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MIA and Missed
I was just thinking of some of the people that first taught me how to play rico and people i miss. I dont know if you guys remember CarrotCake but he was the one that first got me into ricochet. I also miss PunkGirl who i used to play against back in the day. Then i remember FreakZilla whos still here but i havent seen in awhile. Pix is MIA but i miss him and him putting up a DoD server for us and our good times we had in CS. Just post a couple things about people you miss and the good times we've had with them.
Don't know if yall know him or not. I know GRITS will remember him for sure lol. Hylander. First person to pop in my head is Hylander. Him and I played rc together all the time..good times..
im using Hylander game style:)he has shown me how to play after Cloud-Fuel found me.
The person that come into my mind is NoGraphix a.k.a Meth.
I miss Hylander, Gemakk, PG, mother Goose, Pix and cloud and oh yeah that one guy that used to go by the name evil_admin :Pand beastie......WD, Dust, darkson,shakira.....
WolfDaughter... and Pix.
I miss me on WON =( . I don't even play every once in a blue moon now.

Seriously though. PG and her decapitating discs of love :P. PIX and his biker looks B). Cloud since he's pretty much the only person who consistently hangs out with me :lol:. Pretty much all of you since I never get to play RC with ya'll. Melba's still around cause I saw him sign onto mIRC then immediately quit, but I haven't spoken to him in a long time. I haven't spoken to Acid in a while though I think he's still around.
frito, you probably know him, and Vad, but i doubt most of the rest have heard of him.

Deathbybrew, does anyone know where that dude went to?? he was a reg on the HLDM server that never made it to the forums, as far as i know. great fun.
I miss all ya'll too!!! I've been busy for awhile with personal things. I got a message from SoulEvan the other day
that touched my heart so I had to pop in and say YO!!! I haven't forgotten the people I spent 2 years with in the digital
realm. I pray for the whole group just about every week. Hope all is well and everyone is having a super summer. I know
it's hot here in the South....I hate the mugginess. Great Jeep weather however.

Take care and see ya very soon.

yeah deathbybrew was fun to play on HLDM, wish he had come here so he could have tried out different mods with us.
My crew, clan |S|. I don't even remember everyones names anymore, but they were a good time.
There are lots of players that I miss, some I miss playing with, some I miss because they don't even hang out anymore.
I started my list and realized there really are too many to name here....but since spamming the chat never stopped me goes :D

I am glad noxious is back but I don't get the opportunity to play him often, he is a computer geek and great player, another computer geek I have been missing for quite some time now is Pique, ‘best little map hacker in the world’ and .asm and of course the ultimate geek evil_admin got lost in the shuffle some time ago. hullu would be nice to see again but not sure if he would qualify for my "miss" list. All around nice guys/gals and good players that I wish would play more include acid_head, PuNkGirL, Shakira, Jooza, Houda, Yeti and slasher-186.2, I miss Kirby aka squirell too and limitless....yeah I miss him stop laughing......anyone remember Thor or MotherGoose or Corp.7 Joker?, haven’t seen them in forever. Of course many of us miss WolfDaughter and xvSeVeReCvx, ‘server owner extraordinaire’. I don’t get to play g-boy much these days because he stays busy at school and :l face… the west coast still around? Speaking of cute guys that know how to flirt……Sieg and Scrye haven’t been around much, some guys find their ways back every now and again Cloudfuel shows up sometimes and SoulEvan is playing again, WidowMaker is making an appearance some and Darkson is on steam…..damn I know I am leaving out some…..I apologize if I left your name off….doesn’t mean I don’t miss you…..come back and play and I will let you chew me out for forgetting your name. sorry I missed you Slosh when you were on the servers.
btw on the deathbybrew topic, I have been in contact with brew and told him he is missed, his time has freed up some so I am sure he will be finding his way back to the gaming world.....if not soon I am sure with the release of long as there is an rpg in the new game.;)
Pique, PuNkGirL, Shakira, Jooza, Scrye, Dust, Styx.:(
You know you haven't played in a while when the names that pop up in threads like this are the last people you played with. I'd have to say reb, acid, rp2, lilface, and beastie. There are a lot more, but I can hardly remember their names now. Dust and sloshed are other ones that come to mind.
acid and i dont know if enyone knew him at vakavada but yoda...something was his name
Thryce err Thrice if I spelled it right and Crash
Quote:Thryce err Thrice if I spelled it right

Yeah he was the tax collector of VVV, I think he stole our money and left :angry:
welp..... until frito comes back I'm gonna have to say him.....:D
Ahh Thrice, aka the guy who took my spot in VVV.:PWe had some oretty good times. He was one of the original founders of EVIL...i think. I think i may have seen him bout 3 weeks ago. Would be cool to play him again.
Well Dust, Falcon and a lot of other names who already stay here I am missing!!!
Nice to see RWS and The_General back too:thumb:
Hmm, people seem to assume my absence is due to school... I got out in early June, I'm on vacation until late Sept. Anyway, it's mostly been comp problems and such... hasn't been a boring summer, haven't found myself on the computer much anyway.
we did miss ya G, was talking to GRITS the other night and was wondering if anyone told you that WON rico was going down for good, so maybe you could get a few games in before it was gone forever.
fritoman,Jul 30 2004, 08:10 PM Wrote:we did miss ya G,
we did ?! why was i not informed of this?:P
only joking geeeeeeeee boi ;o
bah i'm bored, off in shower -- toodles.
i remember you. But you left not long after i got here. See you on the servers..maybe?
Welcome back monkey, one of the reasons I keep the rico servers is so those that have to take a hiatus have a place to come back where they see familiar "faces".
I remember Thrice- he did start EVIL..... Along with other people who have disappeared like DareDevil and Cow Eater.

I remember that Darkson played a LOT when Steam and Won were first playing side-by-side....
Hylander, Davion, Jo|s|H, Newbie, RWS, acid (where you go? you post), Jaelum, Jariel, KiLLiNGSPrEE aka Linus, Cloud (even tho you hate me), Shakira, disc.masta, Master.Fin ( I see you every now and then), rush (aint seen ya in a while), dust, pique, fritoman, SouLSolution, Limitless.... so many over more that I cant remember off the top of my head, but all of you if you are seeing this. Come back, or play more!:)

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