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New Virus Alert
Update those Anti Virus Clients kiddies.
SoBig Virus Info
Would you believe that I don't actually have an anti-virus program, and I don't get infected... it's called Common Sense v1.0.3582. (with 3582 being the number of attempts I've had and it's looped around several times after 9999).
I used that version before...but then i switched to Peace of Mind v 2.3 and I can sleep at
Unfortunately, I tried Sleep v1.0 and found that it conflicted with Work v1.32.1, Fun v7.32-1, Hours v25.0 and Ricochet v1.1.1.x
I'm having some trouble with Geeks models PIX v3.1343552353535 and netniv v-0.2111111...
g-boy,Jun 26 2003, 05:07 PM Wrote:I'm having some trouble with Geeks models PIX v3.1343552353535 and netniv v-0.2111111...
netniv v-0.2111111 is still in beta though and if you are experiencing trouble with it you should contact your support representative with your support contract in hand and a fat wallet...:)
Seriously though... spookily I just got this email and I *KNOW* I'm not infected as I've tripple checked... including (for once) using the Symantec tool as I couldn't find anything manually....

Quote:A mail you have sent has been scanned for viruses and vandals by eSafe Protect
Gateway ™ and found to be INFECTED!
Please contact a a virus protection professional ans scan your files.

Time: 19:12:46 06/26/03
Scan result: Mail modified to remove malicious content
Protocol: SMTP in
File Name / Mail Subject: mail_1056418235
Source: withheld
Destination:   <--- who the *@£#!?
Details:   Infected with Win32.Sobig.e (Non-Removable), Blocked

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