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Sorry i havent been on latley alot of bad things have happend to me. 1st of all i was at a theme park when up and over i got hit by well im not really sure what it was but it hurt broke my ribs and left arm. 2nd i got all healed up from that when i got sick with a bad cold and it put me in bed for a few weeks. Now that im all recoverd i was outside doing my chores. When my dumb butt brother threw my hat on the roof. as i was putting the ladder up to work it. It has 6 locks well i unlocked 1 of them and the other one got stuck. well i opend it then right then it smashed my thumb and i broke it that was 2 days ago but i still cant play but i want too. I will stop in tonight to see whats up.
poor poor slasher
Sorry to hear about all the stuff happening Slasher, and I'll try my hardest to be on tonight so I can play you, but it's my mom's birthday so who knows.
O man slasher that sounds terribly but hopefully you can get your thumb fixed and then not havin a prob for a while..cause all that just sux..but glad to see you are returnin...
good to see you're okay and let's hope this streak of bad luck you are having is finally, w/ the way things are going, i think i should be starting up the slasher funeral fund...:lol:

anyways, for god's sake, be careful...:ph34r:
Sounds like you're an insurance company's nightmare!!!
At least you are the ultimate hitchhiker now. another title earned Slasher
Well thanks guys but i wish i did have insurance if i did then i would know my parents are to get me:Dwell lets see something hits me on the right then i got bed stricken and now a ladder smashes my thumb. I think grits is trying to keep me from getting on and beating her in rico. Shes using her evil mind powers AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I miss ya slasher mate... we've all got so bad without you :/
How's it going lil bro? sorry to hear about all your misfortune :( I miss ya, you need to stop in and unleash the mighty fury on me k

hey guys we need to chip in and buy slasher one of those plastic blow up Sumo suits so he doesn't get hurt!
wow slasher, you didnt piss off a Gypsy or something did you? she may have put a curse on you :( lets hope it was all your bad luck rolled in to a short time span and now you will have good luck from here out out


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