Poll: What is your #1 life priority?
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5 21.74%
Philosophical Beliefs
9 39.13%
6 26.09%
1 4.35%
2 8.70%
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Life Priorities
I just want to get an idea, I'm sure you all were asked this same question at some point. Along with your number 1 priority, I'd like to get a rank of your top 5 in your responses, and if you want, an explanation why (brief or long, doesn't matter to me).

Some notes: First, interpret philosophical beliefs as you wish... for many I'm sure it would be religion, for agnostics and atheists it's probably morals/philosophies/politics, whichever is more important. For example, I'm an agnostic and I adhere to some philosophical beliefs borrowed from some eastern philosophy, western writers, and my own ideas. And possibly it would be politics for PIX, because I know that's important to him (I won't presume it's MOST important). Maybe even patriotism or advancement of fellow man. Be creative if you want:D

You may also think career/money are almost the same, but I don't mean like career income. I mean like how important your work is to you, how much you'd like to advance it, or how much you'd like to maintain it. Many doctors/researchers would make career a high priority. By money I simply mean how important money is to you, and that could involve how much income you get with a job.

One more note, for friends, these can be platonic or significant others. I believe a spouse/significant other can be the ultimate friend... so maybe "girl/boyfriend or wife/husband" can be replaced with friends, but I see it as a large group. For me, it's my girlfriend and close friends, not so much acquaintances, but for many it could be everyone they associate with.

As for the rank of my priorities, they are in the same order as I put the poll. I do put friends ahead of family only because I am extremely close with my close friends, and I'd easily sacrifice myself for them without much thought. I'd probably do the same for my family, but I am simply not close with many of them, and it's not a particularly large family (many have huge families and attending reunions and parties and birthdays are very important). My philosophical beliefs are very important to me, I think it's important to understand purpose and have morals.

Career and money are both huge for me, but I can't put them ahead of the other 3. Career is important for me because as many know I am in college and aspiring to get a post-graduate degree, hopefully a doctorate, some day, and I want to do important work (PM/IM/email me if you're curious about this). Money is important to me because I believe in the capitalist system (although it needs modifications) as part of human nature, and I know this means money to make one comfortable. I'd also like my family to live in a comfortable environment, ie if I have children some day. That's life.

Go forth!
family, cus they will always be "family" but friends come and go.
I voted friends. Which inludes a significant other. If you have a lover who teats you like you deserve to be treated then it makes coming home from a bad day, or all your hardships in life worth it. Any close friends I have I value a lot. I'll include a few people you guys should know and thats wha and rUsh. I know these guys in real life and always enjoy going out with them. The group of guys I go camping with (wha being one of them) is a great group of guys and I always enjoy spending time with them.

Family would be next. I have shared some of the hardest times of my life with them and we all helped each other get through it. My next goal would be to consider a significant other part of family.

I think right now i would put money above my carrer because, I'm working in a grocery store right now. I know when i go back to school and eventually get through it and get a job as a cop, i will put my carreer above money. Being a cop is something you do as a calling, its not a job that you do for money.

There is the old saying money cant buy happiness. I know I can make people happy without spending any money.

I'm not too sure where my philisphical/political belifs stand. Its something I value, deffinatley not as much as family or friends, but value enough to fight for it.
I voted philosophical beliefs because in the end all you're left with is your thoughts.

4)Career, money
Good ol' selfish me, I voted for money.
I'd like to change my 3 and 4 around <_<
fritoman,Feb 25 2004, 06:51 PM Wrote:family, cus they will always be "family" but friends come and go.
I would iterate that in the exact reverse.
1. philosophical beliefs-pretty much for the same reason as ff, you are nothing with out your beliefs.
2. friends-because half my friends i've know for 1/2 my life and we have been through some tough shit that no one should experience.
3. family-never really got along with my family, but they are my family and i wouldn't have the badass things that i did now(like a roof over my head)
4. money- never really been a big problem for me so.....(but i would trade it all for a little more)
5. career- im working on it
1. God
2. Family
3. Politics
4. Career

I believe in god.
I love my family very much cuz their always there for me.
We are nothing without someone who we can care about and who cares about us.
My career is pretty important cuz being a Pediatrician/FireFighter (Which im gonna be) involves saving lives and thats what i like to do, help people.
Money isnt very important cuz if you have god, family, and friends, and u help people u will be happy. Some may feel different but i care very much for others.
You gonna be a children's doctor AND a firefighter at the SAME time???

