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Alright, I haven't seen or heard of too many tournaments or anything like that for this mod, but maybe we could create a tournament for this game. Like every now and then have a competition. Not just to see who's the best player but to see who's the best jumper and the best shooter. Only instead of one main event have different categories. Like best trick jumper, best rebound shot, best stalling jump and that thing. Just an idea.
we HAVE had competitions, but everyone always loses intrest by the end of them. The closest we've gotten to finishing a competition, is the semi-finals of a tournament.
She is right Turtle we have had a tourney that didn't finish and a league that never got started. We also are in a low right now in terms of people playing rico. Although if you want to start up a small one Turtle by all means go ahead. I don't want to discourage you, but just be prepared as to what may happen. If you have any questions ask away.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Nah, No questions, and I know we have low numbers right now. I was thinking about getting the categories and then waiting till the numbers are back up. Once that happens then have the tournament. I know about the league, but I took a break right before it. I never knew that tournaments and stuff weren't popular.
I wouldn't say that they weren't popular as on paper there was alot of intrest in doing them. It was just that after they started it became hard to get players together for their matches. Alot of forfeits happened because of this.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Haha... I just thought... a quick and easy stalling competition would be how many times can you jump on the same arrow without landing, falling, or hitting another arrow... I know personally I could go all day on the weak arrows in arena, but the stronger ones require much more effort (spinning in midair and such). Hmm... wouldn't even need to be in the same arena, you just say how many times you stalled and make a demo to prove it. Score...
i can go infintedly on the arrow to accend to another level in deathmatch
Yeah, me too... takes such a long time to fall though, I don't like it. In dm2, the arrow that pushes you to a lower level has a tiny little jump, and it's great to stay on it, the model just keeps flipping over and over, looks really weird. Pretty easy to stay on it too.
Well I don't really know what there would be categories of... so if you guys could maybe give some ideas...
Copycat(One player does a jump[Or combination], the other one must copy it after seeing it. Either one falls, that one loses)
Longest Continuous chain of jumps(No stalling or going between 2 jumps)

last 3 = my territory:D
how about a 10 person invite tourney?
by copycat you of course mean A-S-S.
Oh I think someone already invented the copy cat match call it BOX^_^
Yes, we used to call it boxing... little combination of g-BOy and nOXp, the inventors:P
You can count me in. :thumb:

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