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It is time for a DM Tourney
RushJet1,Feb 3 2004, 12:16 AM Wrote:
netniV,Feb 2 2004, 11:00 PM Wrote:And all I can say to that is, what is next, push disks because they give you three tries ?
No, both players can use their push discs at any time. The player that happens to be at the top gets the powerup and the advantage- if the bottom person doesn't get a powerup soon the top guy will eventually get the freezingtriplepowerfast shot. Not a good combo.
That's a bit like one player being able to afford one type of gun but the other can't in CS... sorry that holds no real water to it. So far all I have seen are excuses because you can't handle them. Hell, I give excuses to SS when he snipes and just did to anon so I sniped back.

So far, the argument for removing it has been weight by nothing more than the fact they are retained after death, but that is a problem that as I've pointed out, could be solved.
I'm in.
Can I use your arguments as windows net? They're beautifully transparent.
Ok when is this thing ganna be i need to own some peeps
Count me in.

Going to be some fine dm matches here
You are awarded money even if you lose in cs net. 2 thousand at least, all you have to do is manage it a bit. Second, has anyone noticed that with all the cs analogies, all of us still wonder why all the noobs who come in compare it to cs?
Looks like 13 so far...I have a feeling Dragon Lady hasnt seen this post yet...someone want to direct her here to sign up and anyone else that luvs Ricochet Deathmatch we have 3 spots left then I close it. SS where is your name?


if you want tags or your name to appear differently do it now these are from the forums
Wha?,Feb 3 2004, 02:43 AM Wrote:Can I use your arguments as windows net? They're beautifully transparent.
They're only transparent if you wish to ignore them. That's your call. You played against me yesterday, and I have no issue with playing without power ups. I still believe your removing a basic part of the game just because you don't like it. And no amount of dodging you do avoids that.
im in.

not that ill get past the first round.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
OK netniv, then we can't have arena mode where falling kills you, it's changing a basic part of the original game. If a disc hits the corner bumper, it's gone for a long time until it hits the other side of the map, not the fix that was made because that's the original. Going by your logic we should have to use RC_Deathmatch1 the original. You keep suggesting that we change something like losing powerups after death, but then you complain that we're changing something from the original game....

Also keep in mind that we are changing it anyway as DM1 wasn't meant for 2 people anyway.
Does anyone have the instructions for ricochet anywhere....I have misplaced mine and I have forgotten how to play:o
evil_admin says he wants to sign up
..but, alas is too scared he will lose to a CAKE in the first round.
i didn't said to sign me in... i just asked a question. Im not good on DM, plz remove me from the list... i will stay on arena
SIGN ME UP!!! Me not yellow!!! Just eat the yellow snow.
I just bought DuckTales for NES! It's fun and - whoa this is the wrong forum.
i'm not a deathmatch guy but i'll sign up. my repertoire is very limited there but i would like to see if i can make something happen. maybe i can get some practice in before hand. i'm extremely busy and scheduling will in fact be an issue but i'll do my best to get my matches played on time.

btw, i agree this doesn't actually prove who is the best deathmatcher. my idea was to have 4-6 people play at a time and whoever has the best score at the 15 minute mark wins. this just smacks of arena envy:P
yeah...more peeps in at once....if not...its just same old arena stuff.
RushJet1,Feb 3 2004, 03:50 PM Wrote:OK netniv, then we can't have arena mode where falling kills you, it's changing a basic part of the original game. If a disc hits the corner bumper, it's gone for a long time until it hits the other side of the map, not the fix that was made because that's the original. Going by your logic we should have to use RC_Deathmatch1 the original. You keep suggesting that we change something like losing powerups after death, but then you complain that we're changing something from the original game....

Also keep in mind that we are changing it anyway as DM1 wasn't meant for 2 people anyway.
There's a difference between removing bugs and implementing fixes and just removing functionality. I should know, I'm a programmer:P
someone suggested that the match ups be determined by a 'free for all' top players set up on the tier against those coming in with the lower amount of kills....this is our game "official" is going to tell us we "can't" so lets decide on some rules...everything is in pencil until the matches begin.
erm seeding???

