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My appology to Jooza
Jooza, please accept my humblest apology for what I said earlier in VADS about your fiancee.

When you told me I needed to get laid, me saying I would soon, then you asking if I was getting a hooker, then me biting back:cuss:, asking you why? Is your fiancee turning tricks again?... I shouldn't have stooped down to that level with you :/ I'm ashamed of myself :bh:

I felt awful immediately after I'd typed it, but I really didn't get a chance in there to properly apologize, you left shortly after.

*extends hand to shake* ...Friends?:toast:

Sincerely :/ lil face
Lil, the thing is, I wasn't the one who asked if you were getting a hooker.

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
awe, see don't I feel even more aweful now :/
I'm just steaming that you made fun of my fiance whom you have no idea is, and whom could probably care less what you think of her:P

<3 Lil

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
Well I'm happy you guys made up. When's the wedding Jooza? You inviting your ricochet buds?:toast:
What's wrong with hookers? :blink:

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