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video game books/articles/anything
I'm doing a resarch project on the affect of video games on our society, and i was wondering, considering all of us here play video games, that you might have some resarch on hand. Any information on them would be great, articles, books, essays, resarch journals, any intresting findings or statistics.

I wont go into details in what i have to do, but i will most likely be poll here about them in the future, thanks for any help.
I have an essay about it...I had to write about it for my speech class over the summer...The view of it is..that Games don't influence. I have to find it though;)
Would that be a 'persuasive speech'?
There have been a few articles about this subject in the past month or two. If you do a search I'm sure you will find them. Here is one I read from a few days ago:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Thanks p&g its a good article, i suggest that everyone should read it.

a press release by the american psychological assoiciation.

they're even saying its worse then violent movies.
But violent movies leave the instilled need to re-enact unfulfilled....
Wha?,Nov 5 2003, 11:52 PM Wrote:But violent movies leave the instilled need to re-enact unfulfilled....
I'm not sure about that, what guy wouldn't want the powers of NEO, from the matrix, or any one of the
X-men characters. If i could fly and dudge bullets, i would do it all the time.
A ) You have a need to dodge bullets?
B ) Neo doesn't need to dodge them, remember..hehe

And some of the x-men powers would cyclops or rogue, cause you can't really control unless you wear a crazy visor or gloves.
they would be optional, my personal fav is wolverine, the healing and the claws, and the general bad ass attitude. And who knows when dodgeing bullets would come in handy.
ya, wolverine is pretty badass. My favorite was always either him or gambit. I like that whole "charge this up and throw it at you so it explodes" dealy.

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