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Alright I took a look at the results page and I noticed that some people are already in round 3 cause they have like 2 byes? While other players have to play every match? How exactly was it selected who gets the byes and has it been done randomly? Sorry if this has been in some other posts, but I was too lazy to look for it.
Yeah it was random. Kinda sucks, but a couple of the people with 2 byes probably would have won the first 2 rounds anyway. Think of it this way... if they are good enough to win in the third round, or fourth round, then they probably would have won in the previous rounds. The first two rounds should advance the best players, and if people with 2 byes don't have a shot, believe me they'll be eliminated before the finals. It's not really that much of advantage. Byes are advantages in football playoffs because it gives players a chance to rest. In ricochet, you don't really get physically exhausted.
You may not get physically exhausted g-boy but it is a real work out for some people.....I have physically slid my chair back trying to avoid a disk and then there is the adrenalin rushes that I get when I play "king of the middle" (giggles take a lot out of me)...and that's not even mentioning all the exertion that comes from screaming at the screen or myself....yeah I am all sweaty and breathing funny by the end of the night:rolleyes:...I sure could have used a bye to rest up for my match....guess I will just "rest up" after Yeti eliminates me:wacko:
hehe grits....the way it worked neme (if you read the site) is that punkgirl assigned everyone a number and used her calculator to randomly generate matchings. Since we wanted to do this tourney in a power of we chose 2^5 or 64 players. Since we only had 41 players some of those numbers where holes and thus we have the idea of byes. Some people got lucky enough to go onto rounds three and four because of this, but I guarantee you all will be reconciled once we reach the top 8, because we will once again create random pairings for each of the following rounds and thus the BEST players will continue on....
I am one of those people that got 2 byes. I would have liked to have won my way there like all of you guys that have played but it was random. Sure I feel bad but I won't complain about that's for sure:D. I do not expect to win the tourney anyway but I may get lucky and get to the round of 8.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Personally I wish I did NOT get a bye. I joined to fight for progression, not to be handed it. It's okay though at least I only got 1 bye.
:D Everytime i see GRITS playing now, I can just imagine her getting all sweaty and breathing funny. Thats a nice little trick you've mangaged to pull on me, I dont know how ill be able to fight you now:P
Hmmm I was wondering if anyone would pick up on the innuendo......:rolleyes:

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