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Steam client RELEASED!!!
And why am I not surprised that you can't get onto the website.

If anyone can get on there please post all the URL in here that they have on the website.

It makes me laugh that Valve could not foresee this happening.
I got the below off of

**Don't ask me for help installing or any problems installing it. I don't have it installed myself . I need to install a few other things first**

**Expect the updating to go pretty slow, I have heard that all of the steam servers are nearly maxed out (surprise surprise)**

Steam Client Links
*Please be patient as these servers will be overloaded.*
*WARNING* To double check the files use a md5.exe (search with google) - and scan the installer.
*UPDATE* If your install freezes are you have any problems at all I have been told simply restarting your CS should work.
*UPDATE* There seem to be more then one Hash # and they all seem to work so far. I will try to keep you guys updated on the Md5 issue..
*UPDATE* To use the md5-simply drag the steaminstaller.exe over the md5
*UPDATE* Rumor has it that if the version you download does not ask if you are over the age of 13 then it is not the real steam client but beta.


*More mirrors will be posted as they come up*

*Please try other links before clicking ours*
Tried to install and it was just stuck on the 'updating steam' bit... wondered why until I realised I'd allowed it outbound only in the firewall... Ports 27030 -> 27038 it's used so far... why it needs so many is beyond me.
I have let it run for almost an hour now I think and its not moving. Have drive is not going nuts like some people claim. Net stats live is telling me only about 1 to 5 k/sec is coming in.

Task manager says its its running.

All I can say is that I still think this is a piss poor program.
Well, it's weird... it told me that it was updating the platform files and did so within seconds... it was cool. Then it picked out my games... showed up a few I hadn't already go, so I thought, yah lets go for it... only it decided that despite me saying use my 2 GB free E: it would say I only had 750MB on my C:.... I'm like WTF I'm not installing them there... the interface is a bit crap too...

Anyway, I cancelled, played around, found out how to get it to redo a few bits.. but I think I might have to blitz the directory and reinstall.. coz it gets to like 3% now and dies... doesn't even get to the App installation part :/
what a crock of shit... I looked at why it's taking so long.. look at this:

Quote:C:\Documents and Settings\Mark>ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1628ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=1524ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=1107ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=1016ms TTL=120

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 1016ms, Maximum = 1628ms, Average = 1318ms
Oh, sorry, for those not quite up on network stuff, the number that reads over 1000ms is meaning that for a 32 character bit of data, it's taking over a second to get to the server and come back. Add their throttling control on top of this... shows that it's probably only 500k your downloading but it's gonna take all night :/
Steam finally shows up on file planet.
I voted for the file... gave it 1... wasn't the files fault, I blame it's parents...
how long does it take to update the steam stuff?
I've been trying for the last hour, but it's playing up big time :/
well i got it to start updating, its at like 50% now
I've been going for about 2 to 3 hours now. and nothing
Ok I had to use the end task in task manager to close down steam and then I restarted it.

It took almost 2 minutes for Steam to open again and now it saying its updating something. Its at the 49% mark now
Yeah, I was stuck at 71% for over an hour, so I killed it. Another annoying thing is that Steam program doesn't switch to itself, but instead gives an error message saying that two copies can't be run! Like it's sooooooo difficult to find an existing process - it already does that half of the job! :/
and as if to add insult to injury, were it took over 30 minutes to get to 71% before stopping there, it's already at 90% now :/
Ok, so the platform installed.. weee... now the problem is ... it won't f******* install the games... argh.... it's not like I'm a novice user either!

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