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Seeya Later
I'm quitting Ricochet. I have no clue if it is permanent or whether I'll just be off and on or back into it full time again in a week. It is not fun anymore because too many people have attitude problems and it just becomes frustrating to play while being called something that isn't even in the dictionary, but you know is bad. That however is not the only reason, the game is just the same over and over. I will still accept match challenges as I've yet to participate in one but they will be on my team or not happen at all.

Sorry to whoever feels like I'm letting them down.

Man one less hot girl in the community gone? No it can't happen..:o But if thats the way ya feel ashley then I understand..I've gone through phases like that alot where I just get tired of the game and I say I'm gone...but look I'm back..But sad to see ya go and hope you at least stick round the forums...

chica will be missed by me, I hate it when someone gets bored so I always try and livein things up in the conversation, and the fact that I cant beat you really intregs me about you, you are a very good player and someone that is fun to be around so I hope you arent leaving for good and only for a break.

I will miss ya too, I guess, because I like those I can't beat, because you are all a challenge... If you want to have a go at DM sometime, which is a bit different, then let me know when... most uk evenings are ok, 'cept for tuesday's if there's a match, or saturdays...
I hate to hear that you're leaving CB. You've been there the whole time I have. I hope we will have another 1 vs. 1 in the near future. Also hope that you come back pretty soon. Everyone needs to take a break at one point. Take a break. I hope that's all you're doing.
Hate to see ya leave, you give me a good challenge.

If the idiots that did that are on the Vadavaka servers just leave a XXX on there so that we will find it.

If its on the OS server again leave a XXX for Pix to see it. Pix's has asked me to be an admin on the OS server to help clean it up and as people know I don't take crap from anyone. :D

Other servers thou, we don't have control over so we can't do anything about them.
:(i'm dissapointed....i like playing with/against you.

if you want to 1v1 sometime, just pm me.
Sorry to hear that Chica...You were the only girl after Shakira that could easily kick my ass and I say props to you on that. You will be missed...
I don't find the XXX too helpful because most of them I will never see again anyways.
Hope to see ya back soon. You are a fun player.
Bye Ashley. It never would have worked between us anyways
Aww. Be back sometime please. You cant leave us forever... :ph34r:
wow, another leaving, and a great one to, she called me cute :wub:, how many have we lost in the past little while? i'm sitll going through the forums so i really have no idea
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Aug 13 2003, 11:59 PM] wow, another leaving, and a great one to, she called me cute :wub:, how many have we lost in the past little while? i'm sitll going through the forums so i really have no idea
She called me cute also..:wub: so I guess we will have to share her ;)

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