Poll: Who Should Get The Blame?
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Ron Artest?
3 23.08%
Ben Wallace?
1 7.69%
The Fans?
9 69.23%
Total 13 vote(s) 100%
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Pacers Vs Pistons
personally I saw the game and I was shocked like wtf.

Anyway I think ben wallace should get the blame because he pushed ron artest. Ron Artest Didnt react he actually went and cooled himself down.

Than A Fan throws a cup he gets riled up and goes to beat the shit out of them.

Ben Wallace thought he was fouled with a fragrant and got mad.

Could it be because he was losin the game and got fouled and took it out on Artest?

After the 1st break up. When Ron Artest went to go sit down he throw a towel at Artest face. Artest didnt do nothing but went calm.

Do you think Artest going to be punished? Artest has a reputation for fightings.

But than again who saw that white guy get knocked out by Jermaine Oneal lol. And the black guy in the grey shirt who was knocking him in the head.
LOL if you loook closer some dude in the orange flys on top of the table.
didn't see the game (and dont know what game you're talking about)
Well, I'm INVISIBLE AGAIN ... I might as well pay a visit to the LADIES ROOM ...
Without ice cream life and fame are meaningless.
[Image: stoned.jpg]
basketball fuzzy basketball....
why are you posting than if you didnt see it this thread is for those who actually saw it happen....
i didn't see the game too:huh: ...but i know basketball^_^
Actually everyone is to blame. Artest did not foul Wallace that hard. So Wallace should have never pushed Artest. Artest should have never went into the crowd when some threw a beer/soda cup at him. Security would have taken control of that person. Once Artest went into the crowd every Piston fan decided it was fair game to start taking cheap shots at Pacer players even ones that were not involved in it. In my eyes everyone acted like idiots last night.

Remember when Sprewell put a choke hold on coach P.J. Carlisimo a few years back. He got suspended for the year. Don't be surprised to see the same thing handed down this time.

I'm sure some fans will be prosecuted aswell as they did when the Chargers and Giants had that incident a few years back.

Plus I'm sure some fans will be looking to get some NBA money with lawsuits.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
haha yea I agree.

But PnG you gotta understand after the adrenaline being up to you after wallace just pushed you.

And than he went go to relax..

Someone threw a cup at your face with soda in it. Of course your going to react like that especially after Ben Wallace pushed him like that.

Thats just human nature. For sho if I was super pissed off than try to calm myself down. And than someone out of no where throws a cup in my face with soda in it. Im going to retaliate like a beast!:)
Im not saying he doesnt have a right to be angry ...but lets remember he is suppose to be an adult
Does anyone have a video of this for the ppl who missed it, like me?
I laughed when one of the players involved (hell I don't know them by name) started saying that some fan was saying something about his momma. Grow the hell up.
There goes our wonderful MVP and a good chunk of the pacers' talent, my beautiful pacers have been ruined.
I was actually looking forward to this basketball season. The Utah Jazz are 7-3 and looking pretty good. But this kind of shit makes me realize you can't separate the man from the jock. I'm done supporting them. I'm watching pro-basketball on television only and I'm noting who is sponsoring and buying advertising time....and I am not buying any of their products. I will only go to a game live if I get the tickets for free and then I am not buying any merchandise or concessions at the game. Hell, isn't it hockey season? The NHL may be on hiatus, but the minors are still playing and we happen to have such a team in town ....Go Grizzlies!!!
minor league hockey rules!!!! if they play there best and show what they are made of, they get moved up....so it gets very intense at times...maybe they should put basketball players in a rink/cage so as to separate them from the crowed also.
Video Link
Wow, they did the impossible. They made the NBA interesting. I am so sick of seeing this fight on tv, seriously.
Me, being from Naptown (Indiana) personally think that its all the fans fault. I think that its a natural reaction, at least from me, to take offense to someone throwing something on you. I think the whole situation would of passed over if the fans didn't do what they did. Also, i really hope that no pistons fans come to the game, or at least not wear their jersey, in Indiana because there has been serious talks among alot of my friends and their friends that if they see anyone with a piston jersey on they will get hurt. I don't agree w/ this reactions, but I do believe that its really messed up that they gave Ben Wallace only 5 games out and Artest, 30 games because artest was trying to cool himself down.

<span style="color:red">BTW Where the hell was the security?!?!!!!</span>

The security was just not as it should have been that night, could have prevented all of this from happening. So anyway, unless they cut Artest's in half, I think there might been trouble Christmas Day for any Piston Fan in Indiana.
I dont think you can blame any one party in this incident, at least from what I saw. It looked like it started off as a one on one fight, then the team got into it, which escallated the situation. Then the fans just pushed the players over the edge. If anyone of these parties had backed down the situation would not have been as severe as it was.

On another note, these are professional athletes and I think they shuold be conduct themselves in a profesional manor. The fans purchased tickets and that allows them to cheer and/or heckle the players, but throwing things at them is over the limit (for safety reasons).

I remember seeing a few cops there, but I think they are just there to keep a few disorderly fans in check. This situation escelated to fast for the police there to do anything.

edit: thanks for the link apex
Alright, in my opinion it breaks down like this:

Artest: He tried to cool down, the fans didn't let him. He does have anger problems and needs help with them. I don't think much blame can go on him except for him not being able to conduct himself in a manner fitting of profesional sports, but then again, most modern athletes are cocky and think that they own the world. I think that he should have had the least of the suspension.

Wallace: Idiot. He pushed a guy, who barely even fouled him, if he did, twice, with all his might. Then he walks up and talks smack to him. I think most blame should go on his shoulders, because if he kept his head, the teams wouldn't have gotten riled up, and the fans wouldn't have gotten riled up. Absolute RETARD.

Fans: Stupid. They taunted a guy who was already on the edge. It wasn't just any guy, it was a PROFESIONAL SPORTS PLAYER. You don't taunt a pissed off athlete who could kick your ass. especially when reaction might be iminant. and then the fans on the court who got up in his face... dear god.... retarded people are everywhere aren't they?

I hate coach brown for leaving the sixers... so more blame should go on him:ph34r:
Knightmare,Nov 23 2004, 09:49 AM Wrote:Me, being from Naptown (Indiana) personally think that its all the fans fault.&nbsp; I think that its a natural reaction, at least from me, to take offense to someone throwing something on you.&nbsp; I think the whole situation would of passed over if the fans didn't do what they did.&nbsp; Also, i really hope that no pistons fans come to the game, or at least not wear their jersey, in Indiana because there has been serious talks among alot of my friends and their friends that if they see anyone with a piston jersey on they will get hurt.&nbsp; I don't agree w/ this reactions, but I do believe that its really messed up that they gave Ben Wallace only 5 games out and Artest, 30 games because artest was trying to cool himself down.&nbsp;

<span style="color:red">BTW Where the hell was the security?!?!!!!</span>

The security was just not as it should have been that night, could have prevented all of this from happening.&nbsp; So anyway, unless they cut Artest's in half, I think there might been trouble Christmas Day for any Piston Fan in Indiana.
naptown hedbussa. lol I was naptowner also when i use to live in Indiana. NORTHSIDE 7-1 6-4

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