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Kill Bill
Ok, I have no idea what took me so long to make this post, guess I just haven't had the time. But last Saturday night I went to see Kill Bill. I have to say, right now, that it was one of the best movies EVER. And I don't say that lightly, I'm talking this surpasses pretty much every movie I've ever seen in terms of the enjoyability factor. The plot... basic, nothing special, just revenge killing. So the Matrix may be a better movie in terms of special effects and a very deep and awesome plot, but Kill Bill was straight up unbelievable and fun to watch.

It was possibly, and very likely, the most violent movie ever made. All of the commercials edit out the blood that Uma is covered in. Speaking of which, Uma Thurman kicking major ass... yeah, couldn't have picked anyone better. Now, lots of the violence and gore is unrealistic looking... but it is done intentionally, because this movie is as much comedy as action, and it works very very well.

Everything else was great... the cinematography, dialogue, fight scenes (schoolgirl asian chick with a crazy ball-and-chain against Uma with a samurai sword... best fight scene ever, maybe with the exception of Neo vs. a hundred Agent Smith's), music, and most everything rocked. You MUST see this movie, unless of course you hate violence and gore. One of the interesting things is that it's a two-part movie... this is volume one that is out, the first two hours, then volume two is the last two hours coming out in February. So more gore to come!!!

Tarantino fans would really love this movie, actually, I haven't heard one negative comment on Kill Bill.
I remember watching Pulp Fiction for the first time, I immediately went and rented Reservoir Dogs after finishing it.
yah, Kill Bill was an excellent flik, but it wasn't so much a movie as it was a tribute to classic action films. there were many allusions to Bruce Lee (For example, Uma Thurman wears a near identical outfit to one Bruce Lee wore in his last movie; and while wearing that suit, Uma takes on 88+ samurai ninjas, including the sensual Lucy Lui. It reminded of that sequence in the Matrix with all the agent smiths, but without all the dumb CG that made them all look like rubber. This stuff was all real, no computers added.)

On a related note, an animated sequence in Kill Bill nearly earned the film an NC-17 rating by the MPAA. It was quite violent, but the reason that it was so risque was because it had to do with pedophilia. But fortunately, instead of using the planned close-up slow shot, it went for the wide fast camera shot, so we are all blessed with this fine piece of cinema.

go see it. one of the reasons Tarantino is such a great action director is that the violence sways on the side of the ridiculous, and pleasant hilarity ensues. i laughed so hard my eyeballs flew out.

i'd better stick those back in their sockets. :wacko:
The animated sequence was crazy. And yes, the assload of ninjas did remind me of the agent smith thing... in fact, the way they showed them rushing in was pretty much identical in terms of the cinematography. And of course the masks they wore... little bit of Bruce Lee homage there, I agree.
I'm not much for writing so here's my comment...

:o <--jaw dropping:blink:<---stunning (cause it was so damn good) :lol:<---- It was funny, also this smile could be interpreted as a smile of joy because of a movie well made.
I saw Kill Bill last saturday, and I had extremely mixed feelings about it.

first off, i think it is one of the most beautiful movies to come out in a good while. It was completely stylzed, but it was done so well that it didnt bother me, it actually impressed me. Every shot seemed to have this amazing aesthetic symmetry to it (I had chills during the whole Uma Thurman vs. Lucy Liu fight scene because i loved that setting so much. The atmosphere was amazing).

Also, the way in which many scenes were shot, not just the way they looked was impressive to say the least. Tarantino has a real eye for positioning the camera. For instance in the scene in which she is looking at the collection of swords, it is a small room, but tarantino has us looking from the floor, from the cieling, through walls etc, but it is all seamless. And, of course, i shouldnt even have to mention that scene in Liu's club where the camera followed like 8 people around, but there we no cuts, it was just crazy crane work.

but all this doesnt mean that i loved the movie. I'll be the first to admit that I have a strange fetish for kung fu movies, but im picky. The violence doesnt bother me, but be consistant, am I supposed to be laughing, or wincing? The fake spraying blood was hilarious, but it seemed to kill the mood sometimes. I know the whole movie is supposed to be taken lightly, but it seemed like 2 different movies. Sometimes completely cool, with ateleast some semblance of realism, and then sometimes randomly off the wall and silly. I know tarantino was making his little homage to the old school films that he loves, but it was so self indulgent in that sense. Half of it was like an inside joke that only tarantino would get. somewhere in america he is giggling like a school girl.

I guess I loved the form, but was unimpressed with the content. A lot More than i can say about the Matrix.....among other things
I haven't seen it and I'm not going to ruin it for myself by reading any stupid crap you guys have written about it, but I must say that it's already got one strike against it with that dumb ass name :/
i agree: before i saw the movie, i thought the name was a little, shall we say, real crappy. but after seeing it, i understood. Tarantino has convinced himself that he's created the ultimate action movie. There is so little real plot and character substance that you overlook the fact that he might have directed it. The last scenes are amazing in special effects and hold your attention by not repeating the same moves over and over again. There's blood. There are moments when you cringe (take, for example, during the color-to-black-and-white transition when Uma Thurman yanks out a ninjas eye).

And you know that signature scream that George Lucas loved to put in his movies? Whether a storm-trooper was shot down, or a nazi was thrown off a cliff, it was always that same over-used "AARRGGGH!" Hell, even Peter Jackson used it in The Two Towers when an elf fell to his death. Tarantino now solidifies himself as an action-movie director by using it ... TWICE.

hearing that sound made me realize just how great an action flik should be. and QT does a damn good job. ;)
I never understood the whole judging a movie by its title... the only movie I haven't seen because of the retarded title is The Princess Bride... and also I've seen parts and dislike it anyway. But back on track... a rose by any other name... blah blah, it's true. By the way, I hold it in the same light as Eight Legged Freaks... bad name, but it's like that because it's a spoof and is hilarious and entertaining. Kill Bill... well, it basically tells you the plot. And it's funny. And the movie is a comedy/action that is so brilliant the title shouldn't matter... and the title is meant to be simple-minded. Sometimes I get annoyed when titles are TOO creative... Requiem for a Dream... awesome movie, but the name is a little off to me. Nonetheless, the movie is so good I don't care. But when I first heard it, I was like, eh, it'll be overdramatic.
Requeim For A Dream wasn't actually chosen by Darren Aronofsky, the screenwriter and director. Since that movie was based off a book by [Harold?] Selby Jr. by the same name, they didn't want to change it. The book is a hundred times more dramatic than the movie, so I think the name is more appropriate in that sense.

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