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New Computer
Since last summer I've been planning a new computer for halflife 2. I was going to build it in August, then I didnt need to, and spent that money on a car. Then I figured that march would be the perfect month because it is my birthday, and HL2 was just a month away. Now that it is coming out in the middle of summer, i've lost my patience, and I am ordering it now. Of course, there are other reasons too. First off, all the P4 3.2 ghz prices just dropped by about $100 thanks to the 3.4 coming out. Also, I want to have a new computer for college, so i figure I'll build it with the slow money Im getting from only working part time, rather than the money I'll get this summer for working full time. so here it is:

The case (which I'm actally picking up here at the local pc club store)

the ram (I refuse to build another system with bottleneck inducing generic ram)

the mobo (I usually shy away from abit after an...incident I once had, but a friend of mine has the exact same board and it is great)

The processor (No OEM for me. I'm not going to use the stock heatsync and fan, but instead a nicer, quieter one.)

The video card (This one is still pending though, by the time i order this all (about a week) the 5950 could have already gone down in price.)

the hard-drive (i know im going seagate serial ATA, but i think i can get the price even lower if I keep looking.)

I'm going to stick with my soundblaster live because I like it. otherwise this is about it. what do you guys think?
im jealous...<_<
of a guy who's going to be completely broke for a month:P
I wouldnt leave the house for a month... hmmm, not much has changed :unsure:

I want to build one but need a lot more money, have fun with it sage. :thumb:
my only concern now is what game do i buy to occupy myself till HL2? i want something that will need a real high end system. halo is out, because even though it is real high level, i dont feel like playing it because ive been through the single player, and the multiplayer is kinda boring anymore. It is coming with splinter cell, but i dont think thats gonna last long. Im thinking maybe Knights of the Old Republic. Im usually not an RPG guy, but i want something that will take forever. although ive heard that that game doesnt run well on any system, due to compatability issues. any other high end games coming out soon? Bump mapping is a must.
Ship it to me, I'll put it throught it's paces ;-)
Thanks, but I think I can handle it.
You should get some nice speakers too ^_^
Forget about speakers, 5.1 headphones is what you need.
I actually have my computer hooked up to a 500watt amp with 3 250 watt speakers each with built in subs. technically i need 5 speakers, but it sounds great as is.
Yeah, i've got something like that, but I need a better amp so i can connect 2 more speakers into it. Splinter Cell is really fun, it should last a little while.
The game might, but crank up the sound too much and the speakers won't ;-)
I just ordered the Klipsch promedia 5.1 ultras tonight. After careful consideration, I decided that 750watts and 7 speakers was overkill and the Klipsch's are said to have better clarity. I'll let you guys know how I like them when I get them
What about peripherals? Do you have a mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc. picked out yet?
I recommend the Logitech MX700 cordless, rechargable mouse, I have a logitech cordless mouse and natural keyboard, but I'm putting 2AA batteries in the mouse all the time
Heh, I've just read a whole lot of reviews on Logitech mice... mostly because I'm trying to track down what went wrong with the MouseMan Dual Optical, which is supposed to rival the Razor BoomSlang 2000 (purported to be the best gaming mouse circa '02). So far, it seems to be the Avro Arrow of mice.
Having used optical, it's down to the mouse... some optical are great some aren't. Wireless avoid like the plague because their inherent with problems from signal fluxuations to batteries dying. I know Frito keeps telling me he's stuck coz he's gotta change the batteries... or was that just an excuse for losing at TS ?:)
Actually the MX 700 transmits signals at around 125Hz (like a normal corded USB mouse), whereas most wireless mice go at around 50. It's also rechargable, so unless you literally never stop using it, you won't have a problem.

As for signal fluctuations, no review mentions having any problems. Could be that the mouse can use two frequencies, to cut down on conflict.
Sounds like it might.
well, I've been playing with my Klipsch speakers for a few days and I've lost 90% of my hearing, I highly recommend anyone looking for a 5.1 system to get them. Music sounds killer through them, games are amazing now. They sound better than my Sony home stereo!
I got some new panasonic earphones and its amazing, I can hear the footsteps from right and left and still hear the tv, much clearer.
Wha?,Feb 10 2004, 10:49 PM Wrote:What about peripherals? Do you have a mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc. picked out yet?
this is kind of reverse off topic, but yes, i have an answer to this:

I have a 20 dollar logitech mouse that i love. I've tried more expensive ones, but i always migrate back to this one. It's so symmetrical!

The keyboard is interesting as well. Most people like those fancy ones with the shortcut buttons and the volume etc, but i have those clumsy kind of hands that hit all sorts of things during gaming, so i use a compaq keyboard from an old 486. I nabbed it off a friend. It's great, it has a 10 foot long cord, sounds great when typing, and has no windows button because it was made before, well, windows. Now i dont have to go into windows and disable the button so i dont hit it during games.

these things will stay with me till they break. I also have 6 or 7 ball mice and general keyboards that i have collected over the years from computers that have died, just incase.

but, of course, to top it all off, I do have one of these. I'v abused it for 2 years and it still works like new. Worth the $40 I paid.
is that good for cs or rico? I've only used a keyboard.
well, apparently Fedex is so worried about my satisfaction that they decided to bend the laws of physics and send my motherboard back in time! btw, i use that joystick for freespace, other flight games, and battlefield.

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