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Spam this dammit!
Dec. 3 — One third of all spam circulating the Web is relayed through PCs that have been compromised by malicious programs known as Remote Access Trojans, according to Sophos, a corporate spam and antivirus company.
You know, a class action lawsuit would work against microsoft for allowing stuff to be installed without asking. Also those stupid popups that you get when you want to install a flash. The ones that only have one check box that says "always trust stuff from", an ok button and an X up in the corner. Why don't they ever have a second check box that says "never trust stuff from" Gator would be the first one that I would check for that.

Even a little warning saying "such and such a program is trying to lauch from the temp section, allow it lauch?" with a yes or no THAT ACTUALLY WORK.

Personally I don't install anything directly off the net so I have no need for exe files or scr file or pif files to lauch from the temp folder. There should be a switch or something that does not allow exes in the temp folder.

I bet that would solve more then half of the trojan attacks out there. Maybe more.

I got hit with another auto installer last night. Took me about 2 hours to clean everything off. I only found it because I opened up my IE and got abunch of pop ups. I cleaned my system the other night.

The installer I got hit with was the winpup/pup one. FREAKIN annoying.
Actually, you'd be hard pressed to, since if you configure most things up properly and install software that's readily available you can protect yourself. It's like saying that just because your house didn't come with an alarm, you can sue the builders.. nuh uh.
Gwar....tell me you have a Spybot Remover program???
Of course I do, I have ad-aware and spybot. I run both because each of them catches stuff the other don't.

Problem was, neither of those programs caught that pup garbage.
Meh, i kept getting a pop up for something called Jimmysurf, 10 bucks a month for complete spam and viral protection, can clean out harddrive of all spyware etc. Works beautifully. Price a bit nasty, trying to see if father can write it off as a business expense.
That's the problem with spybot and ad-aware, they aren't updated very often, or sometimes they miss something. Norton has to come out with some similar software.
I love my spybot and zonealarm:wub:
GRITS,Dec 4 2003, 07:38 PM Wrote:I love my spybot and zonealarm:wub:
I love your spybot and zonealarm to.

I use spybot, and try to run it whenever i get email spam.
I hate firewalls. I have never gotten one to work right yet on any of my systems, even thou I have had people who have firewalls up and running 24/7 try to get them working on my system but can't.

No idea why they never work. But by the end they usually end up cutting off all my access to the net till I have to end up formatting my system. Turning them off and uninstalling them don't seem to solve the no net access at all.

So I say screw software firewalls for now. If I can get my hands on a cheap hardware firewall sometime I'll give it a try.
Uhh hardware firewalls are really cheap, why don't you just cough up 50 bucks, hardware firewalls are better than any software firewall anyway, there's no real way of breaking into them as long as you have the settings right. I lovezor my my hardware firewall~ The daily log of blocked IPs is HUGE.... just... incredibly long. My stupid cat pissed on my old hardware firewall about a month back, I got a new one right away heh.
Because right now 50 bucks is a little hard to come up with right now. Oh and thats $50 US which is currently $65 Canadian, then I have to toss on 15% taxes which now makes it just shy of $75 bucks which is even harder to come up with right now.

I also haven't seen any around here for under $80 Canadian before taxes.

For how I use my system, I don't need one right now.
Who said you have to buy one....just get an old shitbox pc with a 2 gig hardrive and 128 MB of memory. Install Mandrake Multi/Single Network Firewall on it. All you need it 2 network interfaces and BAAM! You have a hardened, packet filtering firewall. The software if totally free and installs in about 12 minutes. You access it from an internal IP address on your lan like and you can configure it using your browser to set up rules and see the access logs. It also has network monitoring and Prelude Intrusion Detection System. So for the price of your can make an old PC into a great firewall/router for your network.
You know PIX, I was gonna suggest the same thing.:) In fact, I've just done that. Spent five days learning how to compile a kernel, recompile it, compile it again, go for a 5th, 6th, 10th time before I realised that it was a symbolic link problem for my file.;)

IPTables is simple to use if you take the time to learn it, and I have a sample script I can send you that I use to set it up.
Might take a look at the Mandrake thing though... question is, does it only run under Mandrake's version of Linux or will it work on other distributions like Slackware?
it is completely built on top of Mandrake Linux. It is the best one I've seen that is practically right out of the box.
hmm. still half tempted to through it at another installation and see what happens ;-) Probably break the damn thing.
Come on takes about 11 minutes to install and you're done. Takes about 15 minutes to config through
the browser to finish.
Damn, I got a spare old shitty computer, I'm gonna do that PIX.
You need at least 128MB of RAM for MNF to work. Go to and get to the downloads
section. Download the latest ISO image for Mandrake Multinetwork Firewall. Then burn it to a CD.
Put the CD in the PC and should boot into the install screen and off you go.

Probably want at least a Pentium II processor. The linux doesn't run any X Windows or GUI after the install
so there's no overhead on it my not having it.
I have a k6-2 566mhz box with 56mb ram, I can get another stick of pc-100 with no problem.
Around here even used hard ware is not cheap. It would cost me about 200 bucks or so to put a small system together that would work as a firewall.

As for the software, read up what I said above, software firewalls have caused my nothing but problems.

At least with a hardware firewall that I would buy from the store, if it don't work for me, I can take it back and get a refund.
You just don't know the right people and how to haggle properly.:) I paid £35 for my linux box, but it is only a Pentium 133 I think. Still, it does the job, and I have zero complaints. MNF won't work on it though after reading those specs.
I just got rid of all my problems today which i was very happy about and I am proud to say that my hero is Ad-aware 6.0 which is free and also comes with a free remover.
Specwise Net....Linux has given itself over to bloat just like Microsoft did years ago. The assume,
and you know assumption it the mother of all &$&#((#'s, that you have at least somewhat
minimal hardware like 128Mb of RAM and Pentium II's. The good thing about SNF and MNF is that
they DON'T use any kind of X windows interface which REALLY pulls down the performance. thing you could do is get a Link-sys or D-link router and let it do port forwarding for
incoming stuff and let all out from LAN to WAN. You would spend less money with this store bought
solution too. Software firewalls are great for someone who needs it NOW and can worry about all
the problems it causes later. A firewall/router will also let you split out your home network with
one incoming dedicated connection.
I only have the one computer at home right now anyway so splitting it don't matter.

Oh and net...
35.00 GBP United Kingdom Pounds = 78.9825 CAD Canada Dollars

In other words, still the same price as a new hardware firewall/router from the store. :D

There are a few places that sell used hardware and I am friends with a few of the people there, but it still costs them money so no matter how cheap I want to go I still have to pay their prices.

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