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I hate [*RIP*]
You suck.
I had someone on tonight who I had to kick off for being just generally rude like that. :angry: I don't mind people being annoyed, but to try and generalise an entire bunch of people simply because of a tag, is like being racist... I won't stand for it.

And I especially won't stand for people thinking they can tell me out loud that it's good I'm leaving and to be smug about it.

and what does this thead mean anyway? and where is my fudge sickle?
netniv you brought it on. There are people in RIP who i think are ok, but then there's Shalk who wouldnt admit he stepped on my head, and he did it twice, and then you; well it was early but you made some comment and it really ticked me off. And g-boy, yea he hasnt played latley but I dont remember us liking each other. Only person i can think of off hand that i know somewhat well in rip that I dont get extremley annoyed by is acid, but hey thats my opinion.
rofl sinbon its u..... and if u will addmit that u just falled. u missed the arrow, no more. im always say sry when im blocking but i didn't blocked u. end of story ! rofl
Sinbon, it's not you, it's US. WE don't like you.
trust me its mutual g-string
I love you sinbon:(
what's there to discuss? if you hate us, that's your personal problem sinbon. i never had any issue w/ u before.
It's not really i hate RiP, just problems with most of the leaders I guess. I'm just letting people know asm, helps me get the frustration off my chest.
Why don't you challenge the entire RiP leadership to a 1v1, or are you scared? That should settle everything or cause a lot more problems, and I personally look forward to seeing more problems because it is quite entertaining.
problems like this is what I cause cb, its always been that way, well, for a long time atleast. makes it more fun. i shit talk to make matches more fun, but sometimes people make me seriously annoyed and i make posts like this!
Who is this sinbon, I'm not sure I've run across this character before. I knew one with a name similar back in the war days but I think he must have been wounded or killed, nothing like this one. Hey grits can you check his ip, make sure he didn't get some kinda shell shock or something, must be some kinda illness. Anyway if it is our old buddy, I hope you get well soon buddyl.
Sinbon, I don't know what I said, but I know it was perfectly valid, and perfectly in context. To top it all off, you then just decide to group me up and say that I'm an ass with the rest of them?

Most of the time I get involved in keeping the peace and that's it... if I got involved, then you were obviously causing a disturbance.
well sinbon if u got a problem with me, what can i say, i know im right about the blocking thing so i dont realy give a damn about what u thinking about rip or else. so keep your though to your self, cuz we dont realy care about them.... End of story, Close this thread plz. its way too stupid and not mature and if i blocked im sry but I DIDN'T i saw u kilometter from me and u FALLED! MISSED THE ARROW! u are not a new player, u should know its happending, now get over it and stop whine.
Let's put it this way... there is nothing personal here. Not everyone has to like everyone, it's human nature. I don't like sinbon, I don't like diablo... why? I couldn't give you too many specific reasons, aside from the fact that they annoy me, bother me, and sinbon thinks he pisses me off. If I am pissed off, it's because I'm in a bad mood about something completely unrelated to a computer game. I don't recall what specifically sinbon said, but it's not like I was offended, I just thought he was attempting to be a pain in the ass, I didn't perceive it as shit talking, I saw it as just being an idiot, and I don't like idiots. Generally I'll fire back, usually in a very sarcastic and almost arrogant way. Also, if you're just going to shit-talk, make it creative at least. When it gets old, just shut up. The worst is also when I beat one of these guys, and they proclaim that they aren't playing seriously, they are just screwing around. Anyone who ever says that gets a little asterisk next to their name in my head that denotes them as being a retard. Screw around, but you don't have to announce it. Am I ranting? Argh. Anyway, point is, good times sinbon, maybe we'll meet in 20 years when you are cleaning the floor of my lab with a toothbrush.
seriously g-boy wtf. atleast i keep this stuff in the game and don't make it personal.:PI'm sure you wont have a lab and I'm sure I won't be cleaning it. Thats not to say you wont work at one, but owning one? i think not. Honestly I wouldn't mind going down to UCSB and meeting you :/ and no not to kick your ass just to be like "sup player how's it hanging" I really don't hate anyone and all this stuff I do is just for fun and to create rivalries, but if you all take it that personally maybe i should just act how I do in real life and be nice if your gonna talk about me cleaning your lab! No offence man I'm sorry. I think my avatar shows i dont take this seriously.

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