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Is Lagg Killing you?
There seems to be quite a bit of lag lately. Some of it has been explained by Holdouts....for example. The Sunday that the GRITS servers went down...Vad's had some really bad lag because he was using the same server as a back up for his website so he could keep everyone informed of events. The morning (6am EST) "lag" is actually a cron job that is performed on the servers every morning.

What I need help with is the unknown crashes. If you would like to help please put XXX in the chat as soon as you get back on if it actually crashes. And please XXX in the chat and then log any spiking that you are getting here with the name of the server and day/time. I have not received any reports on the GRITS Ricochet spiking or crashing, only the two arena only servers. I was on a couple different servers last night and got some spike lagging so it may not be specific to our servers and may indeed have something to do with the latest Valve patch.

Thanks to everyone who is willing to help with the documentation, maybe we can figure it out. You don't have to log every spike just the general time it is happening.
mmmmmmm..keep talkin that sexy Unix talk Gritsy....(cron job).
I was playing with crontab, and su, and chown, and chmod, and .... damn, just realised that it don't sound so sexy from me, eh?:)
what about the mount,move and unmount commands ^_^
I hate to be picky, but there is no 'move' command in linux... just like there's no 'copy' either.:)
Keep in mind linux may not be Chentvins first language.:D
no move command in linux???

no copy command in linux???

OHHH you meant the whole word 'move'
Of course ;-) How many times when you first started out after using a PC did you try an do MOVE or COPY... ;-)

Anyway, Lag spike just occured, GRITS 24/7 Arena. I say spike, it was more like a leaning tower of pizza
my bad :('s cause of my dos accent :P
Denial Of Sense?
LMAO you picked up on my pun and replied...nice to know calembours cross language barriers
DOS ist gut.

get it?
IT has been around a long time, there's not many people who don't have IT and even fewer organisations...
Hey guys i was just looking in and thanks to grits i can post now later :thumb:

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