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Ok we were as close as the final four and you guys just give up? Get it together...who ever you final four were...let's work it out...what do you need from me?

We need a "best" GB has a surprise for the winner.....come on how much do I need to beg????
come on you know how I feel about chat spamming don't make me resort to breaking rules in order to get a winner:rolleyes:
Actually Grits...Noxi and Neme never played...and Pique and p&G where the only ones of the final 8 to actually we never even got to the final four...dunno why...but people just stopped playing. They pissed and moaned about having a tourney...then stopped halfway through, but hey whatever floats your boat...
Well I never stopped playing per say. It was supposed to be RWS vs. me. RWS forfeited to me. Then over that weekend I get an email from Pique asking when our match was and I had no clue what he was talking about till he said that he was taking RWS spot. I don't know how that came about I didn't ask. Unfortunatly as per my post in the Results post I had some unexpected personal family issues to take care of and that I would not be on all week for the most part as gaming was not on my mind. I gave the win to Pique due to this cause I did not want to hold the tourney up. Unless you want RWS and me to play like we were going to or let Pique take my spot it doesn't matter to me. RWS originally told me he was not going to be around for something like 3 weeks but I did see him a couple times last week so I don't know where he stands on it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I have little to do with this tourney, so I leave these words:

Nothing is more pointless than a journey without a destination.
Please don't make such caustic statements. I went as far as saying I was out of the tourny, and that Terror could have my spot, yet lo and behold here I am still in the tournament...
I did want to play KS, but I never saw him around /shrug
Cloud it is up to you and punkgirl to come up with the final eight or final four....your responsibility to follow up on the matches, smack some heads together or whatever it one wants to leave it just hanging and GB has something special for the winner:D
I tried...bunches of times...but no one seems it's HER tourney...not mine...
cant we just say that I won?:P
well technically i wasnt defeated:)
No no no, I swear I'm the winner. All beginners luck, baby! Actually I never took part, but there must be a winnneeerrr!!!!! :blink:
um... technically all 8 of em are forfeit for not playing their matches.
Tournaments dont end that way....REGROUP..set up those 8 players/4 matches again and lets finish this thing....tell me who they are if you cant get in touch with them and I will....I know no player that is good enough to get into the finals would just quit....extenuating circumstances must have come up and they were all trying to not be the weakest link so they forfeited.....well.......that means they are all probably willing to play their matches if they are available now.....I want some kind of closure and "everyone forfeited" is not going to do it for me...:blink:
Counseling sessions begin at nine this evening, to help with closure and all.
You *could* check on the website that I worked to create for you guys, but since not many people really want to...I guess I'll just post the matches here...oh wait I already did in a previous topic and I emailed them out, but yet again for the sweet likes of GRITS...I will re-repost them.

Acid Head vs. Linus

RulePool vs. Shakira

Noxi and Neme never whoever is the winner of that will play Shalk

RWS let Pique take his place since his comp's down, but by now it's probably back up. P & G then forfeited to Pique for reasons I am unsure I am not quite certain who the winner is. I'd say Pique right now, but I dunno...
... (I'll leave it at that)
If RWS beat pique, then cna't pay anymore, he cna't allow pique to continue. RWS is in the next round.
what happened was rws beat me then he was scheduled to play p&g (who's had about 3 byes) and then he had to forfeit so p&g would of had another bye. I offered to take rws' spot and a couple days went by and p&g said he had to forfeit. this was about a week ago so i dont know who's still here or not.
Problem is if you lose, whether or not the person beat you forfeited, you shouldn't be able to take their spot. RWS isn't the only one that dropped out. And besides, it's sort of luck too... kinda unfair you get to take a spot because someone dropped, whereas the person who beat me can go on. If acid were to drop, I wouldn't take his place.
Cloud if you had read my post above and in the results post last week you would have known why I coundn't play. I will say it again I had unexpected family issues to attend to. I had thought that I was the only one holding up the tourney so that is why I gave my match up. Since this tourney had started I had always thought the rule was that all of the matches had to be completed by the end of each week or they would result in a forfeit. As I did not think I was going to be online at all last week I followed that rule.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
This thread is dead move on to the "Rumble" for tournament updates

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