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I couldn't find any topics, though there are indeed a myriad of new ones, to reply to, so I thought I'd post this little piece of absurdity instead.

Chubby > Bacon

o it's tru
what is chubby? Besides someone who eats too much bacon, canadian of course B)
Ill probably offend people by saying this, but people who are obese because they eat too much, not because of "glandular problems", but because they eat so much tell me that drugs are bad. Thats funny when it comes from someone who is pretty much using food as a drug. Eating bacon, cake, triple cheeseburgers and soda has gotta be worse for you than smoking a blunt:P.
two notes
food is not illegal and you can not survive without it
tell me you can say the same about illicit drugs
some food should be illegal, krispy kreme is just pure sin:D.
Some people do use food as a drug though.

And what is this "Chubby", you speak of nox?
totally agree over indulgence in anything is 'bad' well except....well no no over indulgence is bad:blsh:
I also take offecne to that cake comment, so what if i like it, geez, cant a guy have his cake and eat it to?
GRITS,Sep 29 2003, 04:20 PM Wrote:two notes
food is not illegal and you can not survive without it
tell me you can say the same about illicit drugs
I'm pretty sure marijuana is legal, if not I KNOW it's been de-criminalized.. well in BC anyways.

ps. Could you survive by drinking homoginized milk, I doubt it but it does have quite a bit of nutrients and the essential fat.
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Sep 30 2003, 01:54 AM] cant a guy have his cake and eat it to?
I forget where I heard that before. Reminds me of MaGoo though...
GRITS,Sep 29 2003, 11:20 PM Wrote:two notes
food is not illegal and you can not survive without it
tell me you can say the same about illicit drugs
some people wouldn't survive without them... though what I think you mean is the average person...:)
still illegal...use both parameters
I never said they weren't illegal.. I said some people wouldn't survive without them... thus responding to what you wrote...:)

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