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Fixes to date
So far we have fixed the following bugs or added enhancements:

-White Disc bug fix
-Reconnecting bug fix
-USE key exploit fix
-Use of various models enhancement

In work:
-Updated reconnector fix
-Respawn kill

After the 2 in work fixes are applied, what do you guys think about making the dll's available to other servers like OS or anyone interested? I talked to GRITS and she is all for it. I think it would be received well, especially the bug fixes.
Where do I send the check?

I am more than 'all for it' I want to send them to Valve for the update to Ricochet2
I am so amazed with the talent that has been shared by the Ricochet programmers/developers in our community, this Programming Forum has become a pleasant adjunct for me and other Ricochet players and I know I am not the only one who would like to see you guys get some sort of recompense even if it is only seeing your fixes worked into the new release.
I personally have lost track of who all has helped with the code changing etc...I only know of the three musketeers I see the most :wub:evil_admin/desNotes, .asm, and netniV
If I am leaving out anyone please let me know because I AM going to write that letter if one of you doesn't.
btw I want to see the new 'death fade'...that sounds so cool :thumb:
Unless the dlls are really big we could host them here and we could put them in the download section for anyone to take.

If the files are large file planet can host them, and I will see if the owner of MekTek will host them too.

Roughly how big are these dlls in total?
Your standard ricochet dll is about 550k for the multiplayer .dll, and 450k for the client .dll, so I would guess that the server version is pretty much similar... though I've never actually got around to compiling one so.... :-D
The dlls are small...the windows dll is only 230KB zipped(550K unzipped). The linux dll is smaller. I would include a small Readme file for fixes included and instructions but that would be negligible..
Oh geez I thought the dlls were going to be around the 4 ot 5 meg mark each. :D Since they are that small there will be no problems hosting them and getting mirrors for them either. We'll just pack them all up in a single zip file and include a txt file or 2 of what changes where made and stuff like that.

Some thing we should do is also include a version number for our patches if we can so that any future patches that are made we can tell them apart. Like this one can be version Ricochet Server Patch 1.0.1 or something like that.
I am composing a letter to Valve's Gabe Newell. I think they will appreciate the changes/fixes our developers have made. I don't believe they have plans to release Ricochet2 with the new HL2 but they might if they have some updates and know about all the maps. Do we have a link for all the Ricochet maps?
Does anyone know who is specifially responsible for the Ricochet MOD?
I know Hullu fixed the "Use key exploit" originally but one of our guys updated it....joint effort? I think I will just use the term "our team of developers" :thumb:
I will need to get a copy of the updated dll. Guess I could send them the link to this forum when you put the windows and linux dlls here.

I really would like to get an email out there regarding the changes...I am just not geeky enough to know how to write it all up so I need some help.
I was hoping that Beastie would provide some information regarding the Ricochet developer (have you heard from Valve Beastie). I tried another avenue to see but no response yet. There is nothing in the source code to indicate who did the work, only that it was a mod job from the basic HLDM code.

I know Pique was asking about the source .rmf? for the basic maps which we would need to modify them to HL2.
send em my way if you want. I will patch OS server and see if the patch is easy for us noobs.
Here is the Windows version of ther latest dll with instructions.

Very easy to install.

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