Poll: What to do with them?
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Ban them for a couple days
12 63.16%
Ban them until they apologize in the forums
6 31.58%
Don't do anything they aren't hurting anyone
1 5.26%
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Name Stealers
This poll is what to do with them when I see an xxx in the logs concerning a name stealer.
An admin is not always around when someone name steals....If they are I would hope they would kick or ban the player if they did not change their name. Even when admins are on it is hard to distinquish who is saying what when the name stealer 'acts up'.
Not only is is hard to follow along who does what in the logs....usually name stealers then proceed to bypass filter or chat spam...but it is just another form of antagonizing other players....in other words they have a different idea of how the game is played and I think that is poor sportsmanship.
I don't mean when people are playing with each other I mean blantant name stealing and not changing after the person has been asked to change.

My opinion....I hate name stealing and think it shows immaturity and disrespect. I also believe it is a form of verbal assult on your opponent. I feel the same way about clan tag stealing and kick anyone who has not earned the right to wear the tag they have with their name.
I prefer to make them a llama...takes there name away and also takes there ability to chat at all. I wonder if we could 'llama' someone in absentia so if they ever came back they would be llama'd.

If that wouldn't work I would be for a temp ban.
yeah, i would go with a temp ban, keep in mind the type of player who does it is probably a nub, and just trying to be like their role models in rico B) as for adding a clan tag, i always had good luck if i ask the person to take of the tag. A public apoligy, i dont think would be the best idea because the player probably wouldn't know of the forums. So i would vote temp ban.
if you didn't notice, when they come back they are still a llama, its perma to the server, I think its one of the best commands.
It is for people that don't use any kind of hacks but are just ######s, if they want to play they can, they just can't talk until punishment is over.
Temp ban is the best way to go for the more serious cases, anything else just needs a simple llama'ing. (further reading unnecessary)

Most immature people aren't affected by public humiliation like everyone else. If you told them to put on a dress and sing boy band stuff in front of a school (of at least 1400 students) or something, then the number that wouldn't care drops. But when they're safe at home, in a comfy chair, compensating for the power they don't have in real life, people are just text. Complaints at, and requests to cease their actions (polite or not) are just fuel for the humor they find in tormenting others. "Please stop, it's against the rules, and you will be kicked" are just a bunch of words that mean absolutely nothing except to continue. Hence, to ask them to apologize here would be like me saying "I'm sorry I was the sole cause of all death in World War II. I will never do it again.". It makes sense as a sentence, but I don't mean a word of it.

As for what is most likely going to happen, I will classify the main types of offender by letter.

Type A are the ones who do it for pure amusment, knowing it's wrong and knowing there are consequences, and will go the extra mile to keep tormenting. Example: A friend of mine once told me what his friend had done one night. This friend of his had found every attachment-capable forum his attention span would allow, and posted vile pornographic images all over each of them. He repeated the offense a couple times from computers in different schools and in libraries to get around the ban. This was also an attempt to inconvienience a larger number of people with unexplained bans.
This type are most likely to apologize on the forum and offend again, and repeating the process until that perticular avenue of entertainment is no longer viable. In this case, the temp ban is more of a resting period for others, though it is just as effective while maintaining the lowest admin effort rating.

Type B are just trying to mess around. "Horseplay" if you will. They do know it's wrong, and that they will most likely see some kind of administrative retaliatory action, but there are more servers out there. Ex. That guy who was flooding the servers with requests for information. A ban here or there doesn't matter, as long as there's at least one other way to be malicious and in control.
B's are most likely to move on if they can't reconnect and may only return as an act of boredom; seeing if they can get back in at all. Temp bans would be another rest period for the locals, and may be more permanent than expected. Basically out of a "prey on the weakest of the herd" principle. No apology would ever come, since that requires effort that can be spent playing elsewhere. So, there isn't much point in casting a vote for that over B's.

Type C are occasional offenders. They get into a disruptive mood or get hit by a craving to act out, and off they go. This can be because of enjoyment they get from it, and/or any number of things like external affairs, disagreement with enforced poilicy, grudge agaisnt the powers that be, etc. etc.
C's are most likely to be mistaken for A's, since they exist as both a tolerable and intolerable player, and will apologize as Jekyll, then offend again later as Hyde. A temp ban would function as a cool off period, allowing them enough time to return safely to normal, while apologies generaly cause mistrust.
Most people are aware of correct actions except people like me, we have to be kicked first, when we are kicked and if we care we will ask if we didn't really know, I was a lucky one and got kicked by gwars and look how he changed me. That's why if its something stupid that they are doing I will llama or temp ban, or mess with them to get there attention. After that it is up to them. Thanks Gwarsbane, it just goes to show you, "you can teach an old dog new tricks"
jabbahunt,Aug 28 2003, 06:43 PM Wrote:if you didn't notice, when they come back they are still a llama, its perma to the server, I think its one of the best commands.
It is for people that don't use any kind of hacks but are just ######s, if they want to play they can, they just can't talk until punishment is over.
Some people might abuse Llama though and just constantly spam Ooorgle!! etc. That would just get annoying..but then i suppsoe you could just gag..or temp ban if they got out of hand in their newly found llama form.
They can't spam anything on GRITS servers when you are Llama. You are gagged as well.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I don't believe that was true, at least not from the last time I llama'd someone on one of our servers. The is only one type that Anon left out above. There are the rare occurances where someone will do it, purely for fun, and it will be taken that way. I have someone that keeps calling me his idol... ph34r the sm3lly disc... now yesterday just to humour him in a way, I mirrored his name, and that was only because I knew he'd be pleased when at the end it said he'd won... after that I changed it back.

In part, I disagree with the 'its disrepectful' bit, I actually find that if people want to take your name and they AREN'T openly trying to cause trouble then it's actually quite flattering as it means they've noticed you and wanna be part of it.

That said, I would still kick ban a) anyone who wouldn't change back when asked,B)someone who is openly using it to cause trouble, d) anyone who stole my "c)" option.
it's funny...but name stealers are usually (but not always) harmless otherwise...it's a meek form of harassment. name stealers and clan imposters really are the milquetoasts of trouble makers. i vote to llama in most cases...but i despise name stealers the most cause they lack the cajones to start any real trouble...:D
I must be the exception that proves the rule on that score then ... cause I'm usually causing trouble in some way or another:)
CLOSING THIS POLL TOMORROW morning if you want to put in your say so do it now
Ok a 2880 min ban from the time I read the logs for anyone who name steals and does not remove either the name or tag upon request from anyone.
This can also be the rule for sr admins in game....admin_ban player 2880
one request to remove it, give them enough time to get out of game if it is still there..ban (ok two if you wanna be nice and make sure they heard you) but in the chat it is usually quite a few times before an XXX goes up...so I know they "heard" :D

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