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My Poor Baby...
Ok, so on the way home from work.. while waiting behind a car to turn into my apartment complex I was rear-ended. This is what my car now looks like..:(

BTW - I'm ok.
Damn thats a nice one, was it a truck? Looks like it was high up on the back end and i guess it sent you into something else too. If someone did that to my car i would kill them :S
BMW..BMW....I mean whiplash.... whiplash. thats wild, I thought you had to be be traveling atleast 15 MPH before your airbags deploy.
yeah, looks like the guy behind you hit you with some force O.o
no whiplash or anythin?
Nope.. no whiplash... the guy hit me from behind PRETTY damn hard... so I was slammed into the guy in front of me.

He was driving a truck.. a toyota tacoma.. I was in a toyota corolla.. and the guy in front of me was in a chevrolet impala.

So it was something like this:

..............**OTHER GUY**
|.......................|___|...=======>>>>. /...................|__\..==>>../..................|__\

He didn't see my brake lights and didn't realize I was in line to turn... and since the road is like this:



I was still in the road waiting to turn when he hit me into the car in front of me.. my whole passenger side is toast.. but the driver's side (thank god) received little to no damage.. which is what kept me safe.
is it totalled?
im glad your ok, hopefully the insurance thing is quick and painless, they can be a bit agrivating.
Yea actually his insurance, State Farm, has been EXTREMELY helpful! They had a rental car ready for me and are inspecting the car on Monday to see if it's repairable or not.. so far so good!
At leats you can use the insurance money words a VW...

You got hit by a tacoma... bet it only had a few dents.... god i love tacomas...
Double post, i know, couldn't edit for some reason, my strange love affair with tacos stemed from my bro-in-laws truck...

heres some pics
I'm glad you are ok, sorry about the car, it looks like a lost cause. Was anyone in the passenger seat?
Wow, glad you are ok Cloud. But I agree with GRITS, I wouldn't want to drive that car even if it is "repairable".

I just learned about this "rule of of the road". When stopping behind someone you are suppose to see the bottom their rear tires and that should leave enough room so if you do get rear ended (like you) you shouldn't hit the guy in front of you.

Did the guy in front of you get any damage, and are they blaming it on you?

So if the car isn't repairable what kind are you going to get:D:D:D:D(I love car shopping)
Yea I'm ok.. the car is toast.. but it's all good.. I don't want it repaired.. I want a new one!! No one was in the passenger seat.

I had more than a car length's distance between me and the guy in front of me.. but the guy behind me hit me so hard that I was smacked into him anyways. The guy who hit me's insurance is paying for his truck and the two cars... so he's getting screwed.

I WILL be getting a new car.. I'm not gonna play around... probably a Camry or an Accord... but we'll see.
' Wrote:Yea I'm ok.. the car is toast.. but it's all good.. I don't want it repaired.. I want a new one!! No one was in the passenger seat.

I had more than a car length's distance between me and the guy in front of me.. but the guy behind me hit me so hard that I was smacked into him anyways. The guy who hit me's insurance is paying for his truck and the two cars... so he's getting screwed.

I WILL be getting a new car.. I'm not gonna play around... probably a Camry or an Accord... but we'll see.

Like new new?
VW p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-powa - 2.0T is sweet - 2.0T is sweet, as well as the GLI
Probably used new (ie 2006 model).
That really stinks Cloudmuel. Good luck on the new car.
OUCH, good thing you're okay man, that's like 20x worse than the accident i had, and i totaled my car

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