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Post about the poster above you
This game isn't anything new, it's been brought down from board to board over the months. It's a huge success in most of them, so I'll try here. I'll explain how this game works:

The game will start when someone replies to this thread. After that, the next person to reply will explain something he or she knows about the person above him or her. It can be something funny, stupid, or personal. It really doesn't matter, just no personal attacks. I'll do an example.

MaGoo's Post: #$##$&*#$&@

1st Replier: MaGoo is a decent ricochet player.

2nd Replier: The 1st replier has a cool signature.

Only try to make the details about the person above you more interesting. Anyways, enjoy the little forum game!
Magoo is in my clan and helps me from falling on my own by trying to catch me. (well at least when that what he tells me when he bumps into me).hehe
Jabbahunt tends to own me but i get a few in
Toast has a food as part of his name and besides that i have absouluty no clue who he his
PIque RULES!!!. =D (are we allowed to flame?) (No you are not)

***Edited by Gwarsbane***
Nox is not only an awesome richochet player he is a computer geek through and through..and hosts his own website
GRITS is a VERY wonderful lady that is fun loving and some how puts up with the likes of me. :D
Gwars is still hard to beat, but he doesn't pwn me as much as he used to. :lol:
MaGoo has always been better than me at Ricochet even though I try to get better:P

(and why can't we flame if it's all in good fun =D? free speech:P) Course this is a private medium so don't think I'm serious...
Ok dont tell by demonstration just tell me what does "flame" mean

and nox is sort of a facetious fellow sometimes I can tell by this post
Ever seen the Roasts by Dean Martin? That's where flaming comes from. It's usually joking around unless they are talking about some dimwit who got banned. But it's just a joke or some words that are somewhat harse but here we should be able to figure out if someone is serious.

To continue the game...

I am GRITS' toy according to the title, and she was raised in the south. She lives more north now and we all think she should change her name to GWTOTS (Girl Who Traded On The South)....ok so maybe that's just me:P Overall, a great person and someone I enjoy playing RC with!

<3 Jooza

PS - that <3 is a heart! MUCH LOVE!
[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
Jooza, has the overwelming capacity to cut my head off at the drop of a hat or the throw of a disc...<_<<-----what my head looks like when it is cut off by him. Dont know much about him or his name for that matter, but it is kinda of a funny one:lol:
I learned how to MA people while playing center when they come from the rear center pad to the center while playing frito. Then he learned not to do it while he plays me except on rare occassions so it doesn't work on him anymore:(
noxious, for some reason i never learn anything when i get killed, all i do is say "damn how come he keeps doing that to me" lol, and i have a tendency to say that a lot when i play you:P,nox is an excellent player and is very fun to play against. but he does try and grab my butt when we are playing and thats just not right:blink:
Frito is one of my favorite people on rc:urock:and is the reason i'm in uT. He has always stayed a step ahead of me because he was willing to die and look stupid while he learned to jump, plus he's almost as old as I am. :toast:
JabbaHunt...picked his name because he was "hunting" jabba....but that didn't last long and people shortened it to Jabba ...not real sure if that was the brightest idea...but we all love him even if we do picture a big green hookah smoking wormy "hutt" thing when we talk to him...wonder if he is hunting any slave dancers:rolleyes:
Grits is finer then a new set of snow tires, and always a joy to play, whether beating or getting beat by her:wub:"me so silly" and for someone to put up with the likes of me as admin, she has to be some special lady:D
kudos to grits:kiss:
the grape man above is one cool dude, laid back as hell, loves golf and makes sure we all get our snacks. I have never seen him even remotely pissed at anyone in our community, no matter how hard we try. :toast:I here he's a great dad and sure is probably as good of a husband. We do have one thing in common(must be southern heritage,love GRITS in the morning(hell, anytime).:urock:
Jabba owns. SMURF U! :smurf:
AH magoo and post above jabba, magoo is a trip to play and is all ways kicking my ASS, and its starting to PISS ME OFF, jk,i still see the uT tag on him and i hope it is there to stay, as for jabba it is always cool to be on the server when he comes in cus when he first started i would try and help him learn the game and hardly anyone knew him but NOW i am lucky to win one round againts him and EVERYONE knows his name so i like to think i had just a little part in helping him get very good at rico "plus we are close in age" and it is kinda a "us against them" when it comes to kids being very good at video games, so it is nice to see one of ours get very good at the game.
so a toast to my ol pal jabba and his rico skills :toast:
Frito beats me a lot, in rico, cs, and he even knows more about chips then me. . .Not to mention his site: (or whatever you called it). . .
Freefall spends an awful lot of time on the website forums but always comes in as an anonymous member so everyone else doesnt know he is here.....but I do ;)
GRITS enjoys sushi as well as spending time with her loved ones (us i guess :huh:) Her kind spirit has made this community what it is. Her personality lights up the forums.

Ok no flames on me please (i know this is the chance all of you have been waiting for)
Anon makes a good friend while still owning everyone at DM.
Wanksta. . .was. . .in. . .[EVIL] i htink...and then the clan shuit down. . um, he plays ricochet I don't really know him much but, CHEERS to you!
Freefall's so sexy that he makes me wish that I was a little boy and he was Michael Jackson.
RWS' sanity is perfectly intact. :P Surprising considering his excellent rico skills even though he might be a little rusty.
anon....hmmmm...anon???? I don't know he is anonymity...does anyone really know anything about him? I hear he is admin on 7 servers....that's pretty impressive....wait 6 of those are our servers....guess I know him enough to trust him:P
he's Canadian and gonna be a cop.....hmmm Canadian cop...nuff said:D
Boo, you revive n3rds..

GRITS pwns us all, because if it weren't for her; Ricochet wouldn't be half as fun or popular as it is now. :thumb::thumb::thumb:
I don't play with MaGoo as much as I should... he's really good at ricochet though, I know that much.

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