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SOME ###### IS KICKING EVERYONE OFF THE HOLDOUT'S SERVER, GO BAN THIS ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***, ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ING *THE G WORD* I SWEAR TO SATAN. *Cough* "Candy Apples", same dude that's been coming in with his list of WONIds these past weeks, get rid of him now.

Btw, ###### isn't blocked on your wonderful filter, see, ###### ###### ######.

That's number to make it three and you're out?
you do realize that was Cecil
Acid, this guy "Candy Apples" says hes the former leader of RIP (Killing Spree i beleive he said) and wants a reason to quit ricochet and create a frenzy of posts so he is abusing his admin powers to get a permban.... Personally i dont know why he needs to do this but the good thing is there is an admin spot free now right? *winks at Grits* :lol:
I was pointing something out evil, just so you could fix it, I love the threats though, more please. The carnage continues on the server, I've been kicked probably 30 times straight, I don't think I'll be playing Ricochet for the rest of the night, and I don't think I feel like posting on this forum any longer, one more of the bogus "strikes" from evil admin and I'm banned from the servers and the forum.
you kept joining even though you kept getting kicked? :blink:

roflmao spree
you are the man
I know you dislike me Pique, I don't know why exactly, but according to Power and Glory you just flamed me, strike please.
Killing spree will be removed as a jr admin. Grits and I have already delt with him on the servers. I put a ban on him.

And jumping to the conclusion that I was the one doing it is not very smart. I have said many times acid that unless you actually break the rules I will not kick you. Same goes for others here.

Also posting stuff like you did, it not very helpful. Just post what you seen and the wonid of the offending person and leave a XXX on the game server for the logs and we will take care of things.

If you can't leave a XXX then get to the forums asap and post about it. We are around the forums alot as they are easy to check from anywhere.
Quote:I know you dislike me Pique, I don't know why exactly, but according to Power and Glory you just flamed me, strike please.

I love how my name pops up when I don't even play on the WON servers anymore.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Actually what I posted was very helpful, and the naughty words you dislike were even blocked out for your pleasure. I never jumped to the conclusion that it was you. Maybe you admins should put yourself in my shoes, you just came back from a hard day at the cannabis factory, you log onto the server, get kicked, get kicked, over and over, how do you want me to react? "HAHA, THAT IS FUNNY, MORE KICK PLS"??? I would like a reason for the strike evil admin, and would like to know if this new "3 strikes rule" counts for everyone that points out a malfunction in your filter. If you actually gave me a strike for the filtered out sentence, what the hell can I say, put yourself in my shoes and think how it would feel.
So what Power? You post on this forum don't you?
Theres too much animosity in here, can we all try to lighten up a little bit? Possilby stop being so paranoid that an admin is out to get you. I know im asking a lot, but why not try to give up some grudges, or at least just try to realize that admins are just doing their jobs, and that when one goes postal is a rare occurance, and has been dealt with accordingly. I know everyone would appreciate it, if everyone did that.
I would love it if people lightened up, I would SO LOVE IT, but that's not the case. I don't know how you would react to ban threats, but I'm trying to take it calmly, and I'm trying to get some reasons. I am seriously considering just not being a part of the Ricochet community any longer, to me, it really does seem like a goal for some, that's what they're making it look like. I don't want to do it, but if it gets in the way of your fun, what else can you do but back off from the superior ranks and just stop posting? If you think I know why I am getting these threats, I don't, please enlighten me.
This has been delt with, closing thread.

I apologize for miscontruing your helpful post. When I read it I thought you were being witty and sarcastic.

Your second strike has been recalled.

everyone's a winner!

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