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we are not n00bs
I noticed a week or so ago that our clan dDh was being call a n00b clan by a few people we know. To answer this
statement, I want to reiterate that we are a clan of friends and play to have fun. Why would this make us a n00b clan? I would think a n00b is someone who is new to the game and has no idea what he/she is doing? I would bet the farm that 100 percent of us have been playing CS for years now. Sure we DON'T have tryouts or hold secret dark meetings once a week. This is irrelevant...we are here as a fun option from ricochet, which brought us all together, and it lets us have a common bond.

Let me say that I couldn't be happier to play with the bunch we have here and wouldn't change it for the world. We have some VERY good players and we all have our bad days. As to us being n00bs because we aren't in a league or something....I'll debate that to the fullest extent. I don't see ANY complaints from cDh and that is all that matters. We don't cheat, deride any players or cause problems.
Newb is a misleading word... people will use it for people who aren't as good as they are, regardless of the length they've played. I should be as skilled as say razor or some of the other consistent 4:1+ ratio people, considering I've played since beta 6, I used to spend lots of time practicing with very good players in a clan I used to belong to. I had my moments, where I was unstoppable (I've got screenshots), but for the most part unless I'm in the right situation, I look quite mediocre. I attribute a lot of it to my lack of scoped sniping skill, which is something I've never been good at in any game. All the best players seem to be very proficient at the awp or scout.
I would like to go on record stating as fact " I am a noob".

Thank you very much,.
I said it because a lot of the people in CDH (not all) seem pretty new. And most "real" CS clans are in a league (reason I'm not in any clans, leagues sux), you guys can call yourselves a clan all you want, but you aren't competing against any others, so it's irrelevant. Hell even the small clans in RC compete more than CDH. I consider you guys a team or club, just a group of people from Ricochet that share a tag. I won't call you guys nub anymore if I hurt your feelings so damn much. I get called nub all the time when I play on CAL pubs, I don't let it get to me, those people need to get laid lol.

Oh and...

Quote:All the best players seem to be very proficient at the awp or scout.

Naw, there are quite a few pros that I've seen that use nothing but the m4/AK-47, granted the AK is no longer as powerful and unbalanced as it was in beta7, they prove the AK is still the best gun in the game.
nOob is used as an insult now, even though it shouldnt be. The debates I have watched between two people trying to figure out which one of them is the noob. Then the predictable yet inevitable evolution to sexual orientation and then eventually to what you do with your mother. :wacko:

I really dont care what people call me. Of course being an admin helps :lol: I only get upset when I am in those off days like you said tak. We have some skilled players in our clan, and they are getting better everyday. We are really helping each other out and we are all getting much better. Those people who call us noobs, we will be as good as them in a month or two.
No doubt acid, and I definitely believe the AK is the best gun (although I'm starting to fall in love with that clarion thing, if it was only a bit more powerful...), but my point was that the best players are still proficient with scoped rifles, whether they use them or not. I think it helps with other aspects of the game, aim and timing... I think there is a limit to my skill, my reaction time is not as good as people who can snipe with scoped rifles.
You didn't hurt anyone's feeling was just that this conversation was a little quick and harsh:

I paraphrase from that night on the server:

" Player: Hey...can I join your clan cDh?
acid_head: They are a n00b clan."

So if we start making this 'organized' and sign up for some league like OGL (I hate OGL), then we are legit in your definition?
You mean all we have to do is sign up to be leet? Thats sweet, last place here i come.
I said "they're a nub clan heh" because the dude seemed rather skilled, and was more than likely looking for a clan involved in a league or clan wars, it was more of a note than an insult. No, I'm not saying a clan needs to be in a league for me to define them as a clan, I'm saying they have to compete against other clans or people from other clans, like RiP has matches with their members against others, etc. The competition has to be there somehow. Why put a tag on if it doesn't really mean anything? That's why I don't "join" CDH (yes I was asked), I'm a regular on VAD's anyway, it's just the same if I had the tag on or not.

Hope this made some sense ^_^
Well...we TRIED to match against our first clan Lw and they never replied back.

I actually wanted to get you to join us acid..but you probably wouldn't do that.
Tak the Cruel,Feb 18 2004, 10:09 AM Wrote:I would bet the farm that 100 percent of us have been playing CS for years now. Sure we DON'T have tryouts or hold secret dark meetings once a week. This is irrelevant...we are here as a fun option from ricochet, which brought us all together, and it lets us have a common bond.
so . .are you gonna give me the farm now or later?
SWAU challenged us (cDh) to a scrim by the way. i said i would ask the others and see if we are up to it. we'll lose big, but it will be good for us.

Quote:I consider you guys a team or club
i'm fine with that. to me that sounds better anyways cause i have no interest in doing the work to be truly great at cs...i'm not that big on the game itself, just the people i play with. so, we are the cDh club....coolio julio. the more i think about it, the more i like it. so, why call us a noob clan if you don't even think we are an actual clan?...i thought the apple pie i had the other day was awful but i didn't call it 'shitty ice cream'.

speaking of rico competition...i crave more. that was kind of fun having matches back in the day with uT. it would be nice to fight some cake guys or vvv peeps and prove that when it comes to arena, RiP is still RiP and that's all that needs to be said. seriously, it was great calling people out and picking fights with the uT crew for that short while while maintaining that level of respect and sportsmanship. and i think that uT was severely overpowered by us at that time (no offense) and it could be even more interesting now.

until that happens, i'll enjoy being a member of the RiP club.:)
Yeah no bias at all in that post .asm :lol:
calls asm out to fight jabba's clan of 1.
I joined Lw because I knew they were noobs and they wouldnt expect much from me and that is why I joined cDh, when they expect me to improve, I will rejoin my clan of one, but until then I love being in cDh because people that join our server know that we are all buddys and they dont pick on anyone of us becuase of that and for that I think it is a cool club. :thumb:
.asm,Feb 19 2004, 01:43 AM Wrote:i thought the apple pie i had the other day was awful but i didn't call it 'shitty ice cream'.
welll, apple pie isn't really the best ice cream. . i mean for one thing. . it's not ice cream.
FreeFall,Feb 19 2004, 09:26 PM Wrote:
.asm,Feb 19 2004, 01:43 AM Wrote:i thought the apple pie i had the other day was awful but i didn't call it 'shitty ice cream'.
welll, apple pie isn't really the best ice cream. . i mean for one thing. . it's not ice cream.
I cant believe you guys have stumbled upon a cash cow without even realizing it.
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Feb 19 2004, 06:47 PM]
FreeFall,Feb 19 2004, 09:26 PM Wrote:
.asm,Feb 19 2004, 01:43 AM Wrote:i thought the apple pie i had the other day was awful but i didn't call it 'shitty ice cream'.
welll, apple pie isn't really the best ice cream. . i mean for one thing. . it's not ice cream.
I cant believe you guys have stumbled upon a cash cow without even realizing it.

and to all else: PATENT PENDING!!! er COPYRIGHT umm. . . ya
post closed got a wee bit off topic dont cha think?^_^

btw apple pie ice cream
I knew my idea was too good to be true. I'll just have to stick with my idea about making a sugary cold drink with lemons. I think i'll call it cold sugary drink with lemons, it just rolls of the tounge and into your heart.
I'd like 4 gallons of of your sugary drink with lemons. . .btw. . NICE closed post!:P
:lol:damn I was gonna close it and forgot
let me try again:wacko:

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