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NS 2.0
Natural selection 2.0 just came out yesterday and it is loads of fun. All new weapons, a whole new resource model which makes the game a bit more fast paced, 4 new maps, and all of the old maps have been tweaked. it completely recreates the game!

yah, the game has more of a learning curve than that disk throwy thing, whatsit called? anywho, i think everyone should download it. at very least you get to see the HL1 engine at its very best. Kind of a last hurrah for it. puts all other mods to shame visually. you can get it at The natural selection webiste. which is temporarily just 1 page so that ppl can download it asap. fun for the whole family, and it makes you (gasp) think!
um??..what new weapons are you talking about..they got a new model for the gl...and the onos can eat ppl now...the res tower is the same except they added something onto its me..its debating on which version i like better
al the weapons on the aliens are changed. let me tell you, the gorge never had bile bomb. its not necesarrily a new weapon, but it makes a big difference when a gorge is owning your ass with a bile bomb.
Yes I had time to play today and it was loads of fun cept my team kept gettin stuck with noob comms so we just goofed around and tried to survive ;)
bile bomb only does damage to buildings..not ppl :\..but i lke the new cloaking thing
hmm. downloaded... looks great... not a clue how to play other than point and shoot at the minute, and even that gets me killed.
already got it:Dhad since day 1.... wanna play sage? if u do pm me
daredevil,Aug 2 2003, 10:06 AM Wrote:already got it:Dhad since day 1.... wanna play sage? if u do pm me
i just might take u up on that, got any good servers?

one of the things i like best about the new version is how good a comm can be. granted, most of the time you get crappy comms, but now they have so many cool tools, they can tell half the team to explore and the other have to defend in just 2 clicks!
i need to upgrade my computer before i can play ns properly...i do like the game though.
yah, im kinda spoiled, i get to play it at 85 fps:P. although i do need to upgrade in preparation for hl2.
the minium requirements for hl2 is gona be a p2 700mhz:D
I have an Athlon 800... just barely covers it :/
right now i have an athlon 2100 (1.74 ghz) with a geforce 3 ti 200, and 512 megs of ddr 3200 ram. but its kind of inconsistent. for instance: in halflife and jediknight 2 i get 90 frames at all times, but in battlefield 1942 i get about 20 unless i have graphics all the way on low. my next upgrad will be 3 things: a p4 3ghz with 800mhz bus for 400. a motherboard in the 100 dollar range. and either a geforce fx5900 or a radeon 9800 pro ultimate. which ever is cheaper, because they both cost within 20 bux of eachother, rouding off at around 400.
Sounds like a great idea. I need some NS 2.0 tutorial, and your old Geforce 3 card!:)
sage, are you thinking of the fx5900 128 or 256? my friend told me that there is not much difference between the two because modern computers can't take advantage of the 256 yet. i think he's full of shit, but does anybody know?

just so we aren't completely off topic...umm...ns rulez!
its not that modern computer cant take advantage, its that even the most intensive game would need more power before it would need more ram. im thinking about the 128 just to save a couple bux, ram in vid cards isnt as important as system ram.
hey sage, i use gamespy arcade, probably the best half-life server searcher for any mod that has people playing on it.

ur rite comm's can be good, and if u push L u can give WP to all soldiers with one right click!

do u gotss msn or aim???:drink::bgf:
The best is ASE (All Seeing Eye) hands down imo. Easy tabbed games on the side. No banners or ads. All HL mods are right there even if you don't have the mod you can scan for servers to see if the mod is worth downloading. NS is filtered between differant versions and maps if you are looking for something particular. If I feel like playing only a certain NS map then I can do it in 1 second. It also has a nice buddy tracker. If you have not tried it go d/l it. Do a search for it cause I forgot the website. I know I sound like a broken record it but it's that good.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
The only thing being that you have to pay for it :/
You don't have to pay for ASE net. I didn't cause I didn't find the extra features worth it for my use.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
ah, maybe i didn't notice that , but I'm sure it asked me to pay somewhere... big no no for me... hate spending money.
every week, there's a pop-up nag window...close it and you're back in business for another week. i didn't register the software either, but i'm considering it.

it's an awesome program.
im cheap and have always stuck to . of course, in retrospection, its more laziness than cheapness. also, i have both aim and msn (though i dont use msn often, just to talk to vad;)) both my names are right below this post, as they usually are.

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