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tron 2.0
by the visuals i have seen, it "looks" impressive. i'm not so much interested in the single-player game as i am in the multiplayer side of it. from what i read, it's not going to have a deathmatch game at all. as a matter of fact, it's going to be purely a 1v1 disc-throwing platform game (sound familiar? :huh:).
except your going to be able to control the movement of the disc in flight :o .i hope it has great gameplay. it's a disney joint, so probably no decaps...but when you kill an enemy in the game, they turn into "bits" which look pretty cool from the pics i have seen.
Try the Links button on the main page here....i'm sure that one of those leads to a Tron 2.0 site.
official tron2.0 site

also check out the newest issue of computer games magazine (april)'s cover story is on the game.
I think it looks interesting. Something different like Ricochet. I'm waiting patiently for a release so I can try it out:)
i wanna play
I've tried to get the demo over at but have had no luck, can someone provide a direct link to the file?
Gwar it's on Fileplanet now if you don't mind the wait. It's a short wait right now.

From their site:

Pre-RElease Multiplayer Demo

To receive a copy of the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer demo reserve your copy of the game at Electronics Boutique, GameStop or CompUSA or download demo at or

Please note that the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer Demo is a pre-release demo. Depending on your hardware, some players may experience minor issues that will be corrected in the final version of the game. The demo contains the single player light cycle tutorial, one single player light cycle circuit, one multiplayer light cycle map, and one multiplayer disc arena.


1) When hosting a game, turn "Spectator Discs" ON which will enables combat in the lobby. Depending on the number of players in the game "Spectator Discs" ON may affect the performance of the game.

2) When you "rez-in" to the arena your disc will not be active. Type '1' then click the left mouse button to arm your disc. You only need to type "1" at the beginning for the first match.
3) Hit F1 to join a team. Click on the empty space "----". Your player name will appear in the space. Hit F1 to return to the lobby. When an arena becomes available you will be "rezzed" into combat.

4) Default keyboard commands:

W - forward
A - Strafe right
S - backward
D - Strafe left
C - crouch
Spacebar - jump
T - talk
Q - look around/lean left
E - look around/lean right
Left click - Fire
Right click - Block (when disc is in hand) or retrieve (disc already in flight)
Ctrl-LeftClick - backhand (melee attack)
Caps Lock - Toggle Walk
Z - Toggle Crouch
To steer the disc in-flight click and hold the left mouse button and drag in the direction you want the disc to arc.

Multiplayer light cycles are designed for LAN play. In the demo, Light Cycle racing over the Internet is an option but is only recommended for players with high end systems and really fast connections (DSL or T1). In LAN play you can have up to 8 player on the light cycle grid. On the Internet 2 to 4 players is recommend.

Keyboard commands (default):

W - accelerate
A - turn left
S - decelerate
D - turn right
; (semi-colon) - toggle camera lock (provides greater camera control)
' (apostrophe) - toggle 1st/3rd person mode
+ or - or mouse wheel - zoom in/out
Left click - activate power up (e.g.: turbo curse)
Mouse - Camera Control

For more information please see the README file on the demo. As always, please make sure you have the latest hardware drivers for your system.

I'm trying to get it from Fileplanet. Right now it's only a 5 minute wait,but then it's a 160 meg d/l
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I know at E3 they were having major lag issues with the Multiplayer Light Cycle Mode. I guess that's why they are recommending using that mode in LAN. I will give it a shot over the internet though.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Oh so thats Tron... ive never had any idea what is tron... just hear ppl coming in rico saying "This is like Tron".
I just got done playing an hour of it. Very laggy at times. I got booted back to my desktop twice when I tried to join a game. There is too much to type here about it. It all seems like major spammage to knock away the blocks from underneath the other teams. I enjoyed it though. It is only a demo anyway.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I find it funny how you have to preorder it just to try it. The who reason for a demo is to try the game before ordering it.
Gwar you do not have to preorder it to play the demo. Read this again.

To receive a copy of the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer demo reserve your copy of the game at Electronics Boutique, GameStop or CompUSA or download demo at or

I could not find it at nvidia I went to fileplanet to get it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I need to learn to read... :D

For all those looking and can't find it or are just as blind as I am...
fun game...seriously...lotsa potential...i like the tourny system and the 2v2 action of the demo. visually a stunning game and the player models and animation are dynamite.

the only drawback is the "sluggish" feeling of the game (i thought i was walking, but nope...i was supposedly running). p&g said he doesn't think it's usually that way...but i think they will iron out the kinks by the games release.

the cool thing is that you can employ a bit of strategy and anticipation in your matches. you have to have good reflexes too...becuase if the platforms get knocked out, by an opponents disc, from under have to jump to an adjacent landing. it was neat to have four unique yet similar arenas to play in during a tourney cycle. me and my partner, laokin, were the red team and we did pretty well...but the orange team w/ p&g and user187 were too tough...^_^.

anyways, here's how things stand w/ me: hl2 is a must buy for me...if i can only buy one pc game this year, that's the doubt. but tron2.0 and doomIII are fighting to be my second purchase. i may just get tron and wait until next year to check out doomIII since i'm sure it will still have a following and will only go down in price.

anyways, check out's not merely the ricochet ripoff i thought it would be...there's definantly similarities but it's different enough. however, if you can play ricochet, you will certaintly have a heads up here...beautiful game.
I just tried again and I can say that the slow speed .asm and I were experiencing was just that 1 server. The server I just was on called Back Door Alley the guys moved fast. It also allowed fighting in spec mode which is fun to pass the waiting. The one thing I didn't like about that server was that it allowed 4 per team. I think 2 per team should be the limit. The size of the arena's doesn't quite work well when it's 4 on 4.

Lastly despite them saying that the Multiplayer Light Cycle mode is for LAN I found it to work quite well over the internet. It seems that a good number of servers have also ignored that warning. The camera angles need work though. It will take time to get used to it so you can see where your going. I did not get the high pings like they said would happen playing this mode online. The rough spots are in arena and tourney modes where lag gets a bit high at times forcing you to lag shoot your opponent.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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