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So today I come home from school, chill for a while and start playing Ricochet. My first round I'm fighting some newb, but Lil'face (bugged) comes along and kicks my ass while flying around, I lose the match and I'm kinda pissed because the other player never touched me. I call lil'face an ###### (WHICH IS NOT BLOCKED) and immediately I get gagged, all of this happens in three minutes since I connect. I've had it with this kind of power tripping, so I left. This isn't the first time this type of crap has happened, and I'm sure others can relate, I don't take being punished by some jackass lightly, specially when I didn't do anything wrong.

What's wrong with some of you admins? You take any opportunity at all to use those wonderful commands the rest of us don't have and you power trip. This power was given to you to regulate the server accordingly, not ****ing around with people like they're some BOT you can take advantage of. Take this into consideration next time you feel like gagging someone, or just feel like pissing someone off, put yourself in the same scenario and realize how stupidly annoying and pointless your punishment and/or torture may be, thanks.
For once...I totally agree with you Acid. Many of the admins do like they are supposed to, but a few have power-trips or "bad-days" and take it out on anyone they feel like...
ummm perhaps u shudnt call people ######s? just a thought
To both Cloud and Acid,

You guys are the first to complain when someone disrupts on the server....I see your messages that someone is lagging, reconnecting, spamming (messages) and such. However, you both expect to be treated special or above the rules.

First Cloud, the day you said I picked on you started with you calling me a bastard when we bumped during a game, which I responded by calling you an ######. I would have let it drop there but as usual you went ballistic and jumped all over me (not knowing who I was). when you got out of control I gagged you, simple as that. I have reviewed the logs as has GRITS. I took no advantage of you and if anyone else did it they would get the same action from me..

As for Acid, I saw the message you sent calling someone an ######....I then asked you twice if you were referring to me since I hadn't done anything to warrant it. Your response was something to the effect, "I am now" which caused me to gag you. If I had caught the reason why you were calling lil face an ###### I probably would have gagged you for that. Again, I did not pick on you because you are who you are...I would have acted the same with anyone else and have many times.

The admins on GRITS' servers are fair and extremely patient. I do think that some people may be able to push the envelope with some of the admins due to friendship and/or clan membership. I don't know this for a fact but the potential is there.

You both might want to think about something regarding the responsibilities of the admins. We are trying to monitor all games to ensure everyone is playing fair, monitor all messages so no one is message spamming, attacking another player or being disruptive and we are still trying to enjoy playing, which is the reason we are all here. We review logs and discuss as a group through forums and email how to make the server a place that is non-disruptive, without cheats and fun to play.

So if you don't like the way you are treated, complain to GRITS or one of the admins. We all review logs and discuss admin actions. If it is found you have been treated unfairly, the admin will apologize. However, if you expect to be treated differently because you are an excellent player or in a clan or are friends with GRITS or one of the admins, it isn't going to happen.

One last comment. Most of the time I enter the server under a disguised name to see how new players are treated and to see how the regulars act when there are no admins around. It has been those times when I see the most abuse from some of the regulars to new or inexperienced players. The server is for everyone, not just the regulars or the clan members but for anyone coming to play.

I've only gotten punished by the admins twice... once I got kicked for getting a little heated in a political argument (which I was fine with)... the other time I was slapped several times, and subsequently knocked off into oblivion almost every time, by evil_admin because I was "camping" or using the darkson method, or whatever you might call it (which I was NOT fine with).
I can respect the positions of admins because I was an admin of a CS server, and we got a lot of dickheads. I had been told I was abusing admin for slaying chat spammers and annoying people and such. The problem is when someone gets a warning from an admin, or they get slapped and told to shut up, they have too much pride and won't just shut up, they'll continue to talk back or whatever, resulting in more action. So in hindsight, they say "that was abuse, I was kicked because I cussed ONCE!"
I can also respect the positions of players too, because sometimes you don't see the admin action coming. I was really ticked off when I was slapped and killed, I kept asking evil why it happened, and he would not answer. I didn't know evil was in there either, I just knew I was being slapped and no one answered me when I asked "who the hell is slapping me and why?" Eventually evil changed to his normal name later, so I figured out who it was. Naturally, any time I said I was slapped for no reason, the response was "well you must have done something, it couldn't be just for stalling on the same pad." Well, fine, cool, I have a stellar memory and I don't recall avoid the filter (does anyone here see me do that?) or exploiting (once again, anyone?)... but the point is, even if I did something against the rules, I'd like to be told before my games are ruined by getting killed for seemingly no reason. And afterwards, I'd like to know what I did. Never was told, and was too long ago to be told now.

