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I know this was mentioned before
Now, I did the steam thing... and first of all, I never saw any option to backup the WON version of ricochet so that I could play on those servers... the only one that I saw that might have been an option like that, I thought I picked the one so I could play both, but I guess not. So there seems to be no decent servers with no regulars that I know of. Anyway, that's another story, I'll deal with it I guess. My concern is that there is no sound when I jump, and I don't know if it's my imagination, but seems like there is a bit of a lag or whatever when I bounce, I am having some trouble stalling because of it. It could be just because I can't hear when I jump though. I remember this being in some other thread and I think there was a solution, but there are about a thousand posts about steam now, so I can't find it. How can I get the jumping sound back?
from what I understand you can just reinstall the won version of half-life and it should work fine.

I can't remember what mine said when I install steam
You are right g-boy...there is some kind of lag/ actually feels like everything is just alittle slower, like being in water. I have heard players complain they can't do all the jumps because of it. I am going to try to tweak the gravity and other variables to see what I can comeup with but right now I can't connect to any STEAM rico servers...I get a strange sprite error.
Ya, won is better, I dunno why yours didn't ask to back up old files. I thought it was gonna happen when i installed but it happened when i was setting up steam, so maybe...umm nevermind, you've played on steam so i'm guessing you did set it al lup already.. as for the no regulars on servers... I usually just right-click on people in my friends list and click join-game..hehe
The physics were perfect for RC in the WON version, hope you find out how to tweak it precisely evil.
If they are true double-takes, then doing the jump by feel works fine. Visually, you'll go off weird, then suddenly be back to normal.
well once you get used to the slowness, all the jumps become accessable again. It's like changing your sensitivity to something you aren't used to.
i could do the wha on the 2nd or third time on steam, and i did the s jump on my first attempt, just react after the inital "lag" at the begging of the jump, and use wha's advice, do it by feel.
PuNkGirL,Oct 2 2003, 07:14 PM Wrote:well once you get used to the slowness, all the jumps become accessable again. It's like changing your sensitivity to something you aren't used to.
That becomes even more fun for people like me who are playing both STEAM and WON versions... Plus, if you are a fair distance from the server, 200+ ping, it can seem like you are actually FALLING and then suddenly you are going backwards.... not just like lag, but MAJOR lag.... sucks ass, but again you can get used to it if you play for long enough.

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