(not that i want it cos it means ill automatically be up against someone who pwns me to make sure i dont get thru to the next round ensuring a higher quality tournament.)
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
I dunno, I don't think having a lot of people at once is a great idea because of spammers, but then only having 2 people at once defeats the purpose.

And netniV, how do you KNOW they didn't intentionally make the corner bumpers that way?;)
Well if we were to do it with a few people, it would have to be with 4 at the most. We wouldnt be able to have it so that just one person advances because that would be way too much pressure, it also wouldnt reflect the true pool of talant (the best being put in one teir and the worst in the other). There would also be contreversy over player styles, like spawn rebound killing and the likes. If the top two advanced that would work. But would encounter problems for the finals.
#54 have to remember...this isn't is DM. Deathmatch has different playability than Arena which is why it has it's fans
and haters. One thing you CAN do in DM is utilize the shape and placement of the bumpers and get those triples and doubles. If you
toss 2 people in has just lost it's unique quality and becomes just arena. When i proposed a DM tourney last year, i just figured we'd
have 2 matches with half of all the entrants in each match. If we had 20 peeps sign up. Then 10 would randomly be picked for match 1 and the other
10 get match 2. Let em duke it out in 30 minutes and at the end, you pick the top 5 in each of the 2 matches and have a final match with the remaining 10. THen you have your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

Why is everyone so worried about 'spammers'. That's what people do in DM. The only ones you have to be angry with are the ones who sit behind
the spawn point and decap people when they materialize there. That's the ONLY illegal move in DM.

Stop trying to make this an arena tourney and let it be what it is....Deathmatch. Don't start handicaping everyone with new DM rules. Then it stops being fun and starts being a pain in the ass. Heck, what's next....making low pingers use fakelag to make them equal to the higher pingers?
People who spam the spawn points from across the maps and get 3x hits on people who spawn.

That's also not legal X_X
Count me in ^_^
sorry...but that's legal. EVERYTIME i spawn...i move left or right IMMEDIATELY. If can get hit.
I see people whine about that CONSTANTLY and i say....WELL MOVE DAMMIT when you spawn...they just don't
get it. You have to remember...if you want to get a double on people in the middle of the map...the disc will travel in
the same path to THAT spot as it does to the triple on the far spawn.

Common're changing the dynamics of the game. If this was a 'bug' or illegal item...try to fix it??? Can't fix it can you?

So are we gonna say..." can't shoot into the middle or 15 degrees of center during play. This offends some who are
slow to react"?? Hell, when you spawn you can actually see the disc coming for 1 second usually anyway. I think people who can
survive that are the true ones who need to compete in a best of tourney.

We could always set the speed to slow so no one would get overly killed and get them upset.

This is getting silly.
Just my opinion but I think spamming is very boring. It does take advantage of spawners though. Sure you could try to move to get out of the way and seek safety on the top level, but I don't know about you but when I spawn there are usually people in the way so I can't dodge, or when I spawn I might be looking up for some reason heh. Good point about the layout of the rails though. I believe they are put there to block people from just standing in the center pad and shooting push discs at spawn points. Even if half-life meant for the rails to serve as the purpose you stated, I still wouldn't do it. I feel it takes no work to spam, just have to know where to hit the rail. And I would like to see someone who could dodge a disc that hits you EXACTLY when you spawn, hopefuly the disc hits you into the arrow because that is your only hope. But i'm just a little person, I haven't been here as long as most of you so what do I know ^_^. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

count me in:)

Btw couldn't the matches be played with 4 people in - top 2 after 15mins progress to next round, bottom 2 lose ? Pure DM - and it means i can play cause i won't lag too bad with 4 people:P
No offence Tak but 10 people a match is stupid - you can just spam anywhere and get a kill every shot - 4 people means you have to aim:)
I think powerups should be allowed aswel - with 4 people being in it 1 player can't get all 4 powerups unless they're really good - so they deserve a place if they manage that.
No offence taken. It's a common courtesy to say someone's simple idea fathomed months ago is stupid.
JesusJosephandMary...!!! Now I see why I play CS again....too many bloody girlywinks.

Unsign me PLLLUUEAZZE! See you in the farmer's market on de_Italy guys/gals.

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