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It is time for a DM Tourney
If you want us to have a Ricochet DM Tournament I need some input. It will be one on one. wha? has created a DM tourney map that is on Vad's Ricochet server. I need 16 players at minimum to carry it off...first and second prize to be announced but I will make it comparable to the grand prize in the arena tournament. You wanna play? let me see your name....
sounds good, count me in :thumb:
Guess it's kinda manditory I sign up...
does Spam is allowed on the DM tournament?
What kind of spam?
the spam that give Triple and duble non stop:) the one im good at
THere are no power ups in the map. Wha took that out so it wouldnt give a player an advatnage and to get easy points.
Count me in grits i wanna own some cakes
im not talking about power ups, im talking about the spam u so like... leaving everytime im doing it <_<

well i will check replays and answer from GRITS on the morning, im off to bed
I think by spam he means throw a push disc every time it comes up
Rebound spam won't do any good as far as points are concerned, after all, GRITS said matches would be one on one, so you won't get much in the way of anything, let alone non-stop rebounds. Can't see why you'd want to. Same goes for bounce stalling, it's going to hurt you more than save you.

Can the actual matches be put off until evil_admin has a chance to compile the dkill fix, or would that be too long? Hmmm, what about netniv? Anyone with the capability and know how? I don't mean to nag, and it's not like anybody would do it willingly in the tourny, but it would remove the possibility that one kind of free kill would need to be awarded.
I am talking about the spawn rebound killing. That is when the disc bounces on the bottom of the map and knocks ppl off who are just spawning after they died.

I dont know if we will allow this in a match. I am thinking about it, because it wont work that well in a one on one.

any free kill would be nulified, meaning that person has to reach x amount of points plus one.
What are you asking wha ill always be glad to help you man
we are setting the rules now....double kills are a definite out...the habitual spamming that I think shalk is talking about is not going to help if your opponent ends up on the upper level and if you think I will not have a rule against spawn killing.....think again.<_<
Count me own, I'll get owned but it will be fun:D
Im in...Yep Im definately ive been waiting awhile for a tourny.:D
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Feb 1 2004, 09:08 PM] THere are no power ups in the map. Wha took that out so it wouldnt give a player an advatnage and to get easy points.
Which is actually meaning that the map is deficient since the arena map does actually have the power ups in it :-P Oh that reminds me, Miagi didn't like my style of play on DM1 ;-) Thought I was too defensive in play rather than being aggresive attacker like [CAKE] lads that he learnt by watching from apparently...:)

ps. do I really have to say I'll be in it, or is that a given ?
You will have to switch the power ups to either arena mode or they will have to go completly. The bottom line is the dm1 power up is too much for just 2 ppl. All you really have to do is get a 2 or 3 point lead and with all the power ups its virtually impossible. Thats if we dont decide to keep the power up system off completly.
I say switch it to arena mode since it is on a 1v1 system. That resolves the problem of keeping power ups after death and it also enables you to allow more diversity. I believe that power ups are as much a part of the Rico game as Guns are in CS.

Yes, there are also situations we don't like and on a normal game we'd ask people not to do them. In a tournament, if there's a significant balance shift (ie, keeping powerups after death) then something shoudl be done. I disagree that removing is the right way to go, when Arena has already got a decent method for this.
Count me out for this tournament.
I dont think it will actually remove the power up after the death, mainly due to the fact that you dont lose a round, because of the nature of DM. I maybe mistakin but thats how i see it. I think that the arena power up timing is ok, but it needs to be tested. The dmtourney map that wha created was already testet for one on ones and works quite well. It also has most of the major bugs removed in it. Since the skill is minimal to obtain a power up and the rewards recived are much higher (greatly increases the odds of a point) I think it will affect the outcome too much. Less so for the arena system, but still affect it none the less.
It would remove the power up after death if operating as per arena rules, hence why they'd be arena rules. I am presuming a map can actually be set to hold a value of a configuration variable since when a server loads you see it setting all the CVAR's... simply set "rc_arena 1" and the issue with powerups is resolved.
What about match longevity? I'm not worried about rounds timing out, rather that it won't make a difference unless somebody dies or falls (meaning the advantage is still present).
I play dm way too much to ignore this. I'm in...

As far as powerups I say nay. It's too easy to hit someone with triple shot. And freeze shot, geez that hits its target about 98% of the time in dm with only one opponent. Wouldn't setting the map to arena rules mean that when you fall the opponent gets a point, I'm not sure if this is what wha means? Maybe its just me but this is one reason why I stay away from arena. I fall alot. I've played on wha's dm1_tourny map and have absolutely no problem with no powerups, if you ever see my server(laggy a bit) I usually run this map.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Wha?,Feb 2 2004, 02:21 AM Wrote:What about match longevity? I'm not worried about rounds timing out, rather that it won't make a difference unless somebody dies or falls (meaning the advantage is still present).
Thats a seperate issue, and I wondered whether that one had already been thought about ? In Arena mode you have about 3-5 minutes for a round (I forget as I'm at work) and that means you are more forced to try to go for the kill otherwise you don't know who'd be awarded the point (usually the one whose behind first).

With regards to freeze shots hitting over 98% of the time, it's known that 98% of all statistics are made up :-P The only reason why on DM it hits more often than arena is because there are more people for it to hit. Freeze shots do not work particularly well against anyone who knows how ot strafe.
You'd be surprised, you know... I've been in midair before while strafing and been hit with ice shot. That and powerups are just cheap- you can get all four too easliy and "rule the hill" so to speak with the upper deck. The other person keeps getting knocked around and you get all the powerups...


BTW i'm in:)
We should have no clan members in it like DTC yeah
And all I can say to that is, what is next, push disks because they give you three tries ?
I suck at dm but who cares, count me in :lol:

I'll be the first to be owned ^_^
netniV,Feb 2 2004, 11:00 PM Wrote:And all I can say to that is, what is next, push disks because they give you three tries ?
No, both players can use their push discs at any time. The player that happens to be at the top gets the powerup and the advantage- if the bottom person doesn't get a powerup soon the top guy will eventually get the freezingtriplepowerfast shot. Not a good combo.

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