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Open Apology to Pique (saran)
I just want to say that none of us knows Pique personally ( I don't think), and that I, for one, want to apologize
for anything I have said in a derrogatory manner about her. I want all of the community to step back and think
about what kind of group we want to have and how we should treat each other. I see much squabbling amongst
ourselves these days and this always seems to break up the people who try so hard to be more than just a internet
gamer, but more of friends. I can personally say that I would socialize with any of you outside of this silly game (if my
wife would let me:unsure:), and that is how I want to come off to each of you. So to Pique...I offer the olive branch and
my friendship. I hope that is taken seriously by anyone who cares.

OK since this is a:cens:online game, I dont really care what people think abou other people. You dont have to listen, you dont have to talk. Just play! I'm not apologizing for anything, if you get that damn attached to a game maybe you should try to get your life back on track. Sorry, but Saran, you're insane.
So if everyone ignored you and never replied to any of your hello, you'd be fine with that??
I think you DO care what people think about you or you wouldn't post regularly here or play
regularly on the same server with the same people. <_< Do you have the same communication
with other online gaming groups? Do you scan their forums for messages every day. This is much
more than an online game.
Uhh, sorry but I don't take any crap said in game seriously really, most of the time when I'm arguing with someone over something stupid I'm laughing my ass off behind that computar screen, mainly because I can tell when I've pissed that person off. I don't even know why I'm posting this, my last four posts have been deleted because the mods don't like them, very American supporting freedom of speech and all, yeah you can give me your bs about "server rules" and how rights don't apply to private rules, whatever, I'm still right. Anyway, I'd like to thank Slasher, CloudFool, and Smeagol for cracking me up in game whenever we start arguing.
haha CloudFool...nice....anyway, my post was mainly to say that I'm sorry you're getting so worked up about this Pique. Honestly, no one really cares if you're a guy or girl, cuz all we see are the guy models in it doesn't matter at all. Now of course it's typical for guys to swoon over "hot" chicks, so I can see why you and some of the other women where taken aback by this, but don't let it ruin your experience...and I can't believe you'd be this pissed off just cuz people say hi to you. I mean come on...that's just can ignore them...dunno why you'd want to, but whatever...better days I guess..
Quote:Now of course it's typical for guys to swoon over "hot" chicks

What are you, 40? THE HOT CHICKS ARE ALL MINE~

PunkGirl wont cyber with me though, maybe GRITS! (lol jk)
True I really don't know you at all, but that doesn't stop me from wanting you to play rather than leave. If it's only because of the people, you know my take on this. But, if you honestly don't have fun playing Rico anymore, it's all good. Just please don't block me. ^_^
Yes, it is typical for guys to swoon over hot chicks... just not so much on the internet... I keep my swooning to a minimum, if I ever say anything it's usually just some innuendo for a chuckle, never intended to be flirtation. If anything, my view of GRITS is affected most of all by the fact that she's a biologist... so I know I'm talking to an intelligent person and I can make little biology references and such. The rest of you I view in similar ways, not sex or age determined, more along the lines of how much you talk, what about, and so forth... now I have many of you labeled as one of several adjectives, maybe cool/funny/stupid/immature/nice/intelligent/loser/etc. Some of you flirt a bit too much for an online game, sometimes it's just downright weird... anyway, it's all good, I'm sure you're also doing it for a chuckle :unsure:
Will an admin please close this topic. It has gotten off topic. This is not a Pique flame topic.
It was meant to be a goodwill topic. GRITS...please lock this.

Done PIX
When a topic gets hot it moves fast....all of these posts were today.
Thanks for the thought and the apology to Pique

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