughing so loud I thought I would wake up the people in the homes beside me lol

And then my luck returned to normal and I was the first to die lol
When that guy walked past you you had 14 health left
and yeah it was funny how many times you killed me when you were blinded....ban time I think not sure I can believe this pray and shoot theory you keep claiming take the auto aim off:P teasing
that was some crazy stuff last night, lots of fun. I think I might have got a kill on gwars by blinding him once. funny how sometime you can just blast away and kill 3 people at once then unload a whole clip in someone face and they don't lose a hp.
Ya I was sitting there bent down, seen one grenade go in and it blew, then seen another come in and though, of crap, flashgre... then then the screen was white lol

I started to pull the trigger but it didn't work ya got me, thou I could see a shape moving towards me. lol I think I was firing off to your left when you got me.

Normally when I get flashed and I know it was from the other team, I just pull the trigger and back off and try to find my way around a corner or something while still firing. Thats how I get those kills :)
I no longer use custom models in CS to boost my FPS, but if that's all you use and you wanna pwn in style, check out this sweet ass model:
like we weren't having enough trouble with GB and his P90 already...thanks acid:D
Yeah, I have all my models updated from CSnation- I need to change the MAC10 though, I really hate the handgun hack I have.
Thats a sweek looking upgrade... I wonder how bad its gonna hurt my FPS LOL


I can't seem to download it. I will look around for other replacement models thou.

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