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TIER 1 set up your match here #1
please respond to each other I would like to see the matches set up for the first tiers by next weekend but by the last weekend in February by the latest.
next weekend is fine with me...too bad i'll be advancing and two of you won't. ^_^
I'm not sure about next weekend, I may be going home for Valentine's day... I'll know by tomorrow or wednesday I think though. Pretty much any day of the week is good, as long as I don't have class at the time scheduled.
i'm off this week, so let me know when and ill lock it.
anyone want to play it on Thursday evening or afternoon. as in the 12th.
Thursday night is good for me, and so is friday night, i don't know my work schedule for the weekend yet
Depends on what time thursday... I have a lab starting at 6pm pacific... anything after 10pm would be fine though.
since frooty and asm haven't replied, lets say friday nite after g-boys classes and i'll pm asm and frooty.
yeah, friday night is fine.
friday do me^_^
Then we are decided?

wanna post an announcement?
its friday then, and as soon as g-boy says what time he gets home it is settled. thanks for cooperation
Friday is good, i get out of work at 8:00pm central, so yeah like after 8:30 or so......
Ok good, friday at 9 central, 10 eastern hopefully g can make it.
I'll be there.
i'm gonna go ahead and set the password in 10 min, give everyone enough time to clear out.
I'm sorry, i changed the map to the rc_dm1_tourny map, but then it kicked me out, I hope g-boy and blaze fight it out well. don't know what happened to frooty and asm. I did the download, but it wouldn't even download on its own, weird.
try to d/l from my server and then see if you can get back in and restart
I wasn't extracting it or opening it after i saved. stupid me. but the match was a bust, frooty and asm didn't show. It was me,g-boy and blazed. I'll let the tourny gods decide what to do after reading this whole topic.
i'm really sorry i missed it...i didn't mean to. i've felt very lethargic and have been drifting in and out of sleep all day. i didn't mean to show any disrespect to the players that did show up. i went to lie on my bed and think about some things, fell asleep again and woke up around 10pm mountain...i feel really dissapointed because i've been looking forward to this match all week. if there is any way we can have a new match, and it's okay with everybody, i would like to do that but if not, good luck in round2.:(

i feel really bad right now.
it would be okay for me, but this time it would be up to you and frooty to gather everyone together, otherwise it would stand. but we should wait for the gods to speak.

ps. we really did miss you there, I was hoping there would be someone else for g-boy to shoot at.
jabbahunt,Feb 14 2004, 03:47 AM Wrote:I wasn't extracting it or opening it after i saved. stupid me. but the match was a bust, frooty and asm didn't show. It was me,g-boy and blazed. I'll let the tourny gods decide what to do after reading this whole topic.
Why i wasn't there:
The time of the tourney wasn't posted till like midnight - i was asleep ffs:(
Frooty maybe people don't know your timezone. You should have said something. As a matter of fact everyone in this tourney should look at timezone conflitcs before setting a time. Especially when you have a few from the UK. The match will be rescheduled as Grits wants no forfeits.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
most people know im from UK - my ping says it all. lol:P

So Jab wants me and asm to reschedule since we fecked it up....
Is sunday 8pm GMT ok for everyone? (Think thats about lunch time in america)
yeah, 1pm mountain.....that's fine with me.
Yeah Jabb, Tomorrow
i work 10am-4pm central on sunday.......i see a problem, but anytime after that.
Blazed,Feb 15 2004, 08:21 AM Wrote:i work 10am-4pm central on sunday.......i see a problem, but anytime after that.
:-S you work on a sunday ?? muppet...
and is central 7hrs behind gmt :? if it is we got a bigger problem - ill be asleep by time you finish work =P

any other suggestions for times :?

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