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Ricochet section over at
#1 now has a ricochet section. I have posted up some questions and I hope to get the answers to them in the next day or 2.

Now this is what I think we should do.

Instead of all of us posting problems and stuff like that there, I would like to have everyone post all the problems that they have seen with the Steam and Won versions of Ricochet in here and then one person can post them over on the steampowered forums.
I registered there. I already reported one guy. I rarely see a moderator on their forums however. This could be our chance to be heard. We have to get Evil to post there.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
there doesn't seem to be much intelligent discussion going on in the ricochet forums over at
That section is less then 24 hours old, give it time. :D Heck I think its less then 12 hours old.
I say we all get registered over there..and get some attention..:D
Well I registered. I was quite upset and suprised that 'WidowMaker' has already been taken as a user name. I thought that only I had the name, because to be honest, its quite a lame name. Now I know that two other people have my lame name


I could get a new name, how about 'Badly Ironed Shirt'. I can never iron my shirts properly so its definately true ^_^
I wonder if mines already taken....
i kind of figured mine wouldn't be taken, i mean seriously how many girls out there play half life and on top of that how many are self-proclaimed punks???? (not that you could still call me a punk, i'm more of a nerd now... ah well, but the punk life still thrives in me)
I registered as Vadavaka and I still can't post in the forums....
registered as GRITS with no problem....

you think they lost my first registration? never validated it because it was before the release? or you think someone over at Steam actually knows the definition?
just use the reset password option:)
Nope...I already did that, it is not a password problem it is either validation, or restriction problem, I have an email in to the support people asking them to look into it, I am not registered on the list of members, although it says 'Welcome Back Vadavaka' and remembers which post I have read, just wont give me access so I can post
sounds like it thinks your registration expired before you clicked the link, but didn't remove the record?
Back to what Gwarsbane was talking about...


1. Steam Version - Jumping is too choppy.
2. Steam Version - No jump sound when you jump.
3. WON Version - USE key stops you. Fixed in VADAVAKA servers, nowhere else though.
4. WON Version - "Spectate" bug in RC_ARENA.
5. WON Version - Some people accidently spectate in deathmatch maps, leaving them out.
6. WON Version - Not really a bug, but newcomers in arena automatically get a battle.
7. WON Version - White Disc Bug
8. WON Version - Timerefresh hack/exploit
9. Steam Version - Moves faster (is this a bug, is it intentional, am I just imagining it?)
10.WON Version - Discs going through people at close range.
11.WON Version - Discs not hitting people who are lagging too much (goin' through)

That's all I can think of, most of those are fixed on the Vadavaka servers, but don't you think it'd be better if all servers were that way?
RushJet1,Oct 5 2003, 03:25 PM Wrote:9. Steam Version - Moves faster (is this a bug, is it intentional, am I just imagining it?)
If anything, I thought the jumps were a little bit slower.

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