Gonna be a busy person you are!!
I said career first. I'm still young, so I have the rest of my life after I get started in the career.
PIX,Feb 27 2004, 07:57 AM Wrote:You gonna be a children's doctor AND a firefighter at the SAME time???

Gonna be a busy person you are!!
Im just gonna be a volunteer firefighter until i go full time into pedeatrics and settle down.:)
1. music
2. beer
3. friends
4. career (as either a musician or a chemist of some type if the music doesnt work out.)

until theres a music or beer option im not gonna vote:)
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
Well... if YOU are doing the music, or involved in the process, I can see music as an option, probably under "career." If you're just talking about listening to music, then I don't consider it a priority... same with beer, tastes like shit.
Music can be inredibly therapeutic. A pair of headphones can tune out anything outside them.
Not disputing that anon, but I don't view listening to music as a life priority...
Would "hobby" count as one?
Families not even on the list for you huh...
I got no prob with family not being on the list... some people aren't close with their families or they have bad parents or something... nothing wrong with admitting that, if I had a shitty family I wouldn't consider them a priority or feel obliged to love them.
what im sorta kinda pointing out is that i DONT HAVE any real life priorities and i am more than happy to drift along, at least for the next five years or so. the whole playing music in a band thing is what i say in the same way a six yr old would say he wanted to be a firefighter or an astronaut, it doesnt realy mean anything.

But then, listening to music can be a life priority, as anyone who has listened to gwarsbane dreaming about going to a gwar gig someday will know.....
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
Trust me...the older you get...the more those priorites change. As a young person, you feel like you have little if any priorities or you have very materialistic ones. Once you mature, you start focusing on others. Once you get even older, you start to realize that you aren't guaranteed another day on this planet and you find out how little those original priorities meant.
1. Philosophical Beliefs - (Being a Christian, I consider God&Son both my number one.)

2. Family&Friends - (Well, aside from loving my family, it seems to me that anyone that I would actually call friend
is good enough to be family for me. Hell, most of you guys are. Then again, if I ever meet
the girl who would be my love interest, you guys'll have to just learn to take backseat Level 2
priority. :lol: Whatev.)

3. Art - (For me, art means music, writing, and drama. I very well may go mad if this priority can't be
fed regularly.)

4. Career - (--- This line under construction --- Yeah, still pretty undecided, but it's up there and I think
about it from time to time.)

5. Money - (Whatev...I either have it or I don't.)

Hahah, cheers! :P
Glad to see another Christian SoulEvan. :thumb:
My parents had very christian up bringings, ironically enough all the kids on both sides of the family never go to church.

My reliougus beliefs are kind of odd, i belive in the afterlife and god, but if he/she/it is so incredible how would we as humans be able to describe it. I dont think we could, at least not in a relgious sense. So all i do is try to be a good person so i make it to heaven.
1. To crush my enemies
2. See them driven before me
3. To hear the lamentation of their women
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
Anon....if you can find a Bible....you might want to read Titus 3:5.
Just good acts might fail you.
Well, I think being a good human being in general and having moral values should be enough if there is a God and afterlife. For example, let's say the monotheisms got it right, then I think good people will go to heaven. Lots of religious people tend to disagree and say unless someone has faith in their religion (evidently it MUST be the religion of whomever is talking), then they go to hell or something like that. I have to think that God wouldn't be such an ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** as to send good people to hell just because they were agnostic or atheist.

If we are His creations, then he should realize that many intellectuals of his creation would not believe in him, just because they have a mind structured to needing proof, not working on faith. That's not the person's fault, they should not be punished. Not that I'm arguing with God or anything, just the dogmas behind many religions. Although, if I did encounter God and discover that he was only letting baptized Catholics into heaven, then I would love to argue with him, most likely the end of the argument telling him to kiss my ass.
They have, but why let that stop me from being a good person? It wants you to exercise some cation, rather then try to help everyone because they might burn you. Thats what i try to do.
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