Poll: Where do you draw the line?
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Any player who is lagging and brags about his score should be kicked.
2 8.33%
If a player appears to strobe across the field he should be kicked.
5 20.83%
If a player is lagging he should be warned, allowed to reconnect and if he still lags kicked.
12 50.00%
Let everyone deal with it individually, don't kick anyone for lagging.
5 20.83%
Total 24 vote(s) 100%
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Laggers must go!
You know it takes a lot to make me kick someone but some of the players that have been lagging lately have even been frustrating me. Zith in particular I could aim directly at him and have 6 shots go through him and he fires off one and decaps me. He didn't brag about his score so I believed him when he said he was frustrated also. I just know that this has got to be getting on the nerves of some of the better players and I want some input into when is it appropriate to kick someone because they are lagging. Keep in mind our admins have been asked to kick players who "interrupt the flow of the game". This includes afks and suicide players and I think it should include certain players who lag. I don’t think I have to explain to the regulars what I mean by lag…not the occasional spike nor even someone with a smooth flowing gate that is slow. I am addressing those players who habitually jerk and reappear or those who the disk do not kill. None of the regulars suffer from this so there is no need to get defensive. Fact is I have known regulars who were lagging that logged off so as not to cause problems in the flow of the game. Is there anyone who enjoys the game when they get paired up with a lagger?
If I could, I would vote for the first 3. :)
i voted for number 1 because that is a problem, as well as a sign that one could be cheating. if a score is really good, i'll say if the frags outnumber the deaths when they are clearly spiking, then it's likely the person could be cheating. when someone lags on everyone else's screen, so that when you hit them, they take no damage, that to me is cheating. however, i will still warn them, and be polite, and such before i kick.
btw, on certain maps, when the server is full, i spike constantly because of my connection. usually, i leave, because i can't get a frag in, and i keep dying when i don't know it. which is frustrating. i'll come back when the map changes, but it does happen. so i have a little sympathy for those that lag. still, i do not tolerate cheaters. those who gloat for any reason are warned anyway.-_-

[this marks the end of the lecture. you are dismissed.]
I voted 3, I hate playing laggers but most of the time they see they are laggin and log off but some stick around way to long and it gets annoying.

I voted number 3 because its adding 1 and 2, and btw, great new avatar grits.
I voted number 4 because i am a lagger
I don't like the idea of punishing ppl for things they can't control, lag, is caused by many things some of which can be contolled, some of which can't. If your an ass about it and u think your a good player because of the lag then u should be kicked, but if your a nub who lags, and isnt really a threat to our egos and the person isnt doing any other bad thing, then they shouldn't be punished.
i disagree...because they can control if they log onto a server or not. if you think about it, they are being unfair. those of us who paid extra for the luxury of broadband service shouldn't be penalized for others misfortunes. playing ricochet (or any other online game) is a privilege...not a right. they should go play sports or take up a new hobby or something...or get a job so they can join us in a proper fashion.
You're not usually a lagger limit...
Quote:i disagree...becuase they can control if they log onto a server or not. if you think about it, they are being unfair. those of us who payed extra for the luxury of broadband service shouldn't be penalized for others misfortunes. playing ricochet (or any other online game) is a privilege...not a right. they should go play sports or take up a new hobby or something...or get a job so they can join us in a proper fashion.

er....ok, that's a little pretentious. i have a job. i can barely pay car insurance. or the phone bill. and when i'm not working, i'm going to school, or taking care of my family (namely, my dog). it's expensive. and based on being around when you play, .asm, i still seem to manage to put up a decent game.
then again, maybe i'm looking at this all wrong.
my apologies to those who don't like me playing in a proper fashion. perhaps i'll stop hindering you from playing better, and go take up a hobby. that way i'll stop abusing priveleges that i apparently don't even deserve.
I said none of the regulars suffer from the kind of lag I am talking about.......

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