In summary... I understand the views of both sides, and I respect every admin with the exception of evil.
I agree with Evil Admin
Point is, if you don't like the administration of a server, find a new server.(I just happened to like being slapped):kiss:
well maybe I will, cuz you see I act the same way at all times, admin or no admin. You start using cheap tactics against me I will surely let you know about it, if you start talking shit about me or people I know I'll make sure to get you back, and if you choose to be an undercover admin...well then so be it. Play your silly little games I do not care, but I do know that your accusation of ALL admins acting in that way is a true fallacy. I have been on many times when someone was being a jerk and I quickly responded to their "######-ness" and yet nothing ever happened to me...and plenty of admins where around. Ya see, there's this cute thing called a if those words are not filtered they are allowed to be used and as long as you don't spam (which I didn't do)...then there should be no problem...unless of course you are looking for a fight. Yes you're damn right I'm one of the first ones to call on someone making unnecessary remarks, lagging, or being stupid on the's unwarranted and I would appreciate action...which sadly very rarely seems to happen, but it's never been enough to disturb my game or the game of others. I NEVER attack anyone...unless attacked first...and you can come up with all of the lame excuses you want to, but the sad reality of it all is that....well you're wrong.
THERE ARE NO OTHER SERVERS. Rebaudo, those reasons for me getting pissed at people are wrong, how? Spamming, recon are actual rules that should be enforced (no, I don't whine to admins if someone is lagging or bypassing the chat filter). You just admitted to abusing your power because of your selfishness, because I indirectly called you an ###### for getting into something you shouldn't have. Maybe I would have respected you if you weren't using one of your many random names. Come to think of it, you're the worst admin on Holdout's, you power trip like crazy on me for no real reason, I actually try to stay away from you, but how can I achieve that if you're always anon?
Hey, I like the server and the admins, just not evil_admin....
The fact is that it is up to each admin to choose what they should do about a player, no I have never kicked or Gagged anyone for calling me a name once, but i'm better at taking things like that than a lot o people are; you are not allowed to call other players names, its just not nice, but if somone has a good reason to, most admins look the other way. I can understand why an admin would get mad at somone calling them a name, I somtimes want to ban people for that, but we all keep iundercontrol most of the time, and I'm sure the gag you got acid was not a very long one. Also one reason for this "picking on you" may be for your acting up, you have been banned befor. Yes I'll admit I let acid get away with more than he should because he is my friend, but I think everyone knows that if he or anyone in RiP were to do anything really wrong, I would be the first to ban them. So when it comes down to it each admin admins in his or her own way to admin, but no admin will ever do anything to you without doing somthing wrong. And to you G-boy, maybe he evil simply thought you were doing somthing more than arrow stalling, even if you were not, or maybe you were doing somthing you didn't know you were doing.
Here is my view on being an admin, its a lot harder then most people think.

Sure I have made my mistakes and kicked people that should not have been. But like was mentioned, I'm trying to play a game and have fun, while watch the chat thats going on to make sure no one is doing anything wrong. Sometimes I miss things, most of the time I don't.

Sometimes I see things that even the player that said them didn't see, right Jabba? :D

Its also hard to be friends with people and yet know that if they step out of line I have to do something about it.

I don't like gagging, kicking or banning people but I do it. When I am on the holdouts vadavaka servers I am an admin first then a player. I have lost many games because I am doing what I have been asked to do.

I also don't why people get all upset over being gagged or kicked. If you get gagged, its only a temp thing. With in a few minutes you will eventually be ungagged. Its is a punishment, but its like a go stand in the corner for a few minutes kind of thing.

Getting kicked is something to really open ones eyes. It is like a slap on the hand to tell the person what they did was wrong. You got slapped but you can join back into the game.

Banning is being grounded.

We have also had players that come on and have had bad days and take it out on everyone there including the admins by blaming them that they are abusing their powers. I have seen this with new people and I have seen it with regulars.

Basically if everyone followed the rules then you woudn't even notice the admins and everyone would have lots of fun playing.

Also like was mentioned we all have out own styles for adminning, I normally give warnings first. I don't take kindly to people calling me names thou.
Whether or not I was doing something more, or whether or not he thought I was doing something more wasn't the problem. If I was told that, and warned, and I offered an explanation, that would have been cool. The problem was that he didn't reveal himself, and I was just slapped seemingly out of nowhere. After repeatedly asking the problem and being repeatedly slapped nonetheless, I would get no response, and I never got a warning/explanation. I think it's an admin's responsibility to warn via text/tsay/csay, then they can do what they feel is necessary, and explain what the infraction was.
Actually, I've admined a lot of CS, Tribes and UT servers, as well as message boards. It's simple, have rules there and stay by them no matter who breaks them. There is no such thing as immunity besides being an admin. *shrug* You guys are making a big deal out of nothing, especially if you really did make an outburst.

