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This is a website where you click on a link, and its sends someone one cup of food, I urge you all to click and help spread the word. I've set this to my homepage, so ill click on it everytime i open up IE.

Quote:THANK YOU! Your click helps feed the hungry with the value of 1.1 cups of staple food. Scroll down to how you're helping. A special thank you to Pax World Funds for their generosity in helping fund the food your click gives today.

the URL for the site
yes, i'd become aware of such sites a few years ago because of a friend that had been doing it a lot, and recommended it to me. I decided i didn't want to be a part of it, even thought i had subscriptions to both and, because rather than actually doing anything, it turned into a perversion of a rational that all these clicks were, in the end, significant.
if these people truly do what they claim, then what a wonderful service it is. personally, i doubt it. i'm still convinced that it won't bring you redemption, since you think you're doing good in the world (keeping faith ultimately in the hands of strangers and the goodness of humanity) just by sitting and clicking for a while on a few dozen websites. how interesting humanitarianism has become in the age of the internet.
instead, woudn't it be better just to starve yourself one cup of food every time you open IE? i think it would be the equivalent to clicking a button on a website.
well the site does blatently say its giving one cup of food to someone, and has all this corporate sponsorship, and if the corporations, dont carry out their word, then they will have a lawsuit on their hands. Keeping in mind the type of people that would sue a company, over this, because they wont be the beneficary of it, the benefactors would be the starving people who didnt get their food, and in the end, would most likely get some food.

On another note, if i was in the hungry persons position, and i knew one click of a mouse would send me one cup of food, then i would be very upset if someone was too lazy to do it for me. I figure, its the least i can do.

another site about clearing land mines click here
Christ...if I was hungry and homeless....I would have muh ass at the public library
utilizing every public PC there to get some clicks.
Are you kidding me ? So, just because I don't click a link on a website that I find highly unlike to benefit someone, then that makes me lazy ??? No, I think it makes me willing to stand out and have an opinion of my own rather than follow the masses and do something just because it 'seems a good idea'.
how does it not seem like a good idea?

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