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worst week ever
My parents are splitting up
I just found out we are selling the house, and i am losing my room.
Halflife 2 was delayed.
I got my first 4 cavities.
I got a speeding ticket.

and i just knew the last day would cap it off.

30 minutes ago my car died, i had to push it through an interesection, and a thunderstorm came in. i was just about to sell the volvo for another car. now i might not have any car at all.

my dad bought me a case of mikes hard lemonade and told me i needed it. there are 3.5 hours left in today, my computer is probably going to explode.

i hate to have to do this, but i only have one thing to say: f***
Some of us have bad weeks, but yours just plain sucks. Sorry to hear about all that bad stuff. All I have to say to that reply is you definitely need the Mikes Hard Lemonade. Drink those and take 2 aspirin for the headache (if you have one if not then that's a plus). Then tomorrow when you sober up (if you happen to get drunk) Grab a gun, pull out a target and just open fire. One of the best remedies (that I know of anyhow) for a bad week.
i was angry when my parents announced they were going to split up. i was angry when the realtor got hear, but then when everything else happened, i felt kind of defeated. ive had 4 lemonades and i just watched this crazy thunderstorm outside, reminded me of how i feel. lots of lightning. im not drunk enough
If life was always the same, then we'd never know what was good or bad about it. As hard as it might be, sometimes you have to try to find out what's possitive in the whole situation.

Oh, and did I mention I love thunderstorms... could you send it my way please.
Cars are smart you know the volvo died because it knew you were thinking about trading it in on a different 'non volvo' car
Sounds like your mood is conducive to writing ....put it in the 'art forum' if you want but channel some of these feelings into something creative if you can
good luck and hang in there
i would like to preface this with the fact that mikes hard lemonade does little more than taste good. anywho, right now i have to channel my energy into bargaining for this other car. i have to bargain with both my parents and the ppl who are selling it. we should be able to work something out.
look on the bright side: your parents gave you alcohol. when my parents gave you alcohol, they didn't realize it, and freaked out when they did. but it was great, anyhow.

also, if you take it all in constructively, then your karma will be nice and tender for a while. it will reimburse you til you burst. then it will reimburse you for making you burst. then you'll be on easy street...B)
Probably the worst week I have ever had, it just came to a head tonight. Let's just put it this way... I am such a loser that I messed things up with the best friend I ever had. I believe this will be the first time in about a month that we won't have our usual late-night phone conversations that last many hours, sometimes right until sunrise. Yes, she is female. Yes, I am male. Yes, we got too close. Did I mention that she used to go out with my best male friend, and they are still in love with each other? We're all leaving for college within the next month and a half, so normally I'd say "Well, I f'ed things up, but the distance between us would have messed it up anyway." But she's going to be less than an hour from me... we were planning on visiting like at least every other weekend... if she just stops talking to me, I don't have all that many friends to begin with, I'll feel sick for a longass time.

Honestly, I believe eventually things will chill a bit, and maybe even in the future we'll look back and say "man we were idiots." Even if we don't recover, I know I'll deal and get over it. But just the shitty feelings running through me right now... goddamn this sucks. I'm still debating on what was worse, the physical pain of being in the ICU for about a week with a heart disease, or this crap you humans like to call "emotional" pain.
g-boy, get you and me together in the same room and i bet some bad stuff would happen.

the only real good thing that has happened at all is that it is now confirmed that i will have a good job during school. i wasnt sure if i would get to stay at work because they usually just let all the summer people go, but my boss asked me if i was willing to do a whole bunch of hours in the fall, more than ive had even in the summer. so maybe that means fat 400 dollar paychecks again.
women you are attracted to don't make good friends and that should be obvious by now...because emotional wires get crossed. women, btw, love to be 'just friends' w/ guys who are attracted to's like they get everything they want (the confidence and a more positive self-image) and they don't have to give 'it' up...meanwhile the 'nice guy' goes back to his place alone, balls as blue as a smurf...:smurf:.

i tried to be friends w/ a girl i dated and was still attracted, the worst thing ever...complete agony, not knowing if i was angry at her, sad for myself or both. it was really awkward when she brought up her sex-life but what can i say? she either got off on seeing me knocked down a peg or two or maybe she was really just that tacky...i dunno.

i finally told her, "look, i don't want you as a friend...i have plenty already...i either want more or less from you. that's it...non-negotiable" she got upset and left in a huff. i felt great...yeah, i ended up getting the less and not the more in this situation, but that's a helluva lot better than feeling like a dog and acting like a eunuch.
Turtle,Aug 3 2003, 03:48 AM Wrote:Some of us have bad weeks, but yours just plain sucks. Sorry to hear about all that bad stuff. All I have to say to that reply is you definitely need the Mikes Hard Lemonade. Drink those and take 2 aspirin for the headache (if you have one if not then that's a plus). Then tomorrow when you sober up (if you happen to get drunk) Grab a gun, pull out a target and just open fire. One of the best remedies (that I know of anyhow) for a bad week.
Alcohol and pills, your kidding right?
She actually did give me blue balls... we were on the roof... and then my mother came outside to have a cigarette... so yeah, she left 5 mins later... such agony.

Thing is, I've been friends with her for a good year and half, never once attracted to her. She seemed sorta sexless... then when she was cuddling up against me with those DD's (I shit you not), you know... yeah... so anyway.
sage_4,Aug 3 2003, 12:34 PM Wrote:i would like to preface this with the fact that mikes hard lemonade does little more than taste good.
wtf you smoking? mikes has more % than normal beer...lets say labatts
g-boy,Aug 5 2003, 05:00 AM Wrote:She actually did give me blue balls... we were on the roof... and then my mother came outside to have a cigarette... so yeah, she left 5 mins later... such agony.

Thing is, I've been friends with her for a good year and half, never once attracted to her. She seemed sorta sexless... then when she was cuddling up against me with those DD's (I shit you not), you know... yeah... so anyway.
I know how that goes... sometimes it's just a li'l thing and suddenly your aware of them... it's hard to go back from there.
Pique,Aug 4 2003, 10:18 PM Wrote:wtf you smoking? mikes has more % than normal beer...lets say labatts
first off, i havent smoked anything "interesting" in over a year. secondly, i had 5 mikes hard lemonades in 1 hour and the only result was that i peed a lot. but it does taste friggin awesome.

so it cost $350 to fix my car. the secondary fuel pump died. it sux. now i have to move my ass and sell it to get the infiniti, because now my parents "dont feel safe having me driving the volvo" which is crap, that almost sounds like an oxymoron.
It is.. how can you not be safe in a volvo? maybe you should just drive a Valve product instead... Change the Oo factor for A&E:)
atleast im not driving windows me, i'd be quite dead from all the crashes.
You could always go for the XPerience Pro!
Quote:women you are attracted to don't make good friends
I would agree that they can do, if you can keep your emotions in check.
yes, but i am attracted to all women!:P
You're attracted to Joan Collins? Get away from me.
women that you are friends with may not be safe to be attracted to but hopefully the woman you are attracted to ......makes a very good friend
g-boy,Aug 5 2003, 05:59 PM Wrote:You're attracted to Joan Collins? Get away from me.
it was a relative statement. ive never actually met joan collins, and i dont think she wants to be my friend.
I believe at her age, anyone your age she'd like to get very friendyl with.
hey man, i did some research, she was hot back in the day!
is she breathing? does she have a pulse? if so, then i think sage would be willing to be friends.

very, very good friends. ;)
no objection

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