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IRC server for ricochet
I registered a channel for irc room. It is on and the channel is #clanutirc

Since I haven't seen too many irc channels from local clans in ricochet...I think it would be a good place for
keyboard to keyboard chat. Come on by and say hello. I will usually be in there all day while at work. I might even
be able to get GRITS in a private message channel all by my lonesome..:wub:

If you need help review my HOW TO on uT site IRC HOW TO
Yeah I had another one reg'd but it expired...and I didn't get around to getting thx!
Cool Cloud.
I hear that someday they may actually put a chat function into the ricochet program. It will be really easy, just assign a key to your new 'chat' command. Then you can type what you want the players to see on the screen!! I can't confirm, but I think they will even offer a team chat and with a little extra time, you can even private chat.

Man, that would be cool!

ok j/k guys lol I like the idea of the irc room, but I haven't used it in years. I will have to use your nifty link.

Well...I hear that the Ricochet Chat mod will let you configure the player to throw discs and jump off of pads....that's if you want to play a game however. :P

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