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He avioded the word filter (n!****) and spammed too much. WAY too much.

AIGH I can't use BBcode or HTML? ugh... how annoying. Just copy and paste the above link then.
Double post, but I have another image. Worse than the first, believe me.
I'm pretty sure that does earn a life time banning :D
good call on that one
did you get a wonid? did you xxx in the logs?

tell me what server I can find it if not. \

Thanks RJ
I got a wonid, but I do not have it with me. I'll post it when I get back to the dorm (15 minutes?)

that guy was pretty bad, i did gag him, when i was in game.
Do the servers have bbwhois (or some equivalent) on them?
Yeah, that was me. My bad.:P
sorry Wha? is that a script that allows you to see other names they have used?


evil_admin will have to answer that one, but I don't believe we ever got it to work correctly
yeah, thats it, it also comes with some other features, i havent had much experiance with the command.
RushJet1,Oct 14 2003, 04:00 PM Wrote:I got a wonid, but I do not have it with me. I'll post it when I get back to the dorm (15 minutes?)

one day and 40 minutes later.....
Bbwhois lets you see other names they've used, as well as put "watches" and "notes" on players. A watch notifies all present admins that somebody "...needs to be watched. Type bbwhois <name>..." so they can see if this player has been a problem before. Notes are not announced, and are read just like watches; by bbwhois'ing the player it's on.
Aw shut up.



15 minutes... before 7:00
I saw noobi on the server again today, this time VADS... he again evaded the filter. He has the same unique id, so why isn't he banned?
noob was on grits 24/7 server today and was spamming heavily and bypassing filter as well. I got a few SS's of it, including his WonID in one of the SS's.
He has every right to be angry... I too get disgruntled because of Apex's continuous hacking
Oh right.....I knew that :blsh:

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