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I'm gone.
Mainly because I'm banned from everywhere:

1.) Holdout's bans = I hurt a fat man's feelings with the word "jackass".

2.) Banned from OS for no apparent reason, I beleive it's because Gwars told jabba to.

I don't really care if this gets deleted, I dont care. If anybody wants to play me again, invite me via PM, I'll check on the forums from time to time.

Bye ######s.
cya acid

u should start your own client-server again...i already have your ip in my favorites. i could stop by sometime if it's cool w/ you.
Cya man, you were a colorful addition to the rico world. I just wish you could have gotten along better with everyone.

Poor acid...everyone picks on him. Banned from so many servers that were never his fault..

In the future try taking some responsibility for your actions.

Your favorite admin,

Yes acid its never your fault that you break the rules...

You were never given 3 or 4 warnings before you are kicked and then banned....

You never begged to be let back onto the servers and said that you would not break the rules again.

You were not given many chances by ALL of the admins who when asked by GRITS if you should be allowed back on said yes...

You were never told "Don't start something" when people you don't like come into a server you happen to be playing on...

Oh wait... all of the above DID happened. There are logs that were put up that you just decided to ignore, there were people that seen how you acted.

You think I'm against you or somthing, that just proves how insane you are. You kept breaking the rules. The jackass remark was just the final insult that made me ban you, I don't even think you know what you said during that last time.

Also here is why you were kicked, Rule 3 that has been up there since the creation of the rules section and I quote

Quote:If you mouth off to an admin, calling them names and/or swearing at them after they ask you to stop doing something, or you just come in and start swearing you will get at least a 60 minute or longer ban.

Since you were banned many times before that, the ban was for good this time.

Now go whine about it somewhere else where people will fall for your "I'm a goodboy and do nothing wrong, but I get balmed for stuff that I didn't do" act
I just can't imagine getting banned from a server period. I can't fathom it.

This mod is dead.
Well, since "acid the great" has announced Ricochet is dead, I might as well retire my game completely.

What is the next game you will get banned in acid? Maybe I can play some before that mod goes under.
Actually this is the first game I've ever been banned from, maybe it's the name acid head, or maybe it is our differences in age, my guess is #2. I don't usually play with 40-50+ year old people daily, you (Gwar, Jabba, Evil) are too different, and, unfortunately, can't get along very well with the mentality of the average teenager, because of your *oh so great* maturity level that I don't have, I really don't want it, I don't want to turn into you.
Ahhh essence of the Peter Pan syndrome....interesting
Seems the number of teenagers who can't get along with adults is you...Mew comes to mind and Diablo, but he says he is only 10.

Actually you are lucky with Ricochet. I have heard tales fom CS admins, who are much younger than me, and they ban for only one infraction and you never get to come back.

But this is just another reason why it is never your fault acid. You wanted special privileges because you are good but there are better players who get along fine with the rules and the admins.

I hope when you decide to get a full time job you can find a boss with a "teenage mentality" so you can get along with them.
I have a job, and that's not a game, jackass.
So you are only rude, obnoxious and a pain in the ass when it comes to games and in the real world you are just the model of politeness. I am glad to hear that...maybe someday your 'work' personality will take over your 'game' personality. Come back by if that ever happens.
You just don't get the point of a game.

Quote:rude, obnoxious and a pain in the ass

More like funny, witty, and lovable. Seriously, the only people I ever had a problem with in Rico was Gwars and you, maybe that should give you a clue.
Quote:Seriously, the only people I ever had a problem with in Rico was Gwars and you, maybe that should give you a clue

You think Gwar and I were responsible for your being banned permanently? You really believe that we have that much power to override all the other admins and GRITS? Think again.

You were kicked out of RiP also. Do you think g-boy did that because he likes me so much? The only people who take your side acid are people who have been banned, like you, and those that were not around to witness firsthand your "funny, witty, and lovable" personality. Anyone who was in the servers at the time you became a PITA, supported the banning.

Yes it is a game and just like in the real world there are rules that you need to play by. We admins set those rules that did not change. You said you would play by those rules. You lied to all of the admins including GRITS who really trusted you. But slap someone in the face enough times they are bound to hit back.


Quote:I have a job, and that's not a game, jackass.

Why can't you treat people in the online world like you would treat people in the real world. After all the only difference is that I'm not standing there infront of you.

The online world is not a fantasy world, you are dealing with real people here. You inslult people online and they do take it personally.

You really think it don't matter how you act online or how you treat people online. Guess what, it does matter.

I treat people nice online and most of the time I get treated with respect because of it. If there are rules for a server that I don't like I either play by those rules or I leave its just that simple. If I don't like someone on a server, I either put up with them or I leave, again its just that simple. I don't swear online because there is no need for it.

Quote:This mod is dead.

