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TIER 1 Set up your match here #3
please respond to each other I would like to see the matches set up for the first tiers by next weekend but by the last weekend in February by the latest.
Friday is not really to good for me but i think i can do it
i'm good next weekend
It'll need to be soon guys cuz i'm gone from the 20th to the 29th or sumthing... How about this coming friday between 5:30 pm EST and 11:00 pm EST of the 13th of febuary.
Haha that'd be friday the 13th.. so if you're all supersticious we can also have it on saturday the 14th, between 1 pm and 11 pm EST

Anyways post your times and we'll work sumthing out.. peace!
Friday the 13th after 6:00 EST would work.
Alright then we need all five of us to confirm... Friday the 13th at 6 EST .... Every 1 ok with that?
Yoshi,Feb 11 2004, 01:56 AM Wrote:It'll need to be soon guys cuz i'm gone from the 20th to the 29th or sumthing... How about this coming friday between 5:30 pm EST and 11:00 pm EST of the 13th of febuary.
Haha that'd be friday the 13th.. so if you're all supersticious we can also have it on saturday the 14th, between 1 pm and 11 pm EST

Anyways post your times and we'll work sumthing out.. peace!
have it at 7 EST for me... then you lot will all be still on Fri 13th and I'll be on Sat 14th ;-)
Did you guys have the tourney yet or something, I forgot to check forums for a while :unsure:

Well don't have it too early on a saturday, I wake up late :lol:
I know, I'm confused too...
Make sure you guys get your time correct due to people in differant timezones.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Power and Glory,Feb 14 2004, 04:46 PM Wrote:Make sure you guys get your time correct due to people in differant timezones.
thanks for that 1, we wouldn't have thought of that...
Unfortunatly as i've stated b 4 i'm gone from the 20th to the 29th so we'd have to have our match latest wednesday night... Tuesday is best for me but i dunno if we'll be able to coordinate it in time... Otherwise Wednesday i can... Monday aswell but i doubt we can get it ready that soon.

Here's my availability schedule:
Monday from 6 pm EST to 10 pm EST
Tuesday from 2 pm EST to 10 pm EST
Wednesday from 4 pm EST to 10 pm EST
Thursday (not sure but if i am available it'll be from 5 pm EST to 10 pm EST)
Ok looks like you guys are going to miss Yoshi if you can't get something together this evening?
any chance?
Oh come on, isn't anyone else here other than yoshi and me? :o

I'm available any time (im in PST) as long as I remember to check the forums ^_^
quick is steam only
Well it's too late now guys...i'm leaving friday the 20th and i'll only be back the 29th. Too bad half of you guys never posted for times and never checked he forums and whatnot cuz i woulda liked to have a nice match.. i guess that's not possible. It seems probable taht you guys won't have any date arranged by the 29th so if that happens i'll be able to participate.

Back the 29th... Peace
29th is ok by me you guys going to set it up?
what time?
hey guys i'm in tx. managed to get to a computer, but there's no way i can get to 1 with ricochet.. the 29th does sound good... it'd have to be later in the night though, around 7-11-ish (EST). keep posting and i'll keep reading.


Ps: haha i'm turning into a real american... i've already been to the shooting range ;p
[DTC].ph0 aka yoshi
Quickening moved to steam match

OK looks like the 29th what time?
Any time. Literally.
The 29th is a saturday. I would suggest doing it miday or night, depending on ppls schedules and such.
29th is Sunday.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
26th is thuirsday sooo. . .27 28. . .he's right ya know :P
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Feb 25 2004, 04:24 PM] The 29th is a sunday. I would suggest doing it miday or night, depending on ppls schedules and such.
Thats what i said ^_^
I hate to be such a ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** about my schedule but i'll only be back at home on sunday at 9:45 pm EST so i'll only be able to play after 11 pm EST. I can stay up as long as needed after that though, so if you guys are cool with burning the midnight oil it's all good.

We could try it then, or the day after maybe?
yeah sunday night or the day after...
The date and time for this match is Monday, Febuary 30th 2004 at 5:00 PM EST (10 PM GMT).

If you do not post a response as to why it should be postponed/rescheduled the match will take place. In other words, this is the match time until someone in the tier disagrees with it.
5:00 monday, not on Sunday? ...........

I might be late to the match as I have a class at 4:00-4:50 (sometimes goes over). Please remember to wait for about 5-10 mins after 5:00 for me, thanks:)
The date and time for this match is now Monday, Febuary 30th 2004 at 5:30 PM EST (10:30 PM GMT).

If you do not post a response as to why it should be postponed/rescheduled the match will take place. In other words, this is the match time until someone in the tier disagrees with it.

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