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New Clan Proposal
i wore the cDh tag last night but i haven't registered for the cDh forums yet. i'll do so tonight. if there are any objections to my membership, let it be known now...otherwise i'm just going to assume everything is kosher. mm'kay^_^
I waived ya in already .asm, fear not, I'll probably get demoted to ... um.. the same level I'm at now.. no fear:)
hey tak, i registered for the cDh forums and the main page but i'm having problems. when i try to access the forums and login, i get...

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not open PnphpBB2 template config file


Line : 326
File : /home/colddead/public_html/phpbb2/includes/

anyways, i'm the 'guest' who wanted to know why we had to register twice. thanks...
The forum database is totally seperate from the website database. You really DON'T have to sign up for the just gives you some added features. But you need to sign up for the forums or you show up as guest.
I really need to see if I can tie the databases together, but for now...just register for forums.

I just logged into the forum and had no problem. I HAVE seen that message before and it seems to be server related.
I don't pay much for this it's hard for me to complain to these

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