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-netniV- vs -]uT[-Jabbahunt
He challenged me, and then locked me out of the server I was supposed to go on ! But after a li'l dancing around servers we hooked up and got it on.

Storming ahead, I got two 3-0's out of my system, and then Jabba did the same back to me, and then next round went 3-2 to him... thereafter, most of the rounds were pretty close with the occassional ownage thrown in for good measure.

Seemed to take it in turns at leading until I hit 8, and then Jabba stormed up to 10, 11 ... and then it was my for a come back ... 11... 12... 13-11... then jabba got me again 13-12....

My heart was racing, my palms sweating... what a rush! Dodge this way, dodge that way, lost him a few times and felt like I'd been left on spin in a washing machine with all the turning and twisting we were both doing!

Ah, 14-12... and now... no.. not the nerves... yes, my whole body just feels the adrenaline pumping in... is this gonna be the final game or are we gonna have to survive another few rounds... those rounds that I think I will most definately fail upon...

What happened next....? Wait and see... hehe... the final scores and what happened next to come shortly....
I have a suggestion... can someone move this to the right place... I thank you!:)

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