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War of the Worlds (WotW) small review
Just seen this movie and it ROCKED. I have no idea why they came to earth and there really is no story that could make that clear because all their machines have been burries for maybe a million years (suggested in start of the movie)

Another annoying things was that little girl. It seemed like she was screaming every 10 seconds with a really annoying high pitched scream. I was rooting for one of the machines to step on her.

This movie is certainly on my top 10 list of movies and is number 1 out of all the war of the world shows, movies, books and radio broadcasts.

little bit of a spoiler below so I will make some space...

One of the parts I liked the most was when the train went by on fire. That was great and I kept wonder how far it would make it and even now I'm wondering if it ever stopped. lol

I'll write up a little more later, I had a good review earlier but I hit the wrong button and closed down the page it was on and I didn't save it to text file like I normally do when writing something long.
I thought it was ok. Dragged on in parts for my taste.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I didnt much care for the rebellious teen and bratty sister story line but was amazed at the special FX and I like the aliens, I didnt buy the machines had been buried for eons theory, when you think that HG Wells wrote the initial book in 1892 it is just an amazing story line
When I read the book in about 4th grade, I loved it, the first movie didn't do anything for me in comparison to the book... I hope this one holds its ground to the book.
DL and snow probably see this coming.. Two thumbs down for me:DWasn't any real fighting.. I only liked the beginning. They should cut that part and use it for a movie with a plot and ACTION.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

I would have liked it if they added in the scream from HL2 when you are in those Strider battles. That was the first thing I thought when I saw them in the movie.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I agree with the dragging on in parts thing... spent a little too much time in tim robbins' cellar. But I thought the modernizing of the actual attack was awesome. The tripods were perfect, and the ray guns really made you cringe, especially coming so close to cruise in parts. The sounds the things made were creepy as hell too... so I'll say that, it was great for the creepiness factor, it wasn't Independence Day style. Although I would consider the latter to be more realistic of an attack from aliens if it were to happen.

As a sidenote, don't get me wrong on saying ID4 was more realistic, in fact I can't stand it when I heard people talking about War as if it was a brand spanking new story and there is no HG Wells book, no Orson Welles broadcast, and no original movie. My friends were complaining about the ending... for Christ's sake I KNEW the ending! It's no secret! They weren't going to change the original ending! I was happy they didn't change it... if they did the only similarity would have been the tripods and ray guns.

As for the aliens... first off, I kinda wish they didn't show them, or if they did only fleeting images, maybe like an arm or a face in the shadows, something like that. They spent too much time showing them. They didn't look all that great... a little bit too CGI obvious. I would have preferred, as I said, something more animatronic in the shadows or whatever. And... to bring ID4 into it again, they looked too much like Mr. Emmerich's version of our not-so-friendly EBE invaders.

With all that said, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. I can nitpick some stupid things, but overall it was damned entertaining and I knew I would... I've never seen anything bad by spielberg, straight up. Can't think of anything. Excellent update on an old story... and yes, HG Wells is awesome.
the movie was tight as hell.

But the ending was like wtf?
Ok, Finally got to see it. and I must say.................................WTF

Whats kind of lame crap ass kind of story was that? Ok, Ok, the people getting vaperized was cool, but come on. this movie had to of had the worst ending I've ever seen.
Too many poeple got me stoked to see this movie, and now I've been let down.
This movie goes to the bottom of the Pile with The Beating of The Christ. :angry:
lol dawg :lol:
SNOWDAWG,Jul 12 2005, 08:52 PM Wrote:Ok, Finally got to see it. and I must say.................................WTF

Whats kind of lame crap ass kind of story was that? Ok, Ok, the people getting vaperized was cool, but come on. this movie had to of had the worst ending I've ever seen.
Too many poeple got me stoked to see this movie, and now I've been let down.
This movie goes to the bottom of the Pile with The Beating of The Christ. :angry:
LMAO!!! The reason why its so popular IS because of the ending. The ending is basically unchanged from the book, and every other version of War of the Worlds.

major ending spoiler....

In every single version of War of the Worlds Book, Radio, movie it has always ended with humans not actually killing the aliens, it was the bacteria that we have natural immunity to because we evolved on the planet.

Remember this movie is based off a book that was written in the 1800's. It was only updated to include todays tech.

If for some reason the humans would have been able to defeat the aliens with our weapons it wouldn't have been that good and I'm sure many people would have hated it. The ending of this 2005 version of the movie was classic, and you can't mess with classic.
If they would have just killed all the aliens off, nothing would have set this book/movie apart from independce day for instance, the ending is what made it different from anything else.
As I said in my post... it kinda frustrates me that people for some reason think this is like an original screenplay written a few years ago or something. If they had made the ending any different, I would have been pissed... as relinquish said, it would not separate it from other aliens attack movies, and it would cease to be War of the Worlds... they would need another title. It's kind of like a rock band... you can change round the non vocal guys, like drums and bass and guitarists (assuming he's not the lead vocal) and you can keep the band name the same... but you take out the lead vocals and the band is completely different. Same with the ending of this movie.

It makes me wonder... some of the excuses you'll hear about not knowing the original movie/book/broadcast ending is that it's before their time and therefore they shouldn't have known. I'm only 20, and I know this stuff... I remember being like 14, Paul McCartney was doing something at an awards show and my friend next to me was like "Who is that?" When I went nuts on him for not knowing and explaining he was from The Beatles he just shrugged it off as an old ass band that he doesn't need to know anything about. What made it worse was that another friend next to him hadn't heard of him either, and had barely known who The Beatles were. They were making it seem weird that anyone would know about them at all. I don't even like The Beatles... I thought the original War of the Worlds movie sucked... but come on young people! Ya'll have to know SOMETHING. Play some old trivia games if you must, at least to learn something. What's funny is that all of my current friends know plenty about pretty much pre-80's stuff as well and better than I do... yet I know all of the 80's and early 90's stuff, and I get frustrated when none of them have heard of the show Knightrider and I try to explain the joke in shows with talking cars and the theme music... GAH! But then Bob Dylan plays on the radio and I'm like "what's this crap?" and I get reamed.

Anyway, enough of my ranting... really think I'm just trying to kill time before work so I got a little keyboard crazy. Think I had a little too much coffee too.

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