Since when is it dead? There are more and more people showing up everyday. In the summer it got a little slow at times because people were away on vacation but now that summer is almost over and people are getting back from vacations they are coming back.

Quote:Actually this is the first game I've ever been banned from, maybe it's the name acid head, or maybe it is our differences in age, my guess is #2. I don't usually play with 40-50+ year old people daily, you (Gwar, Jabba, Evil) are too different, and, unfortunately, can't get along very well with the mentality of the average teenager, because of your *oh so great* maturity level that I don't have, I really don't want it, I don't want to turn into you.

Age has nothing to do with it. I'm only 27 and I get along with lots of age groups. Its you that I don't seem to get along with. But at first it wasn't like that, I got along with you fine. We had great games together and got along fine. I got admin access to help enforce the rules that GRITS and the other admins at the time wanted enforced so I helped enforce them.

You didn't like me or evil enforcing the rules on you and thats when you started getting banned. There are lots of teens that play this game and that seem to get along with us.

Because of the way you acted, you got banned from servers that actually enforce the rules. I have never been banned from any servers anywhere, basically because I followed the rules. If I went onto a server that didn't seem to have rules, or at least didn't enforce the rules, I left.
Lovable ... haha.

Just like a teddy bear .. oh the twinkle in his eyes.
&quot;If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin.&quot;
A hardy farewell, I realize that I have been such a bear to everyone here and that I've ever played rico with, and I would like to take this time to apologize to all of the other 88 members that I have never banned kicked or hardly even needed to give a warning, I&quot;m sorry that you have all lived in fear of this happening at any moments notice and with no reason. I'm sure that Acid has talked with and speaks for you all. Again, my utmost and sincere apology goes to all I have truly hurt.
I accept your apology Jabba...I know I for one was in constant fear that you would ban me....a fellow admin!
well, i have been playing rico for a little over a year now,
and i have not been banned once. but i can`t complain about acid.
i think he adds that little something to the game to make it a little bit more fun.

i don`t know what it is but i have always had fun playing acid and i see him as an idol to me, i look up to him. he always made the game fun for me.

so, i`m sad to see you leave acid.

well, you got someone on your side acid :D
Quote:This mod is dead.

How long it take you to figure that one out? Of course it's dead...look at the throw frisbees of death at each other and try to knock each other off. But is it dead? what is a dead mod? i always considered it to be when the developer ceased to work on it. and since valve released this over a year ago and has yet to patch it...dont you think you're a little late with the conclusion? but it isn't even dead yet. Server side patches are fixing most of the bugs and pretty soon evil/net/asm will figure out how to add more features.

O...and stop with the &quot;I'm quiting&quot; posts...They are getting extremly old/pointless/annoying. Wanna quit? stop playing...ricochet isn't a dont get hired or quit. Feel like playing? play. Dont feel like playing? Dont play. Simple as that...No one needs a resignation thats probably pointless seeing as if you dont delete/uninstall this game you will probably play 1 more time in the next month.
Hmm, I guess it is true that you don't have much reason to hang around anymore. Personally, I never have had a problem with you, and I've tended to agree that the swear filter was a bit excessive, but I realize it is mostly there so that kids don't make swearing a habit. Although I don't think it has helped me ... I just swear to myself instead, which only promotes talking to myself. Which is a serious problem, since I even talk to myself about talking to myself ...

But rules are rules, and you may not like them but you will have to follow them ... so I can't fault the admins. And I don't pay for the servers so I can't really complain about the &quot;service&quot;. It is true that you may add a little something different to the servers but where do you draw the line?

Good bye Acid and good luck. Remember, you can't always have things your way and sometimes you just have to suck it up. Even if it means not being true to yourself. Because you're right. It IS just a game and it is not worth this much trouble.
&quot;If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin.&quot;
You're totally right Sockhole, it isn't.

Everybody has goodbye posts Pique, I just gave you the only one that has lots of nice ranting material in it.
For the record, acid was not kicked out of RiP. I was considering it only because mew was dropped for similar reasons, getting banned from the holdout's servers. But he is still a member... and wore the tag in other servers. He's one of my favorite ricochet players, so I didn't want him out of RiP, nor did any of the other members. I won't argue against the banning or defend him, just because it doesn't get anywhere. I'll just say this... acid's attitude, at least to me, is sort of a friendly ######... rarely taken seriously... so it is hell on an admin, while most of those who know him as a player don't mind. Mew broke rules by using exploits and then being an ass... sinbon is purposely annoying... same with diablo... and pique is sort of a laid-back-you're-all-idiots-leave-me-alone kind of person. Just my assessment.
blah blah blah blah blah

That's just about all I have to say to both Acid and the admin's that have carried on in this thread.

It's just getting repeatative... say what you have to say and be done. Acid, learn to walk away. Gwar/Evil - Why are you carrying it on? There's no point to prove, and you've already taken your actions before.
YEAH! :rolleyes:

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