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The Mars Volta
Anybody else listen to these guys? They have ex-members from "At The Drive In" if anybody listens to them as well. It's all good music, just that not that many people know about them:PI've been looking for a place to get the album, if I get an FTP, I'll post the link here if the admins let me.
ive listened to some of their stuff, its not bad.
never heard :huh:
I've listened to at the drive in, but never heard of these guys.. I'll have to listen to them
I don't think there is a problem posting a link....some of their music is pretty cutting edge and intense.....if people understand half of the words that they use I will be impressed....not sure of their background but I am figuring at least one of them is a bibliophage with the turgid lyrics in the few songs I have heard.
Interesting.... "intense", 'incoherant'.... I may actually look into them now.

That guy's voice is wickedly insane.
:P I didn't mean all of their lyrics but even the name of that song is a little out there Inertiatic ESP
Anyone who knows me or has conversed with me knows how much I love vocabulary and literature, but how often do you think most people use the terms demimonde, picaresque or even tremulant? (which was the name of the EP they released a couple years ago) I was pointing out their use of euphuisms in their songs is a bit ostentatious and while that is one of the reasons the band was suggested to me in the first place, I wouldn't have thought that they would get too many mainstream listeners because of the same....I was surprised to see the thread although I would have half expected it from Wha? :D
And they aren't 'incoherent' it just depends on how many big words you know.:D
and the lead singer's voice is a bit haunting.
so for the record we'er still talking about the mars volta right? :huh:
yes dear^_^.......admittedly I am talking more about my impressions of the EP and have heard little of the new CD although I take it from the titles of the tracks it is much embellished like the first one although acid's "NOWWWW I'M LOOOOOOST!" was a line out of one of the songs and that is pretty straight forward.......then again .....I have been wrong before.....I believe it was that time I thought I was wrong.:blsh:

and I would try to purchase, mine was sent to me by a friend
Oh, not "if people understand half of the words that they use I will be impressed" as in those words aren't intelligible, but "if people understand half of the words that they use I will be impressed" as in most people have an.. un..big.. word.. thing.

How intense are they? On a scale of My December (0) by Linkin Park, to Dig by Mudvayne (something like 10).
ok maybe it depends on your definition of intense...they use a lot of effects....I can't figure out how to attach mp3 here so here is a link with some samples..... of course the pieces are missing some of the 'good' parts The Mars Volta oh you can also purchase through one of the comparative stores online too.

I wonder if they are paying acid for all this publicity :lol:
Finished downloading "De Loused in the Comatorium" off IRC, 192kbps quality, very good stuff, I recommend this album to anyone that likes Metal, and don't mind the big words, at least give 'em a shot.
Why can't you attach an mp3?
The limit for file attachments is currently 1 meg, you should be able to change it somewhere.
i listened to the snd samples on amazon...they do sort of sound like rush. that's not a bad thing btw...i also hear elements of 'power slave' era iron maiden...again, not a bad thing.

it's intense in the sense that these guy's seem to know how to play their instruments w/ great proficiency. it's not intense in the sense of sonic brutality. that cover art sucks...i can tell you that much.
Their posters are awesome, I can't find any images of them on google, but I've seen three posters of them and one t-shirt print at my friend's house, he's a major fan, gotta go to a concert with him now.
Because of the amount of bandwidth/storage size of an .MP3 it's better to have it on your own webspace and then link it from here.
Sure, willing to host it? lol.
How big is it?
Well if you guys want a pack of two mp3s, which sounds more like one song (first two mp3s), it's 8.2mb rar'd.

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