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good game had by all
This is the final score for our tier. It was qute fun and challengeing.

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lol yea gg what a work out for my hand lol too bad the screen shot got the I SUCK I should have put my SHIEZER up lol oh well:)
Damn why did i have to get the tough dm people.:P GL on your later matches and GG.
I would have edited that out of I had a better program then paint. It was a very difficicult teir, i still cant belive I managed to get ahead and stay ahead of rUsh. I think I only have managed to do that once or twice when i have played with him and we joined at similar times ect. I think i just got lucky and managed to get a few kills at the right time.
The match was awesome to watch and it may be something we should have a lottery for 3 players to watch the finals....but I diverge....this match was exceptional
[CAKE]rUsh took an early and commanding lead while Dragon Lady and [CAKE]anonymity fought for 2nd back and forth for the first few minutes...rUsh's mouse must have fallen asleep as he slipped to 3rd and anon took control of the lead never looking back. With the clock ticking rUsh and DL fought it out for second place...Wanksta put up a good fight but it seemed that everyone's disk had his name on it, he got in some great shots but it was not enough to carry him to the second round.
thanks all for a great match

post script 16 was unable to play this match because he no longer has won access
i bet GRITS works as a sports announcer on the side. . .
Congrats :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:... Now to get crackin on my research paper :unsure:
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

YEA BABY you know it I mean indeed since this was my first tourney thingy but I had fun oh and HAH to all who said that one day trying to make me feel bad whatever crackhead name u were hope you see I came in 3rd and that's DAMN good for me being a women and playing against the cakes. Sorry I hope those guys go to the forum who ever they were picking on me abit ago. I'm happy to have played with such wonderful sweet guys and wanksta bless his sweetheart was really happy going after i'm just really lucky to have met all you wonderful peeps in rc that give rtespect. I guess i'm just use to the crap talk I use to get from crackheads in cs or other mods I have played:).

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