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Most up and coming players
Grits of course, that guy owns, RWS...lordy what a jumper, Razor, KS, American Shock, Sleet, Slosh, and we can't forget about good ole' Beastie, Frito, and P&G....
And snatch... very boring jumper, he's got a similar style as MASTER_FIN, where he jumps back and forth between two or three of the same colored pads, and shoots mostly midairs. He has very good aim and anticipation, not only for shooting, but he anticipates when to jump to avoid getting midair. But like FIN, his weakness is getting spammed. Though he is a boring jumper, I've seen him do all of the complex jumps when necessary, so if he can implement that, I believe he will be a force to be reckoned with.

Oooh. Forgot Noxi too....sorry! Also I personally don't feel spamming is a valid technique...and let me define what I think spamming is. Spamming is not using just the regular discs....spamming is shooting wildly and trying your best to aim at one area, but not having skill or technique...just spamming them with wild shots. This is not something that is worth doing and I don't condone it. Now using regular discs is definately something worth mention, because they don't always knock you I just wanted to clear myself up and define what I feel spamming is....
I don't know who to say. To me everyone seems the same skill forever. And if they are not as good at me, perhaps one day all of a sudden, they become godlike compaired to me. So there's only two categories of skill:P
Well, when I say spam I mean a barrage of push discs. When snatch jumps between two pads nonstop, sometimes it is hard to decap in midair. Quickest and safest way for me to get him is to fire a barrage of push discs at the area between the pads in midair, usually one will catch him. If he jumps out of it and gets more movement, I go back to decapping. Just a method, in my view. If someone spams and that's their deal, I'm fine with that. If it works, it works, but usually spamming is very easy to counter.

This turned in to a spamming topic and not a "up and coming player topic" but anyway, spamming to me is when someone shoots wildly in the air or bounces them wildly in HOPES of hitting someone, it isnt a good indicator of skill, it is a good indicator of luck. Luck dosent make anyone a good player, it makes them a lucky player.:D
YES! YES! I totally agree....
Back to the topic at hand. Up and coming players should be defined as someone who is basically new to the game. Players who have only played for a few months i.e. 3 or 4 would fit this category. Players who have shown improvement in that short period of time would be considered. I have played since last June so I do not think I fit in this category. I have been playing the same way since last September so I know I have not improved. American Shock seeems to me to have been the newest player you have listed as I have seen him do alot better in the past month.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Ok....where has HE been? I haven't seen him in awhile and I think that guy shows a lot of promise and dedication....I want to see him get good...
I was going to mention AS as well, but I have not seen him much as of late so I decided I would abstain from doing so.
I saw him a few days ago but he did not stay long.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Next time you see him...tell him to email me PLEASE!
fritoman,Feb 9 2003, 03:45 PM Wrote:bounces them wildly in HOPES of hitting someone, it isnt a good indicator of skill, it is a good indicator of luck. Luck dosent make anyone a good player, it makes them a lucky player.:D
Are we trying to say that I'm a no good yet lucky player? ... and I thought you loved me :/
.asm to me is going to be and up and coming player. He has some of the jumps down and will get better if he continues playing. He is someone to watch for in the coming months.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
netniV,Feb 10 2003, 01:59 AM Wrote:
fritoman,Feb 9 2003, 03:45 PM Wrote:bounces them wildly in HOPES of hitting someone, it isnt a good indicator of skill, it is a good indicator of luck.  Luck dosent make anyone a good player, it makes them a lucky player.:D
Are we trying to say that I'm a no good yet lucky player? ... and I thought you loved me :/
I thought you were already an established player, rather than an up and coming one..
Power and Glory,Feb 10 2003, 03:10 AM Wrote:.asm to me is going to be and up and coming player. He has some of the jumps down and will get better if he continues playing. He is someone to watch for in the coming months.
I was gonna say that... he definitely came along quickly, way quicker than I ever did. Like you said, he's got the jumps. Unlike a lot of newer players, he didn't get discouraged, he just learned to shoot over barriers and anticipate his shots. Practice, learn jump combos and combine with nicely aimed decap shots, and he'll be tough. Always fun to see new styles as opposed to the same players over and over.
noxious,Feb 10 2003, 04:10 AM Wrote:
netniV,Feb 10 2003, 01:59 AM Wrote:
fritoman,Feb 9 2003, 03:45 PM Wrote:bounces them wildly in HOPES of hitting someone, it isnt a good indicator of skill, it is a good indicator of luck.  Luck dosent make anyone a good player, it makes them a lucky player.:D
Are we trying to say that I'm a no good yet lucky player? ... and I thought you loved me :/
I thought you were already an established player, rather than an up and coming one..
Erm. Dunno:) Mind you, it's getting harder to remember who is new, and whose been around a short while but have hardly seen them, and whose been there ages and just haven't shown their faces to often.
Yeah I can agree with you there, I'm rarley around these days it seems so I never know who has been hanging on the server for a while and who only pops in everynow and then like me.
Well, I can help you out there... I'm there a lot except for the last week... :-D nOOb is another play I can think of who has been playing a lot better and is fairly new. He apparently remembers me from his early days.. I, however, can't quite remember him. :/
netniV,Feb 10 2003, 01:59 AM Wrote:
fritoman,Feb 9 2003, 03:45 PM Wrote:bounces them wildly in HOPES of hitting someone, it isnt a good indicator of skill, it is a good indicator of luck.  Luck dosent make anyone a good player, it makes them a lucky player.:D
Are we trying to say that I'm a no good yet lucky player? ... and I thought you loved me :/
I love you man, would never speak ill of you, you gonna eat the rest of your sandwich:D
Thanks fritoman! :-D As for my sandwhich... trying to play whilst your eating or on the phone... now that's a test of skill ;-)
I just got done playing a character named Dubois

his jumps were right where they should be and his accuracy was crazy

I hope some of you wiser ones can play him and teach him a lesson :P
for me of course

Im getting better at my jumps too sort of:(
If you get beat by someone you don't know chances are you know him and he's just using a different name. That's how it is for me anyway. So when I get owned by someone with a wierd name, I don't even bother asking who it is, I know they're someone I already know. And he already knows if I'm usually better than him or he's usually better than me so there's really no point the way I see it.
I think new guys are learning faster than we did, wonids are a grand thing to remember, but there's nothing like playing the regs and beating them or losing to them when you know what they are doing and they think they know what you are doing., wish Sinbon(seen rarely),Gemakk(never), would come around more often. Frito(one of best jumpers). KS(great killer). Beastie(depends on who he's playing)., lil face(he wishes,lol),Darkson(best one pad jumper, stay still and u can kill him),johnnykill(######, but still miss him), nemesis(slayed me in old, alittle rusty now),Killing Spree(enough said)(occasionally i get my luck, hehe), PG(god has no mercy), Shakira(better than most, just get shak distracted)SRI Lanka(awesome)jaelum(again)Cake-Rush(like a hocky player)Gwarsbane(think he has grits on his mind) Cloud(sigh, Grits again, but more talent)(actually can kick my ass at will). Grits(distracted by all of us, but the best cheerleader you can have, thanks Grits.)
I feel so left out of that list :/
what about me???? lol...
It's ok guys.....Jabbahunt was a little "distracted" hehehehe:rolleyes:
haha nice description for it! let me get this straight Grits affects my playing ability? and she's a cheerleader? lol....
Know what's fun? Reading old AIM messages.... it's a blast going through log files.
Haha... KS mentioned twice there...

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