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
I only read Acid's post and G-boy's, and skimmed through the rest quickly, because I don't have time right now, but I'll throw in my two cents. I have NEVER had any problem with any admin. Why? Because I watch myself. Although I do think G-boy's beef with getting slapped for using Darkson's method definantly has some credibility, I think the general rule of thumb is; have a good attitude, no one's gonna have a problem with you. The second you fly off the handel, you lose any credibility you have. And this isn't just in this game. Take an attitude to the workplace and see how long you last. It's not poor administration, it's life.
I will say that I have had Gwar gag me for voicing my opinion... well, actually I voiced my opinion, he asked me to stop so I wanted to see how he'd react... which was to just gag me for ages...

Other than that... never had anything happen... But as an admin anywhere, or just a player... I tend to be laughing my ass off when most people think I am being serious. When I have my bad days, which most people have, then I just keep myself to myself.

I, am with Evil here. But then, I would do exactly what he does. No question. If you appear to be over stepping the mark and don't want to calm down, then a timeout you should get.

Which reminds me of a time some pr0 clan members could even take a joke or realise that certain name switches I was using where really a joke at me rather than them.

ya know what this has gone way out of hand. Evil...I'm sorry I snapped on you that day...typically you don't irk me like that and I have never seen you abuse power this isn't worth fighting over...just let him stay and everyone (including you cloud) make sure you keep your cool and any admins who are in the vicinity make sure to unveil yourself when you feel a punishment is necessary...
Did you even READ my post netiv?
;)what the hell is going on here, it is a freaking game, its not a way of life, I just bought a new game for my self "new to me" rouge spear and i thought it would be fun to play, so i was excited, went home, installed and logged on, "after a couple of download updates". the first server i came to i got on, as soon as i did some one said fritomans a noob kick him and i was kicked, next one, same thing, so the 3rd one they said it and i begged them to let me play so i WOULDNT be a noob and bam i was kicked, getting kicked pisses me off to no end and i dont play that damn game anymore, worst 20 bucks i ever spent, but anyway I dont kick unless you deserve it and i dont wanna hear you whine when i do kick you, or gag or llama or what ever, i like to raz people and have fun but if you cross the line your gone, most times i warn but if it is something that is way out of line, no warning you are just gone, cus in real life i dont think you should have to warn someone not to run someone over with a car after they have already done it, so they dont do it again, shouldnt have been done in the first place!
heres my 10 cents cus my 2 cents are free
F ' ing-A brotha !:thumb:
_Acid_Head_,Mar 30 2003, 07:38 PM Wrote:Did you even READ my post netiv?
What makes you think I didn't?
fritoman,Apr 1 2003, 06:56 PM Wrote:;)what the hell is going on here, it is a freaking game, its not a way of life, I just bought a new game for my self "new to me" rouge spear and i thought it would be fun to play, so i was excited, went home, installed and logged on, "after a couple of download updates". the first server i came to i got on, as soon as i did some one said fritomans a noob kick him and i was kicked, next one, same thing, so the 3rd one they said it and i begged them to let me play so i WOULDNT be a noob and bam i was kicked, getting kicked pisses me off to no end and i dont play that damn game anymore, worst 20 bucks i ever spent, but anyway I dont kick unless you deserve it and i dont wanna hear you whine when i do kick you, or gag or llama or what ever, i like to raz people and have fun but if you cross the line your gone, most times i warn but if it is something that is way out of line, no warning you are just gone, cus in real life i dont think you should have to warn someone not to run someone over with a car after they have already done it, so they dont do it again, shouldnt have been done in the first place!
heres my 10 cents cus my 2 cents are free
Frito. I played that game for the first time about a week ago after having not played it for well over a year, possibly two. I must say, that community has definitely changed, and not for the better I might add. I read an article that Wha? wrote, Pique posted a link to it, and it talks about how when an influx of new players come into the scene, the old rules and standards can be changed or rewritten entirely. It seems that is the case with the RS community, because I have not played it again since I tried it once on a few servers. Sad to see the game that brought me into the online gaming scene demise into what it has:(
yeah nox it seems like it would be a cool game to play if i could ever get to play but the people on there are just dicks for the most part and i didnt buy a GAME to have to hang around people like that,
its a shame but i will live with it

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